My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 108: Yu You's family's Hai clan legion is also together with Zhang Shou


When Yu You heard that she was pregnant, she still couldn't believe it. After all, she had tried so many times with no results.

She is the only sea clan left in the world, so she desperately wants to reproduce. Gently placing his hand on his flat belly, feeling the rhythm of new life in his body, Yu You suddenly felt the urge to cry.

She hugged Lu Jingyi suddenly and laughed happily, her eyes sparkling.

Due to pregnancy, the honeymoon trip of the two was naturally cancelled. When Chu Lanxin heard the news, she immediately wanted to help Yu You hire an experienced confinement nanny, but she refused.

The pregnancy was less than a month old and it basically didn't affect their daily lives. Neither Yu You nor Lu Jingyi liked having outsiders appear in their lives.

Lu Jingyi quickly stepped into the role of an expectant father. He spent most of the day with Yu You, studying technical topics together, formulating nutritional recipes for pregnant women, preparing baby supplies, and often went for walks on the beach, or went out to play or dive in the sea. His life was peaceful and warm.

Seeing Yu You's belly getting bigger day by day, Lu Jingyi became more and more cautious in doing things, fearing that she would bump into her. He went to the hospital for regular check-ups every week and talked more.

Chu Lanxin came to visit from time to time, and would bring her best friends with her to show off without leaving a trace, as if she was proud of her daughter-in-law.

Except for falling asleep once, Yuyou never had any other abnormal reactions. However, as the due date approached, she became more and more fond of soaking in sea water.

The ocean is where life originated, and her baby was conceived in the ocean. When she was 7 months pregnant, she felt a strong urge to return to the sea.

One night, while she was sleeping, she suddenly disappeared into Lu Jingyi's arms, and not even Long Ming's energy could stop her.

Lu Jingyi was nervous at first, but then quickly calmed down, put on his diving equipment, and dived into the sea alone. While taking care of Yu You, he also found that he had become a little different. In the past, he only had an inexplicable closeness to the sea, but recently, he always felt as if he could survive in the sea.

He thought that this change was due to Yu You's influence. Instead of rejecting it at all, he was very happy. Because this change allows him to dive in the sea for a longer time, and his swimming skills also improve by leaps and bounds.

After going into the sea, Lu Jingyi didn't even wear a breathing mask and groped alone in the dark environment, feeling peaceful in his heart. Slowly, he seemed to be able to feel everything around him, and his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness and could see different scenery.

A familiar breath seemed to pull him, pointing him in the direction.

I don’t know how long I swam, but a soft halo of light appeared in the distance, oval-shaped, like an egg of light. Thousands of marine creatures gathered around the light egg, and the scene was spectacular.

Lu Jingyi quickened his speed, his legs brought up a long virtual tail, and he was in front of Guang Dan in an instant. A huge aura surged out, with the power of a king, quickly spreading in all directions, powerfully clearing the area, turning a radius of several hundred meters into a vacuum zone.

Little fish…

In the middle of the light egg, there is a figure curled up, eyes closed, long hair lightly tangled, it is his beloved wife.

Lu Jingyi's body shone with light blue light, condensing into a huge dragon shadow, wrapping the light egg, protecting it airtight.

The night gradually faded, and when the first ray of sunlight hit the bottom of the sea, Yu You finally opened his eyes. Seeing Lu Jingyi guarding her, she didn't show the slightest surprise on her face. She just said softly: Take me to the hospital.

An hour later, Yu You was sent to the delivery room. After a difficult delivery process, their child was finally born smoothly.

A powerful cry announced her arrival, and at that moment, there seemed to be a salty smell in the air.

"Congratulations to Mr. Lu, mother and daughter are safe." The nurse held the child and congratulated her.

Lu Jingyi's face showed the happiest smile in his life.

It wasn't until the day after Yu You gave birth that he notified Chu Lanxin. Chu Lanxin, who missed the birth of the child, had been nagging him for a long time.

The child was very healthy, but within three days the tenderness of a newborn baby had faded away, and the skin had turned a beautiful milky white color. On the back of her neck, there was a diamond-shaped birthmark like Yuyou's, and there was a pale white crescent in the soles of her two feet.

This child inherited the bloodline of both the Hai Clan and Long Ming.

Yuyou gave her a cute nickname: Langlang.

After five days of recuperation in the hospital, Lu Jingyi returned to the villa with his daughter and one daughter. He showed off his daughter in fancy ways every day. His cute appearance made people hate him.

Hundreds of tables of Langlang's full-moon wine were set up, and the Lu family's relatives, friends, business partners, and the royal family and nobles of country F all sent congratulatory gifts. Lu Jingyi and Yu You felt grateful and donated 10 million to charity.

Langlang is cute and smart, with a pair of big black eyes. He always looks at the world curiously and is not afraid of life at all. But she is a bit picky. If she likes you, she will smile happily; if she doesn't, she will have a cold face.

Other than that, Langlang is no different from any other kid.

But not long after, Lu Jingyi discovered that he was completely wrong.

One night, he got up in the middle of the night to drink water. When he passed the crib, he glanced at it out of habit, only to find that the baby on the bed was missing!

There were railings all around the crib, making it impossible for a two-month-old baby to climb out. Lu Jingyi still bent down and searched around the ground, but found no sign of her.

"Xiaoyu, it's bad, Langlang is gone!" Lu Jingyi shook Yuyou awake.

Yu You rubbed his eyes and looked at the crib next to him. A glimmer of light flashed in his pupils, and there were still a few winding breaths in the air.

"Don't worry, she's fine." Yu You said as he put on his pajamas, "I'll bring her back."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole person turned into bubbles and disappeared into the room.

Lu Jingyi, who was left alone: "..."

It’s hard to describe how I feel when I have a wife who can disappear at any time and a daughter who can disappear at any time.

Just as Yu You expected, Langlang awakened the blood of the sea clan and ran into the sea unconsciously in his sleep.

When Yu You found her, she was lying on the back of a sperm whale, a small ball, with her limbs spread wide, sleeping completely without any discomfort.

Yu You poked her face with his finger, waking her up unceremoniously.

Langlang opened his eyes and looked at his mother aggrievedly. He was about to cry out in protest when he suddenly saw a large shimmering jellyfish behind Yu You, which was as dazzling as fireworks in the sky.

She had a big mouth and a dull look on her face.

The originally dark world became colorful in the blink of an eye, as if it had been enchanted. Dots of silver shimmered in the water waves. Various marine creatures swam by in front of my eyes. A few small fish pecked their mother's cheeks. Skin, playing and chasing in her hair.

Lang Lang stretched out his little hand, trying hard to touch something.

Yu You held her in his arms and took her to swim in the sea, watching the beautiful scenery under the sea and getting close to the fish.

Langlangle went crazy, stretched out his arms, and kept blowing bubbles from his mouth. He didn't notice that his mother had let him go, and he was swimming alone in the water with his short legs.

Her muscles and bones have not yet fully grown, and she cannot even support her body, but in the sea, she can control the buoyancy to help herself move. She has mastered the basic skills of the sea tribe without the guidance of others.

Two hours later, Yuyou returned to the villa with Langlang, who was tired from playing.

The big one and the little one were all wet, which made Lu Jingyi angry and funny.

In the days to come, the waves would often disappear at night, and a person would run into the sea to play. If you are young and ignorant, you can still control it. But when you get older, you may go to heaven.

When Langlang was one year old, Lu Jingyi felt that he could not go on like this.

"Xiaoyu, let's have another one!" This is the result of someone's careful consideration.

Give Langlang a younger brother and sister. At least he will have a companion when he goes out to roam in the future, so that he will not accidentally be eaten by some wild beast one day.

Yu You felt that Lu Jingyi's worries were completely unnecessary. Is there any beast in the world more powerful than Long Ming? Didn't he realize that when he went into the sea, even the sharks stayed away from him

However, she didn't have any objection to having another baby. It is difficult for the sea tribe to have children. Even if they mate in the sea, the pregnancy rate may not be high.

However, this time it was Yu You who made a mistake. After she and Lu Jingyi had their second deep sea play, she became pregnant again, with twins.

Yu You finally got the reproduction skills of the Sea Clan. If he doesn't control it, he will probably be able to build a Sea Clan army in the future.

In order to avoid overpopulation, Yuyou even remains male for a long time, and will only change back when feeding. This practice leads to someone often shamelessly competing for milk with his own children...

In eight years, Yu You gave birth to a total of four children, two boys and two girls. The family lived a long life and became the perfect family envied by countless netizens and fans.

Over the years, the topic about Yuyou's family has never stopped. Someone posted several photos on the Internet of figures suspected to be Yuyou appearing on the bottom of the sea, claiming that they are a mermaid clan. Not many people believed this rumor, and it ended up being nothing.

When Langlang was 16 years old, Lu Jingyi left the company to her and her younger siblings, bought an island with Yu You, and lived a fairy-like retirement life. This cultivation lasted for hundreds of years...

(Full text completed)

The author has something to say: This article is finished, thank you for your support.

Next, I plan to write a sand sculpture article worth about 200,000 yuan. The title of the book is "My soul will leave the body every day when I sleep". The address is: /?novelid=4066821. Welcome to pre-order.

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