My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 31: Pick the fish


In the end, Lu Jingyi got up first, because he thought that Yu You under the quilt should be naked at the moment. Compared with his own situation, it was more convenient, as long as he spread the quilt.

When he walked into the bathroom, Lu Jingyi couldn't help but think to himself, if he suddenly pretended to be joking and lifted Xiaoyu's quilt... he would probably be beaten.

After Lu Jingyi closed the bathroom door, Yu You immediately got up from the bed, picked up the clothes, and put them on one by one. He felt that something was wrapped in his hair. He raised his hand and pulled off a handful of seaweed.

Yu You: "..." When she enters the sea in her sleep, she may not always be awake. Sometimes even she herself doesn't know what she has experienced in the sea.

After she fell asleep last night, she put it on out of habit. She noticed something was wrong while half asleep, and put it back on wetly. Fortunately, she put it on not on the bed but in the bathroom, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get the bed. Then... Then she seemed to have taken off her pajamas, wrapped herself in a bath towel, and ran back to bed to continue sleeping.

Yu You looked heavy and began to reflect deeply. He obviously underestimated the temptation of the sea to him.

It seems that I should change to a separate room tomorrow, otherwise it would be embarrassing if I just wear it directly on Lu Jingyi's bed next time.

When Lu Jingyi walked into the bathroom, he saw the pajamas thrown in the bathtub at a glance. He reached out to pick them up, and the water dropped down. He was sure that he never heard the sound of flushing in the middle of the night last night, otherwise he would have been woken up. So, how did this pajamas get wet

Snap, a group of objects fell out of the pajamas. When he looked down, he saw it was a pair of blue pure cotton underwear.

Lu Jingyi: "..."

Thinking about it carefully, the little fish seems to like blue very much...

"Ah!" Yu You suddenly woke up in the bedroom. The pajamas he took off were still in the bathtub. Would Lu Jingyi feel strange when he saw it? (Lu: Yes.)

Not long after, Lu Jingyi walked out of the bathroom, looked at Yu You who was neatly dressed, and said, "I've washed it."

"Oh." Yu You felt a little relieved when he saw that there was no abnormality on his face, got up and walked towards the bathroom.

She found that her pajamas had been put into the basket, along with her underwear.

Yu You: "..." For the first time, I feel that as a female, I shouldn't throw away my underwear in front of a male.

After washing up, the two of them made a tacit agreement not to mention the bed. Pack up and go out for breakfast together.

Before leaving, Lu Jingyi called for room service and asked them to come over and change the sheets and clean out the out-of-date things.

Today is the first day of the preliminary round. After having breakfast, Yu You and Lu Jingyi rushed to the competition venue: Xiangrun Stadium.

There are a total of 42 contestants in this competition, coming from twelve cities. Although the established quota is 50 people, several of them were unable to participate due to various reasons. In addition to the contestants, there were also representatives from the organizers Iwaun Association and Mirror Photography Club as well as invited media reporters.

Hundreds of people gathered in the spacious gymnasium, but it didn't seem noisy. We are all good at keeping fish, so we know not to make too much noise to avoid frightening the fish.

On the right side of the gymnasium, there are 8 fish tanks, each with 100 fry. But there are only 600 real Luohan fry in total, 200 of which are miscellaneous fish used to confuse the contestants.

In the middle of the gymnasium, there are 42 aquariums standing neatly, each with a number on it, corresponding to a different contestant.

The first event of the competition is to select fry. There are several types of Luohan fry that have almost the same appearance before they appear, making it difficult to distinguish them. Contestants must first eliminate miscellaneous fish. If they choose the wrong one, corresponding points will be deducted. The second step is to identify the strains of Luohan fry. Among the ten fry selected by the contestants, they must contain more than three strains. The more strains, the higher the score.

After the selection is completed, the contestants must predict the type of fry in advance and record it to the referee as the scoring standard for the second round of the competition.

In the end, it depends on the contestants’ breeding results, and the scores are based on the survival rate and grade of Luohan fish.

Yu You's arrival did not attract much attention because most people had never seen her.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, all 42 contestants signed in. Representatives of the organizer introduced the competition rules and precautions as well as the list of contestants in detail.

Several well-known experts in the circle naturally attracted much attention. When Yu You's name was announced, it also attracted the attention of many people. She stood in the crowd, wearing sportswear and carrying a small backpack. She looked inconspicuous, far less present than the man next to her. If it were not confirmed that Yu You is a woman, everyone might think that this man is the contestant.

After the introduction, the organizer's representative announced that the competition had officially begun. The contestants had one day to select fry. The entire process was followed and filmed by reporters and under internal surveillance.

The contestants did not pick fish immediately, but found their own aquariums and checked environmental factors such as water temperature, pH, lighting, and bottom sand. This is the difference between professional players and amateur players. Before raising fish, they usually create a good living environment for the fish.

Yu You also checked his aquarium, and after making sure there was no problem, he went to the fry area to select fish.

Lu Jingyi followed her quietly, paying attention to her every move.

Yu You squatted beside a fish tank, picked up a plastic scoop, and slowly dipped into the water. Then she saw a group of fry swimming over and jumping into her scoop. They were so crowded that they couldn't even hold it in, and they kept going. Overflowing, stirring up layers of water, as if shouting: Choose me, choose me, choose me!

Other contestants who were preparing to catch fish but didn’t catch any: (⊙Д⊙)! what's the situation

Yu You smiled slightly.

Under normal circumstances, her sea aura can be completely restrained, but as long as any part of her body comes into contact with water, the creatures in the water will feel it.

Yuyou flipped the water ladle and poured out all these guys. After waiting for a while, they reluctantly dispersed.

The scene just now was not photographed by reporters, but the nearby contestants could see it clearly and were still in shock for a long time.

Yu You ignored them, put her left hand on the water tank, and tapped the tank wall with one finger. After a while, twenty or thirty fry swam to her one after another, swimming happily in circles in the water.

Yu You picked up the water ladle again and scooped out twelve fish fry. Each contestant could only pick ten fry, so she pushed two of them back into the water. The fry just fell into the water and jumped back into the water: Don't abandon us! (;Д`)!

Yu You: "..."

Contestants still watching: "..."

Yuyou picked off two more and quickly collected the scoop. Then he saw the fry jumping into the air and then falling back into the water helplessly.

Unsuccessful fry: ╥﹏╥I will never love again!

Yuyou put the selected fry into the bucket and took a look at their varieties. There were four types of pearls, horsetails, desas and flower horns, which were enough.

This game was not difficult for her, so she didn’t strive for perfection and just let everything happen. The twenty or so fry that showed the sharpest performance just now basically have no problems with their quality.

She probably chose the fastest fish in the first competition. Competitors have one day to screen their fry, and those found to be of poor quality can be replaced immediately.

Yuyou sent the fry she selected into the aquarium, and then checked the bait. The baits prepared by the organizers are all popular brands, which can only ensure the survival needs of the fish and cannot meet the high-quality breeding conditions. Participants can prepare or purchase other baits according to their own needs.

Yuyou plans to use natural bait. In the seedling stage, he will mainly feed brine shrimp, and there is no need to play extra tricks.

Not far away, Lu Jingyi was focused on Yu You's movements and didn't notice that his figure was captured by a photographer.

The photographer was about forty years old and his name was Fang Jun. He was a reporter for an entertainment magazine and a member of the Mirror Photography Club. Originally he had no interest in participating in the shooting of this competition, but now he unexpectedly discovered a powerful person.

Lu Jingyi, the heir to the Lu Group and known as the youngest scientific research genius in the country, suddenly disappeared five years ago!

Unexpectedly, such a character would appear in a small Luohan fish competition venue!

Fang Jun followed his line of sight and shifted the camera to Yu You on the other side.

This girl seems to be called "Yu You". What is her relationship with Lu Jingyi? Is Lu Jingyi’s disappearance related to her

Fang Jun's eyes shone with excitement, feeling as if he had found big news.

At this time, Lu Jingyi seemed to realize something and turned his head to look in Fang Jun's direction. Two sharp eyes searched back and forth among the crowd, but failed to find the target. However, Fang Jun was startled, and he quickly withdrew his sight and hid in the darkness.

Lu Jingyi frowned and turned his gaze to Yu You again.

Yu You’s preliminary tasks have basically been completed. She took out a tiny camera from her pocket and installed it next to the water tank, and then stuck the mobile phone connected to the camera under the fish tank.

She plans to record the breeding process in detail, make an album, and upload it to Weibo.

The on-site shooting can only give a general view and cannot capture every change of the fish in detail.

After doing all this, Yu You checked it again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he walked to Lu Jingyi and invited him to watch the competition of other contestants.

"Have you made your choices?" Lu Jingyi asked.

"Well, it's almost done. I'll be fine if I go to the market in the afternoon to buy some brine shrimp." Yu You replied lightly, his eyes wandering around the venue, paying attention to every move of the other contestants.

She found that some so-called "experts" seemed to be unworthy of their reputation. They even recognized miscellaneous fish, and one of them actually picked three fish! Although the appearance is indeed very similar, the error rate is too high!

Fortunately, most of the contestants were real, and Yu You watched with great interest.