My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 34: Hello aunt, goodbye aunt


"Aren't you afraid of being discovered by reporters when you live here?" Yu You asked while tidying up the guest room.

"As long as I don't go out, they won't notice." Lu Jingyi replied nonchalantly.

Yu You looked up at him: "Aren't you going out?"

She is very aware of Lu Jingyi's condition. She doesn't watch TV, use computers, or play with mobile phones. She stays at home and has almost no other entertainment except reading and playing chess. Such a closed life is similar to being in jail.

Lu Jingyi saw concern on her face and chuckled: "Don't worry about me. I've gotten used to it in 5 years. In the first year, I didn't even leave the ward. Even if I had to go out, I would be accompanied by medical staff."

Yuyou couldn't imagine what it was like to be confined in a narrow space, like a fish in a fish tank. But unlike humans with developed brains, they do not have too many complex thoughts. As long as they have a living space and sufficient food, they are satisfied.

Hearing what he said, Yu You couldn't help but feel soft. She originally planned to ask him how long he would stay, but now he changed his mind and said, "My place is relatively simple. If you need anything, just tell me."

"Thank you, I will pay the rent." Lu Jingyi took out all the cash in his wallet and put it on the bedside table, then fiddled with the empty wallet and said with a smile, "From now on, I will leave my food and daily life to you."

Yu You glanced at him helplessly and said: "I usually get up at 8 o'clock in the morning to have breakfast, and then open the shop. If you want to eat, you can make a menu for me. Except for my bedroom, other rooms in the house can be entered and exited at will. If you have anything to do when you go out, say hello to me in advance, and I will tell you when I go out.”

"Okay." Lu Jingyi had no objection.

"That's about it for now. There are other things that need attention. We'll talk about it later." Yu You picked up the stack of money on the bedside table and counted it carefully, "I charge you a total of 12,300 yuan. I will record every purchase on time. ”

Now it was Lu Jingyi's turn to be helpless. Xiaoyu's strict character was really cute and hateful.

In fact, if Lu Jingyi didn't take out the money, Xiaoyu might not talk to him about money, but since he did, he should act according to the rules. This time, he was clever but was mistaken for his cleverness, and it was unnecessary.

By the time he realized his mistake, Yu You had already left.

After returning to the room, Yu You took off his nightgown, threw himself on the swimming bed, and plunged into the sea. In the sea, like a dolphin, she can sleep alternately between her left and right brains, swimming slowly while sleeping. Compared with land filled with air, she can rest better surrounded by sea water.

The next day, Yuyou returned to the room refreshed, took a shower, changed clothes, and then went downstairs to make breakfast.

"Good morning." Lu Jingyi came to the kitchen and looked at Yu You who was busy with soft eyes.

Yu You turned around, his clear eyes flashing with a little bit of light, making people think of the silver water droplets thrown up by the fish's tail for a moment.

Lu Jingyi was sure that she had taken a shower in the morning. Only when she had been exposed to water could she shine so brightly.

"Good morning, did you sleep well last night?" Yu You asked with a smile.

"Very good." This was not polite. Lu Jingyi's sleep quality was indeed good last night.

Yuyou brought breakfast to the table, rice porridge, steamed buns, eggs and pickles, simple and plain, just like her.

"By the way, I'm going to Yanyun tomorrow." Yu You suddenly said, "Can you help me look at the store?"

"What?" Lu Jingyi was thinking about how to deepen his relationship with her in the past few days, and suddenly he heard her say that she was going out tomorrow and didn't plan to take him with her!

"It's not convenient for you to go out recently, so I went alone this time." Yu You said thoughtfully, "There are ingredients in the refrigerator, you can take whatever you want. If you don't want to cook, there is a takeout phone number on the counter. Just state the number to the landline phone and it will dial automatically.”

Lu Jingyi looked at the fancy landline phone on the counter. It was hard to believe that this thing could be controlled by voice? !

"How many days will you go?" Lu Jingyi asked.

"If it's fast, it's two days, if it's slow, it's four days." Yu You was not sure.

Lu Jingyi ate the steamed bun silently and made no request to accompany him. He thought it would be good to stay and get familiar with Xiaoyu's living environment.

After breakfast, Lu Jingyi consciously went up to the second floor. Yu You opened the door of the store, first checked on the fish babies, and then began to repair the radio.

She estimated that this radio was made seven or eight years ago. It had aging parts, a simple structure, and poor signal reception. If it must be repaired, almost everything must be renovated. When I first bought it, it cost about eighty yuan. After renovation, it cost at least two hundred yuan.

Yuyou doesn't care much about the price, as long as it's repaired. If the reporter doesn't want it, she can take it herself.

At this time, in the sea view villa, Chapu was talking on the phone to Lu Jingyi’s mother-in-law, Chu Lanxin.

Chapu, ask Jingyi to come and answer the phone. There was an unquestionable command in his tone.

"Uh... the young master is out." Chapu answered cautiously.

out? Haven't you come back from your morning run yet? No, by this time, he should have finished running. Mrs. Chu is very familiar with her son's daily routine.

"No, he went to a friend's house."

friend? Wei Baocheng? In Lanzhou City, only Wei Baocheng was closest to him.

Chap fell silent. Whether he was ordered to lie or report truthfully was a question.

oh? Could it be that he went to find his "rumored girlfriend"? Chap's silence had obviously made Mrs. Chu guess the answer.

Therefore, it is so frustrating to deal with people with high IQs, without giving them a chance to perform at all.

Chap, what do you think of that girl? Mrs. Chu asked another question.

"Be honest, kind and honest." This time the answer was very straightforward.

It seems you have a good impression of her.


Has her relationship with Jing Yi been confirmed? Mrs. Chu asked again.

"Probably... no?" To be honest, Chap felt that it was just the young master who was single-handedly shooting at the moment.

So, my Jing Yi is chasing her

Chap: "Yeah..."

Give me her contact information.

"Madam, what are you going to do?" Chap was a little nervous.

Don't worry, I won't embarrass a little girl, I just want to ask her to take good care of my son.

Chap almost believed it.

"Okay, I'll send you the number later."

After ending the call, Chapu sent Yu You's mobile phone number. After thinking about it, he called Lu Jingyi again.

The phone rang a dozen times and then hung up automatically. This happened more than once, and Chap had no choice but to send a text message, hoping he would see it.

After Chu Lanxin got the number, she didn't dial it immediately. Instead, she waited until the next day and prepared a set of domineering words before dialing the number.

Hello. A gentle voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Are you Yuyou?"

Yes, who are you

"I am Lu Jingyi's mother." Chu Lanxin announced her identity.

Hello aunt. Yu You's voice was a little confused. She didn't understand why Lu Jingyi's mother called her

Chu Lanxin asked: "Is Jing Yi living with you now?"


"Are you lovers?"


"Then Miss Yu, don't you think it's weird to let an adult man who has nothing to do with you live in your home?"

We are friends, not unrelated.

"Friends who can live together?" Chu Lanxin was aggressive.

Can't friends live together? Yu You didn't receive the other party's hostility at all.

Chu Lanxin was very angry at her: "What is it like living alone with a man and a woman? You are not lovers, don't you know how to avoid suspicion?"

Yu You really hadn't thought about the issue of avoiding suspicion. Now that Chu Lanxin reminded him, he realized something: You are right, I didn't think carefully about it. When I go back, I will have a good talk with him, or you can Come and talk in person

Yu You's reaction was completely beyond Chu Lanxin's expectation. Faced with his questioning, he was neither angry nor aggrieved, but instead accepted the lesson with an open mind. He has a soft personality and cannot be used to any strength at all. Recall what Chap said about her: honest, kind and honest. It's really that interesting.

"I'm not in Lanzhou City, so it's not convenient to find him. You can find a way to get him to move out." Chu Lanxin instructed.

OK Yu You agreed readily, but it made Chu Lanxin feel a little weird.

At this moment, a radio sound came from Yuyou's side to remind passengers to board the plane.

Chu Lan was stunned: "Are you at the airport?"

Yes, I'm going to Iwaun today.

"How long will it take?"

About three or four days.

"So," Chu Lanxin's voice suddenly rose, "you left my son alone at your house?!"

… What's wrong

"What's wrong? Don't you know his condition? How can you let him stay at home alone? What if he suddenly gets sick? He can't call himself, who will cook for him? Who will wash him? Who will take care of him? His diet and daily life? "If no one cares about it for three or four days, the body will stink!"

Lu Jingyi is an adult with sound limbs and is fully capable of taking care of himself. You don't have to worry too much.

"How can I not worry? He is just an idiot in life and can't take care of himself at all!"

Yu You felt that Chu Lanxin seemed to have some misunderstanding about Lu Jingyi's self-care ability.

If Auntie is really worried, let Mr. Chap go take care of him. I'm about to board the plane. Goodbye, aunt. Nice to meet you.

"Wait!" Before he finished speaking, he only heard a beeping busy tone coming from the phone.

Chu Lanxin put down the phone and immediately dialed Chapu's number, asking him to take Lu Jingyi back to the villa and live in an outsider's home. The quality of life and personal safety were not guaranteed. The girl named "Yu You" did not let him go at all. In my heart!

Chapu complained secretly that the young master didn't answer the phone, so he could only make a trip in person.

Arriving at the door of Yuyou's store, Chapu rang the doorbell several times, but waited for a long time without a response.

He completely didn't notice that his appearance attracted the attention of several figures not far away, and they quietly approached here.

While Chap was still wondering if there was no one in the room, his cell phone suddenly rang, and the caller was none other than Lu Jingyi.

"few… "

Before Chapu could finish speaking, Lu Jingyi interrupted: What are you doing here? Didn’t you see any reporters nearby


Don't look around, pretend to be talking to Yuyou, ask me where I am, and then say a random place name.

The drama star Chapu immediately went online: "Is it Miss Yu? I just have something to ask you... Oh, are you not at home? Then do you know where my young master has gone? What? Charming City? Are you sure? Okay, I understand. ,Thanks."

Charming City, a VIP-only private club, is more than two hundred kilometers away from here. This is obviously a plan to take those reporters away.

Lu Jingyi watched his performance quietly.

"By the way, my young master's mother wants to talk to you. If you have time, just give her a call. Well, that's it, see you later."

Upon hearing this, Lu Jingyi instantly understood what Chapu meant. His mother wanted to find Yuyou, or had already done so. The next step was to ask Chapu to come and take him back.

The author has something to say: Lu Jingyi: Can I still be a mother and son happily

Chu Lanxin: Anyway, I am very happy.

Lu Jingyi: Haha.