My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 35: Connotative audio


Yu You came to the venue of the Luohan Fish Breeding Competition and found that four or five people were gathered around her aquarium, and many people looked at her in surprise.

I looked up at the announcement next to the display stand and understood. The president of the Iwagumo Fish Friends Association kept his promise and publicly admitted the organizer's work mistakes. He stated that a staff member took advantage of his position to replace the fry selected by Yu Yu. We are extremely sorry. The specific situation is still under investigation. The organizer promised to increase supervision and also explained Yuyou’s decision to retain the three replaced fry to avoid misunderstandings.

This incident made many people angry. Three Luohan fry turned into three South American cichlids, which meant that the opportunity to compete for the top three was lost. When it comes to identifying the species of fry, even experts sometimes make mistakes. If they don't discover it in advance, they may not know how they lost in the end.

Fortunately, the organizer was very proactive in admitting mistakes and allowed contestants to access monitoring at any time. This move was forgiven by many people and did not cause much negative impact.

What is really surprising is that Yu You, the victim, did not ask to re-select the fry, but kept the three South American cichlids. What did she think? Have you given up on this game

Everyone found Yuyou's aquarium and looked at the name of the fry recorded on the name card. They were immediately attracted by the four words "Keyhole Snapper".

"Keyhole snapper?" Everyone whispered, and they all gathered together to observe carefully, but the fry were still in the juvenile stage, and it was difficult to see the body shape of the adult fish. They could only roughly identify the species, but could not specify which line.

"Is it really a keyhole snapper? This fish is very rare."

"No wonder she refused to trade the fish. If it were me, I wouldn't switch either. Winning or losing the competition is less important than having a keyhole snapper."

"Are you stupid? Are you sure this is a keyhole snapper? If you see it wrong, not only will you lose the game, but you will also be treated as a joke."

"It seems that Yu You is very confident in his eyesight."

“There are very few pictures of keyhole snapper, but I’d really like to see one with my own eyes.”

"The appearance of keyhole snapper is not outstanding, and not many aquarists are interested in it. Isn't it normal that it is rarely seen on the market? It is not as precious as you think."

As soon as this statement came out, it was approved by many people. The keyhole snapper is rare, but its ordinary appearance is one of the reasons why it is not popular.

Someone laughed softly and said, "Someone's plan to take things by surprise may fail."

At this time, Yu You came over, and everyone immediately stopped talking, greeted her with a smile, and after a few words of greeting, they dispersed. Regardless of whether the fish was a keyhole snapper, even if it was, it would be difficult for her to qualify in the competition. If it turns out that the identification of keyhole bream is also wrong, it will be really hard to explain.

Yuyou doesn't have such complicated thoughts, he just wants to focus on raising fish. Whether it's keyhole snapper or monkfish, she'll keep it healthy.

I carefully cleaned the fish tank, adjusted the water temperature, changed to a new recipe, and then observed it for two more days. As long as everything was normal, Yu You didn't have to come in person for the next month. The mobile phone under the aquarium can receive the sound waves of the baby fish, so she can communicate with them at any time.

In the afternoon, the president of the Iwamo Fish Friends Association found Yu You, apologized to her in person, and gave her a small gift. He was the person in charge of this competition and it was not convenient for him to have private contact with the contestants during the competition, so he did not invite Yu You to dinner.

His etiquette was basically in place, so Yu You naturally didn't make things difficult anymore and just asked him for a photo of the staff member. This person's name is "You Liang". He has been fired and disappeared without even paying his salary. Yu You can't find him again to ask questions.

She took the photo and looked at it carefully for a long time. She really couldn't remember his appearance, so she had to put the photo on her body first.

Returning to the hotel where I was temporarily staying, I walked into the elevator, took out the photo and looked at it twice, and then looked at the people in the elevator. Apart from being able to distinguish gender and height, fat and thin, everyone seemed to have the same appearance.

For example, the man who finally entered the elevator looked exactly like You Liang in the photo, both in terms of hairstyle, height and body shape.

If he hadn't known that he was face-blind, Yu You would probably have gone up to recognize the person.

emmm... wait.

Yu You closed the distance slightly and glanced back and forth between the photo and the man's face. The more they looked, the more they looked alike!

At this time, a girl next to her noticed her behavior, glanced sideways at the photo, and asked in a low voice: "What are you looking at with that person's photo? Is he your crush or your enemy?"

Yu Youye asked in a low voice: "Are you sure he is the person in the photo?"

"It's obvious, even the number of forehead lines are the same." The girl answered with certainty.

Yu You glanced at her with admiration and said "thank you" sincerely.

When the elevator reached the fifth floor, You Liang's cell phone just rang. He answered the phone and walked out of the elevator.

Yu You hesitated for a while, but still followed. She wanted to ask who instigated him to do this. There were 42 people participating in the competition. Even if she was kicked out, there would still be 40 other competitors. She felt that the other party was not doing it for competition, but was deliberately targeting her.

You Liang walked into room No. 513, and the slow Yu You didn't have time to stop him. Before the door was closed, I vaguely heard him saying: "Didn't I agree to give 100,000 yuan before? Why is it only 40,000 yuan now..."

After the door was closed, the sound disappeared.

Yuyou's hearing can cover a range within 3 kilometers in the water, but on land, it is basically the same as that of ordinary humans.

However, with the help of electronic devices, hearing can be enhanced regardless of the environment.

With a thought in her mind, she took out a fish recorder from her backpack, leaned against the wall, put on her headphones, and pretended to be listening to music while waiting for someone.

Once the recorder is turned on, all sounds within 500 meters will be captured by it. The clarity of the sound will vary depending on the distance.

... I did exactly what you asked me to do (your medicine is indeed good, the forensic doctor found nothing, and treated it as a heart attack), but I didn't expect that she would pretend to be under surveillance. You can't blame me for this... (Wait. I get the inheritance, and I won’t forget your share) What? Is your eldest daughter very angry? That’s none of my business! (Haha, I'm finally free. I've been serving that idiot for five or six years. I'm really fed up.) I've even lost my job now. You can't burn bridges... Bastard, (don't worry, I will do my best at the funeral tomorrow. Guaranteed heartbreak) Don’t think I don’t know who you guys are! It really pissed me off. At worst, we're all gone... No, we agreed to 100,000 yuan, not even a penny less... Wait, wait, wait, let me think about it again... Okay, I'm unlucky, 60,000 is just 60,000, I understand. Will be tight-lipped...

Yu You looked at the recorder in his hand blankly, seemingly recording a lot of incredible things.

While I was thinking, the door of the room 514 next door was suddenly opened, and a woman wearing a black suit walked out of it. She looked haggard. I felt pity for her, and I wiped the corners of my eyes with a handkerchief from time to time.

"Xiao Bi, are you okay? Do you want to rest for a while? You have worked hard these days." A middle-aged man came over and looked at her with concern.

"Xiao Bi" shook her head and said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you for your concern, uncle. It doesn't matter to me. Let's go. The time is almost up."

"Well, now that Liang Sheng is gone, you will be the only one left in the family. If you need any help, just tell your second uncle, and he will be there for you."

"Thank you, uncle..."

The two of them drifted away and soon disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Yu You recognized the woman's voice as soon as he heard it. From the few words in the recorder, he inferred that in order to seize the inheritance, she seemed to have murdered her husband with drugs and faked a heart attack. Tomorrow is the day of the funeral. The deceased's name is "Liang Sheng." With this information, the woman's identity can be easily found.

Putting away the voice recorder, Yu You planned to go back and tidy things up. After frequency division processing, it is estimated that dozens of different sounds can be separated. What I heard just now are just the three clearest ones.

Alas, the human world is so dangerous...

The next day, the police station received an audio recording sent anonymously. The recording contained not only the voice of the woman who murdered her husband, but also the voice of the man who was talking to her on her mobile phone. It was like it was intercepted directly from the two people's mobile phones. . Along with the recording, an obituary arrived.

That afternoon, the police sent someone to take the confused "Xiao Bi" back to the police station from the funeral...

In the room, Yu You was still sorting out the sounds in the recorder when a message from Lu Jingyi suddenly popped up.

Lu: Xiaoyu, when will you come back

Fish: I’ll go back tomorrow. How have you been these two days

Lu: Loneliness is like snow.

Fish: touch the head.jpg

Lu: Have you encountered anything interesting

Fish: I took a lot of videos of baby fish, do you want to watch them

Lu: OK (^_^)

Yu You sorted out the video, packaged it and sent it to Lu Jingyi, and then thought of another question.

Fish: Are you using your mobile phone now? Doesn't it matter

Lu: There seems to be no problem at Xiaoyu’s house. So, don’t chase me away, okay

You can feel his grievance through the screen.

Fish: ... Let’s talk about it after I get back.

Lu: Okay, I’ll wait for you.

With a smile on his lips, Lu Jingyi clicked on the video file sent by Yu You. He glanced around and found that there were several audio files mixed in with the dozen videos.

He opened one out of curiosity—

Ah~ah~be gentle, I hate it, don’t use this posture~~ah~~~um~~ah... Brother is great~~

Lu Jingyi: "..."

The author has something to say: Xiaobi: Let me understand! Who is plotting against me