My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 43: Male fish Yuu


Zhuo Jingqiao's plan was not like this originally. She really wanted to be alone with Lu Jingyi and develop a relationship at a regular pace, but he would never leave the door and could not make an appointment. Even if he occasionally accepted an appointment, he would always be with her. Yuyou. She could only keep setting traps for Yu You and destroy their relationship in roundabout ways. What's annoying is that no matter what moves she makes, Yu You can easily resolve them.

Finally, she decided to use the beauty trap.

This man named Song Huai was the ace she carefully selected after going to twelve places. He had an outstanding appearance, a cheerful personality, and a good job. Except for his identity and talent, which could not be compared with Lu Jingyi, he was excellent in all other aspects.

As long as he is given a chance, an inexperienced little cabbage like Yu You can fall in love with someone else in a matter of minutes.

But what makes people crazy is that she is just as homebound as Lu Jingyi. Apart from grocery shopping, she has basically no other entertainment or social activities.

Zhuo Jingqiao really wants to know what they do at home every day

Lu Jingyi couldn't get a date, Yu You couldn't be caught, and both of them were in trouble.

How determined I was to pursue Lu Jingyi at the beginning, but now I feel so lost.

Zhuo Jingqiao has some demons, and now she is not just for love, but also for reputation!

She doesn't believe that there is such a thing as CP in this world!

Zhuo Jingqiao sat on the toilet, gave herself some psychological suggestions, then flushed the toilet, walked out of the cubicle, and looked up to see a tall woman wearing a floral skirt standing in front of the sink. She didn't care and left. Go to the side to wash your hands and touch up your makeup.

Just as she opened her makeup bag, a jet of water suddenly sprayed towards her, drenching her upper body.

"Ah!" Zhuo Jingqiao screamed and looked down. The chiffon on her body was all soaked, and even the color of her bra could be seen.

"Sorry, sorry, I don't know what happened just now. The faucet seemed to be out of control." The woman in the floral skirt apologized repeatedly, reached out and pulled out a few tissues and wiped them on her chest.

"Don't touch me!" Zhuo Jingqiao slapped the woman's hand away and was busy arranging her clothes. She didn't notice that her voice was slightly rough, unlike the gentleness of ordinary women.

"I'm really sorry. I have a new shirt here. Would you like to put it on first?" The woman took out a colorful shirt from her bag without even cutting off the tag.

Zhuo Jingqiao took a look and felt that the style was acceptable. She always paid attention to appearance and didn't want to walk out in a mess, so she took the woman's shirt.

She didn't worry too much and took off her top directly. When she was about to put on her shirt, the woman suddenly said: "The button of your bra seems to be loose."

"Really?" Zhuo Jingqiao put down her shirt and buttoned it with her backhand.

The woman walked up behind her and said diligently, "I'll help you."

Zhuo Jingqiao frowned, but did not refuse.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the bra loosened, the straps slipped from the shoulders, and it was about to be exposed.

"Ah—" Zhuo Jingqiao quickly protected her chest, turned around and glared at the woman angrily, "What are you doing?"

The woman innocently said: "Sorry, my hand slipped."

While speaking, his eyes were fixed on the busty Zhuo Jingqiao, with a smile of unknown meaning on his face.

Zhuo Jingqiao finally felt something was wrong. The woman in front of her was about 176 centimeters tall and had strong bones. Although she looked feminine and looked pretty with heavy makeup, if you look closely, you can still notice some abnormalities.

"You, you are a man?!" Zhuo Jingqiao looked at "her" in horror, her face turned pale.

The man dressed as a woman grinned, trapped her in front of the sink, lowered his head and sniffed around her face.

Zhuo Jingqiao had never encountered anything like this before. She crossed her arms and trembled, unable to even shout for help.

The fishery usually receives relatively few female customers, and the women's restroom rarely has a few people visiting it in a day. Moreover, this is their own territory, so Zhuo Jingqiao has no precautions. Who knew that a pervert would sneak in dressed as a woman and blatantly perform obscene acts!

"What do you want to do?" Zhuo Jingqiao asked with a tearful voice.

"Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you." The man dressed as a woman took out a mobile phone and said with a smile, "I just want to collect a few photos."

Zhuo Jingqiao's eyes widened and she shook her head repeatedly: "No, no, I don't want to take photos of naked people, not even if I die."

The man dressed as a woman enthusiastically admired her helpless expression, turned on the camera on his mobile phone, and lifted up his skirt...

"I'm going to the toilet." Yu You whispered in Lu Jingyi's ear.

"Well, let's go." Lu Jingyi helped her pull out the chair.

Yu You left the dining room, asked the staff, and walked towards the toilet.

The location is somewhat remote. The men's and women's toilets are on opposite sides of a small house, about ten meters apart.

Yu You came to the door of the women's restroom and was about to push the door open when he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from inside.

… You are a man… What do you want to do…

I won't do anything to you... I just want to collect a few fruit photos...

don't want…

Yu You lowered his face and vaguely saw the scene inside through the crack in the door.

The disheveled Zhuo Jingqiao was forced into a corner by a man dressed as a woman, holding a mobile phone and preparing to take pictures of her.

A murderous look flashed in Yu You's eyes, and he lowered his head to look at his slender fingers. On land, her strength was limited, and she was a thin female. She might not be a match for that man.

Just when he was about to call for help, Zhuo Jingqiao's helpless cry suddenly came to his ears: wuwuwu, please, don't do this...

Yu You paused. With Zhuo Jingqiao's current appearance, if he disturbed too many people, even if he was saved, it would probably be uncomfortable.

She glanced around and caught a glimpse of some clothes hanging in the yard. With a slight thought in her mind, she turned around and walked over. She took off a black men's T-shirt from the bamboo pole, took off her glasses and put them in her pocket, then put the T-shirt away. Putting it on your head, you walked to the women's room. As she moved, her figure gradually lengthened. The legs of her jeans were shortened by half, and the outline of her abdominal muscles appeared on her tender white belly. With her clothes down, Yu You arrived at the door of the women's restroom. From the back, she looked like He is already a short-haired boy with a height of 179 cm.

"He" picked up the broom at the door and pushed the door open.

At this time, the man dressed as a woman had taken more than a dozen photos of Zhuo Jingqiao and was doing all kinds of obscene actions. Seeing that Zhuo Jingqiao did not dare to resist, he became more and more courageous and reached out to pull her chest strap, which frightened her. She kept crying.

"Hahaha, not bad, I just like the way women cry." The man dressed as a woman raised his phone and planned to record a short video.

Just as he was about to turn on the video recording function, someone suddenly grabbed him by the collar and dragged him back violently. Before he could regain his footing, he was hit with a broomstick and fell to the ground. His cellphone fell aside.

"Who is it?" The man dressed as a woman raised his head in surprise, trying to find the person who attacked him, but saw a stick thrust straight into his face. He screamed, hugged his head, and heard a click. There was a sound, and the expected pain did not appear. He let go of his hand doubtfully, and found that the target of the stick was the mobile phone that fell aside, and the entire screen was poked to pieces.

"You damn thing, do you know how much my cell phone costs..." The man dressed as a woman cursed, and the next second, his voice stopped abruptly.

A foot stepped lightly between his legs. With just a little force, he would have no descendants.

The man dressed as a woman froze on the ground, trembling and looking at the young man who was staring down at him. He is around 20 years old, with handsome appearance, upturned eyebrows, and a certain charm. His hair has a faint golden sheen, and his figure is slender. His whole person exudes an indescribable charm.

Males in marine life are generally more showy than females because they rely on their appearance and strength to attract females. The more outstanding-looking and powerful the male is, the more likely he will be favored by females.

As a powerful sea tribe, Yu You looks gorgeous and handsome in his male state.

The man dressed as a woman was stunned. Without waiting for him to take another look, he slapped his face with the broom again, pressed his face and rubbed it hard on the ground until he no longer had the strength to resist.

Yu You took the shirt from the sink and threw it on Zhuo Jingqiao: "Put your clothes on."

After saying that, "he" ripped off the man's shoelaces, tied his hands, and dragged him to the door of the women's restroom.

"Okay, okay." Zhuo Jingqiao put on her clothes tremblingly and looked at the boy with tearful eyes, "Thank you."

"No need." Yu You narrowed his eyes and reminded, "Be careful in the future."

Zhuo Jingqiao's eyes swept over "his" beautiful features, and her heart beat uncontrollably. This boy is so beautiful, just like the legendary Elf King.

"I understand, and I will be careful in the future." Zhuo Jingqiao asked softly, "What is your name? Do you also come here to fish?"

"Find someone to deal with him first." Yu You's tone was calm, but it revealed a strength that no one could refuse.

"Okay." Zhuo Jingqiao took out her cell phone from her bag, called her grandfather Xiao Huan, and narrated the incident with humiliation. After hearing this, Xiao Huan became furious and immediately led his people towards this side.

After hanging up the phone, Zhuo Jingqiao was about to chat with the boy for a few more words, but found that "he" had left at some point.

She chased her out of the toilet, but there was no one around. Where was the trace of "him"? I can't help but feel disappointed in my heart.

Within a moment, Xiao Huan came over angrily with a group of people. Zhuo Jingqiao looked at the man on the ground coldly, gritting her teeth with hatred.

"Qiaoqiao, are you okay?" Xiao Huan asked with concern.

"Oooh, grandpa, it's so scary..." Zhuo Jingqiao threw herself into his arms, crying so hard.

"What happened?" Lu Jingyi asked with concern, "Mr. Xiao just left the table in a hurry and seemed very angry."

"There seems to be a thief in the back room. Mr. Xiao should have gone to catch the thief." Yu You returned to his female form, and the temporarily borrowed T-shirt was hung back up.

"A thief?" Lu Jingyi frowned, and then noticed that something was missing from her face, "Where are your glasses?"

"Here." Yu You took out his glasses from his pocket and put them on again, and his vision immediately became clear.

Lu Jingyi smoothed her long hair: "Go back after dinner and take the bamboo fish with you. We will eat fish tomorrow."


The author has something to say: Yu You: The male soul cannot bear to see a female being bullied.

Lu Jingyi: For a moment I wanted to become a woman.