My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 45: too expensive


"Ovie, long time no see." The drunkard opened his arms and greeted him in surprise.

Yu You smiled and hugged him: "How have you been lately?"

"As long as you don't go to my bar, I'll be fine." The drunkard looked at this monster-like face and joked.

"You don't welcome me so much?" Yu You sat casually on a high swivel chair, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"Oh, please, don't look at me like that." The drunkard turned his head sideways, looking frightened and exaggerated.

Yu You was accustomed to his reaction. Every time they met, he would put on a show. For a forty-year-old uncle, there was no formality.

"Stop making trouble and let's get down to business. I have something on hand. Please help me estimate the price." Yu You took out two bags from his backpack and pushed them in front of him.

The drunkard calmed down his expression, picked up one of them and weighed it a few times. Hearing a clanging sound inside, he made a slight guess in his mind. He turned the bag over, and 10 gold coins immediately rolled out.

"Huh?" The drunkard put on his gloves, picked up a gold coin and looked at it carefully, and said in surprise, "This seems to be a gold coin from the ancient Roman Empire?"


"How many do you have?" The drunkard didn't ask about the origin, only the quantity.

"There are about 500 of them."

The drunkard took a breath: "500 pieces?"

"I'm in a hurry to take action. Do you have any channels?"

"Of course." The drunkard played with the gold coins and replied, "This kind of gold coins is very marketable here. One coin is worth about 1000m yuan to 1500m yuan. If you are willing, I will eat half of it for 1100 yuan and the other half. I’ll help you find a buyer and take a 15% commission.”

Yu You nodded and had no objection. This box of gold coins will probably earn you more than 500,000 yuan in the end. Because it is a private transaction, the price is relatively low.

The drunkard then took out the contents of the second bag, which was a blood ruby the size of an egg.

His pupils shrank, and he looked at this blood-red gem with a look of amazement. It was full of color, crystal clear, and glowing with flaming vitality.

"This is... the best pigeon blood stone?" The drunkard couldn't believe his eyes. Based on his decades of experience in identifying, the possibility of being mistaken is very small, not to mention that this gemstone is so highly identifiable that it is not easy to fake it. If he didn't think it was too whimsical, he would even suspect that it was the holy flame that had been missing for hundreds of years from a certain queen's crown.

However, if done correctly, even if it is not, it can become a yes. Someone has been looking for that holy flame. It weighs 212.5 ct (carat) and is worth at least more than 60 million yuan, which is equivalent to more than 480 million RMB. If it is put at auction, the price will be even higher. Of course, this is just an ideal result, and the actual price may be very different, conservatively around 40 million.

The drunkard habitually placed it on the scale, and the electronic screen showed: 42.5g.

The drunkard looked at this number blankly, 42.5g=212.5ct…

"It's impossible..." he murmured to himself, "is it really the Holy Flame?"

"What's wrong?" Yu You asked strangely when he saw his expression was different.

"What happened?!" The drunkard stared at "him" in disbelief, "You just use this garbage bag to carry a gem worth tens of millions around the world?"

"Is it worth tens of millions?" Yu You frowned slightly. When choosing samples before, he relied solely on feeling, but he didn't expect to pick such an expensive one. It is absolutely impossible for a gem of this level to be sold within a day or two.

She picked up the blood ruby and put it back into the bag.

"What are you doing?" the drunkard asked without knowing why.

"This one is not for sale."

"Don't want to sell it?" the drunkard quickly stopped him, "nonono, Ovie, leave it to me, I'm willing to reduce the commission by 1%."

"It's not about the commission." Yu You shook his head and said, "This gem is too eye-catching. I will choose another one for you."

As she spoke, she took out another bag from her backpack and handed it over.

The drunkard watched helplessly as she put away the blood ruby gem and then opened the bag in her hand with a look of regret.

"Huh?" A flash of blue flashed, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a rare blue diamond!

The drunkard was stunned.

Although it has not yet been cut, blue diamonds are very rare. The one in front of you is 16 carats. After careful cutting and processing, its value will not be less than 30 million yuan. The reason why the Pigeon Blood Stone-Holy Flame is so expensive is, firstly, because of its size, and secondly, because it is a symbol of royal power and has extraordinary significance. The high price of the blue diamond is entirely due to its rarity.

The drunkard looked up at Yu You with dull eyes and said, "Ovi, honestly, did you rob the royal treasury?"

When Yu You heard this, he immediately understood that this gem was also valuable.

Sighing and about to put it away, the drunkard held "his" hand and said eagerly: "Ovie, give me a chance, and I will help find a suitable buyer for it properly and low-key. You If you are worried, I can write you an IOU of 20 million and then mortgage the bar to you.”

"I'm in a hurry for money and don't have time to wait for you to find a buyer."

"How much do you want?"

"I only want 3.6 million yuan." Yu You reported a number.

"3.6 million?" The drunkard slapped the table and said proudly, "Leave it to me. Within three days, I will definitely raise 3.6 million for you. After the gem is sold, just deduct it from the proceeds."

"In that case, I'll leave it to you." Yu You didn't think about it for too long and handed the blue diamond directly to him.

If he had known that a gem was worth tens of millions, there would be no need for "he" to fish out both boxes.

"By the way, are you still selling gold coins?" After seeing the gems, the drunkard no longer had much interest in gold coins.

"10 gold coins, 10,000m yuan, do you want it?" "He" doesn't plan to sell the remaining box.

"Okay." The drunkard readily paid cash and bought 10 gold coins.

After finishing the matter, the drunkard helped Yuyou arrange a place to stay, which was in the guest room on the second floor of the bar.

Yu You has a fake ID card that the drunkard helped "him" in the past. As long as he doesn't check the database, there will be no problem in daily travel and consumption.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, when the bar was busy, the music and people downstairs were loud, and Yuyou was about to run to the sea to take refuge, when suddenly there was a thumping sound from the iPad, the screen lit up, and the button window jumped out.

(Lu): Xiaoyu, are you there

(Fish): Yes.

(Lu): Look at this cichlid, it seems to be dying (TuTuTu).

In the picture, a cichlid floats motionless on the water, with dark green lines all over its body, as if it is rotten.

(Fish): Leave it alone, it's pretending to be dead.

Cichlids are experts at pretending to be dead among fish. They pretend to be dead all the time. Only when they encounter scavenging fish will they miraculously come back to life.

(Lu): Are you sure

(Fish): If you don’t believe it, twist its tail and lift it up to take a look.

Half a minute later.

(Lu): How can there be fish in the world that are so keen on pretending to be dead? Pretend to be dead even though there is no danger.

(Fish): This is their special habit. They have to pretend to be dead when there is danger, and they have to create conditions to pretend to be dead when there is no danger.

(Lu): Hahaha...

At this moment, a heartbreaking rock song suddenly came from downstairs, which made Yu You's eyebrows jump. His figure suddenly became illusory, and he took his iPad into the seabed.

A string of bubbles appeared around the ipad (the clownfish). Instead of a black screen, it became even brighter.

Yu You said to Lu Jingyi, "I still have something to do, let's talk later," and then logged off.

All Yubaobao products are waterproof. Yuyou doesn’t have to worry about them being damaged by sea water. He just puts them on the rocks and walks around by himself.

The lights of the city in the distance are like a sea of stars, winding and undulating, as beautiful as a picture scroll. Fishing boats docked on the shore, stationed quietly in the night.

The sea water near the pier is relatively turbid, and Yuyou doesn't like it very much, so he plans to rest somewhere cleaner.

Sneaking back to A'Bai's location, I found that its screen was still on, and the light flickered in the water, making it particularly conspicuous.

Yu You hurriedly swam over and saw a TV series playing on the screen. The male protagonist said to the female protagonist: I don’t care who you live with in the next life, but in this life, live with me. You will be happy, I promise... ( "A Gentleman's Dignity")

Exciting barrages flew past, mixed with a string of unclear symbols: #¥#¥… %&¥*…

Yu You made a helpless sound: "Afraid, do you understand?"

Afraid: Compare one’s heart to one’s heart Compare one’s heart to one’s heart (~_~)

The video is turned off, and the desktop wallpaper with an ocean background is replaced by a beautiful photo of a handsome guy.

A'Bai: The male protagonist is so handsome~~ I have decided that from today on, he will be A'Bai's idol~~ I will love him for ten thousand years!

Yuyou: Can clownfish also chase stars

Being face-blind, she didn't realize that the handsome guy on the table was not the male protagonist in the TV series just now. I'm afraid she didn't notice either...

After sleeping in the sea until 6 o'clock in the morning, Yuyou returned to the bar. After freshening up, he planned to go to the mall to buy a few sets of clothes. This time he only brought two sets with him, and not enough underwear.

At this time, the bar was closed and deserted, with no one around.

Yu You left from the back door and walked leisurely towards the center of the town. His magnificent and handsome appearance and the clear waves attracted countless passers-by to stop and stare.

The author has something to say: The exchange rate is based on the novel world