My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 50: Yu You’s origin


"A descendant of Queen Magloy?"

Everyone present was shocked by the news, even Lu Jingyi was no exception.

"Impossible." Lu Chengli denied, "As far as I know, no prince or princess among the descendants of Queen Magloy has ever married a person from country Z, not even an illegitimate child."

"Does Uncle Lu know about Alodi?"

"Alodi?" Lu Chengli thought hard, and finally shook his head, "No, who is he?"

"He is the youngest son of Queen Magloy."

Magloy was the third queen in the history of country F from the late 17th century to the early 18th century, and she was also the most influential one. She has three sons and two daughters, each of whom is very outstanding, but because they are so outstanding, they are not inferior to others. When Magloy was sixty-five years old, a palace coup occurred in country F. The eldest prince Louis won the final victory. The second prince was killed and the two princesses got married. The young prince Alodi took a large amount of treasures with him. He fled country F and has been missing since.

Yu You's great-great-grandmother Alicia was a native of Country F. She came to Country Z twenty-five years after the little prince disappeared, and soon married a native of Country Z, who was Yu You's great-great-grandfather. Yu Yuanbin settled in Lanzhou City.

Alicia's name is a pseudonym, and her true identity cannot be found. Even if Yuyou said that she was the daughter of the little prince Alodi, no one could refute it. More importantly, she had seen a ring engraved with the royal emblem of country F on the finger of a skeleton on the sunken ship. This was one of the most powerful evidences of his origin.

She originally thought that the ship was a product of the Age of Discovery, but combined with the ring and several boxes of treasure, she had reason to suspect that the owner of the ship might be the escaped little prince Alodi. Unfortunately, he suffered a shipwreck not long after leaving the country and disappeared silently into the long river of history.

The current king of country f is Hebrew Rodriguez, who is only 32 years old. He is also a descendant of the second prince who failed in the coup. As the winner, the eldest prince did not leave any heirs. The two princesses All of his descendants received titles, but the whereabouts of the little prince remained a mystery.

Yu You used this history to improve his background.

Except for the blue diamonds that she sold, most of the little prince's treasures were well preserved, and many of them were engraved palace items, such as wine vessels, tea sets, trays, candlesticks, etc. Those expensive jewelry should also be recorded in the treasure trove album of the royal family of country F, especially the pigeon blood stone holy flame.

This happened thanks to Drunkard. Without his knowledge, Yu You would not have known the origin of these treasures. Although I can't be 100% certain, the possibility is still quite high.

"My great-great-grandmother is Alodi's daughter." Yu You concluded.

"How do you prove it?" After listening to her account, Lu Chengli still couldn't believe it, but his eyes were a little more wary. If what she said is true, it means that Lu Jingyi will establish an in-law relationship with the royal family of Country F, which will be a disaster for the rest of the Lu family. Judging from the friendly attitude of Hebrew, the current king of country F, towards the royal family members, he will definitely not be stingy in giving this wandering royal family a reasonable identity and status.

"I don't need to prove anything, I just want to tell you that the property left by my ancestors is enough for me to spend my whole life."

"I wonder if I can tell you how many there are approximately?" After learning Yu You's "identity", Lu Wencong's attitude toward her immediately changed 180 degrees. Looking at her raising her hands to throw, she seemed to have an aristocratic demeanor.

Lu Jingyi stared at Lu Wencong coldly, extremely disgusted with his sudden attentiveness.

Yu You silently calculated the value of that batch of treasures. If all were converted into money, he should be among the top 100 richest people in the world. She just didn't want to use them unless absolutely necessary.

"I haven't checked carefully. There aren't many places where I need money. I can maintain my daily expenses by relying on the income from the store." Yu You has no yearning for a luxurious life.

Lu Wencong couldn't understand how, as a descendant of the royal family, he could live like a poor man!

"Miss Yu, don't you want to get in touch with the royal family of Country F?" Lu Chengli asked tentatively. Although they have been separated by several generations, as long as she proves her origin, Hebrew will definitely recognize her ancestry. After all, their great-great-grandfather is a biological brother, not another branch.

"I am very satisfied with my current life and don't want to change anything." Being a descendant of the royal family of country F is just a simple symbol for Yu You, the king of the ocean. She didn't care about these false reputations, but she didn't want Lu Jingyi to be laughed at in vain because of her indifference.

No matter when and where, she should become her partner's support and pride, rather than a burden and weakness.

Hearing Yu You's answer, Lu Chengli secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as this so-called royal identity is not exposed, she is just a commoner with some wealth.

At this time, Lu Wencong was surprised to hear: "Why? Don't you want Prince Alodi to return to the family?"

Lu Chengli glared at his son with hatred. Whether he comes back or not is none of your business! What good will it do to you if she goes back? !

"The deceased are gone, so it's better not to disturb their peace." Yu You said calmly, "The fact that our ancestors did not go back until they died shows that they have decided to abandon the past and start a new life."

"But..." Lu Wencong wanted to say something more, but Lu Chengli forcibly interrupted, "This is Miss Yu's family matter, why are you talking so much?"

Lu Wencong paused and seemed to realize something was wrong. He stopped talking and kept staring at Yu You with his bright eyes. Even Lu Jingyi's warning look was ignored by him.

Ruan Ruge noticed Lu Wencong's expression, and a hint of sadness flashed across his face.

"Mom, it's getting late. I'll take Xiaoyu upstairs first." Lu Jingyi pulled Yu You to stand up.

"Okay." Chu Lanxin said, "Take good care of Xiaoyu and let me know if you need anything."

"Yes." Lu Jingyi looked at Lu Chengli again, "Uncle, I'm sorry."

"Go and get some rest early." Lu Chengli waved his hand generously.

"Cousin, wait a minute, Ruge and I are going back to our room." Lu Wencong apologized to Chu Lanxin and followed with Ruan Ruge.

Lu Jingyi and Yu You were in the second to last room at the end of the corridor respectively. Lu Wencong and Ruan Ge were next to them, with the doors facing each other.

"Miss Yu, it's nice to meet you. Let's go for a walk tomorrow morning, shall we?" Lu Wencong stood at the door of his room and smiled at Yu You.

Lu Jingyi's expression darkened, and a thick layer of black mist slowly formed in his eyes.

Yu You opened the door, then turned to Lu Wencong and said, "Sorry, I might not be able to get up tomorrow morning. I'm afraid I won't be able to go for a walk with you."

Can't get up? Why can't you get up? Lu Wencong didn't react for a moment.

Yu You stretched out an arm, grabbed Lu Jingyi's waist from behind, and led him into the room.

"Ah, Miss Yu, your room is over there." Lu Wencong pointed to the room opposite and reminded him "kindly".

Yu You poked his head out from behind Lu Jingyi, gave him a very meaningful look, and then closed the door with his feet.

Lu Wencong: "..." Damn it!

"Wen Cong, I'm going back to my room too." Ruan Ruge said softly.

"Wait, you sleep with me tonight." Lu Wencong pulled her.

Ruan Ruge's face changed slightly and he refused: "Sorry, I feel a little uncomfortable today."

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Wencong said in an unfriendly tone, "We have been dating for several months and have never slept together once. Look at my cousins, they are not shy about such things. Why are you still being reserved?"

Ruan Ruge struggled and said, "I'm sorry, Wen Cong, I really don't feel well."

"Come in with me, I'll make you comfortable." Lu Wencong was furious and planned to force her into the room.

"Don't do this, Wen Cong, please." Ruan Ruge begged with some fear.

"You..." Lu Wencong was about to get angry when he suddenly heard Lu Chengli's voice coming from the entrance of the corridor: "Wen Cong, what are you doing?"

Lu Wencong made a sound, let go of Ruan Ruge, and rushed into the room angrily.

Ruan Ruge breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said hello to Lu Chengli, then returned to his room. The moment he closed the door, his face was full of loss and sadness.

"How do you know you won't be able to get up tomorrow?" Lu Jingyi pressed Yu You against the door, lowered his head and gently rubbed her lips. The dark fog in his eyes had dissipated, replaced by unconcealable joy.

Yu You looked at him steadily: "Your mother has promised to leave you to me."

"so what?"

"So I can safely leave myself to you." Yu You put his hands around his neck, "Do you want it?"

Lu Jingyi blocked her lips without hesitation and told her the answer directly through actions.

I originally had many questions to ask, but now nothing else matters except one thing.

The author has something to say: Yu You: Dear, come on, try to make me unable to get out of bed.

Lu Jingyi: 1 hour for the door, 2 hours for the bed, 2 hours for the bathroom, and 1 hour for morning exercise.