My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 52: About to encounter


Yuyou tried to change back into a female, but failed. It seemed that the male element in his body was a little too high. Could it be that Lu Jingyi injected so much essence that it affected her gender genes? If this is the case, doesn’t it mean that we must exercise restraint in the future? Otherwise, if there is a sudden change in the sex during the process, it will be really shocking.

While he was thinking, an arm was put around his waist, and then his vision dimmed. Lu Jingyi leaned over, kissed his lips, and caressed them carefully.

Yu You: "!" Are you awake

Lu Jingyi's eyes were still closed and his breathing was steady.

Yu You: "..." Do you know what you kissed

Gently removing his arms from his waist, Yu You got out of bed, walked into the changing room with bare feet, and chose a shirt and a pair of casual pants from Lu Jingyi's wardrobe to change into. The size was a bit too big, and it was a bit loose on him, making it look a bit lazy.

Yu You didn't know when he could transform, so he had to find a way to get out of here first. He was not ready to meet Lu Jingyi in a male appearance yet.

The Lu family villa is more than 5 kilometers away from the sea, which is the limit distance that he can directly cross the ocean from land. Fortunately, there is a freshwater lake within 200 meters nearby. Although his sensitivity to freshwater is not as strong as that of seawater, he can still cross it in just 200 meters.

After sticking his head out and looking at the bed to make sure he wasn't awake, Yu You walked to the bed again, used his mobile phone to send him a message saying "go out for a walk", then put his wallet in his pocket, turned around and disappeared into the room. .

A familiar touch enveloped the whole body, and white mist spread around. The fishes all ran away because of his sudden appearance. Then they sensed the aura of the sea clan and swam over excitedly, rubbing against Yuyou's body affectionately.

Yu You waved his arms lightly, his body rose rapidly, and he jumped out of the water with a splash. There was no sign of anyone else near the lake, so Yu You teleported to the shore.

The clothes on my body were all wet, but the weather was relatively hot and I could dry them quickly.

Yu Youyou sat on the shore and paid careful attention to the changes in his body. The male elements in his body did exceed the female elements, but these elements were foreign and would not last long. According to his recovery speed, 3 hours should be about the same.

This accident also proves from the side that Lu Jingyi's genes are indeed different. Like her, he may have the mark of an ancient remnant, but he has not awakened. Judging from his adaptability to water, he should also be of the aquatic family.

At this moment, Yu You suddenly heard a burst of hasty footsteps coming from behind. With a thought in his mind, he stood up and walked behind a big tree, hiding his figure. This is the private territory of the Lu family, and it is inconvenient for him, an "outsider", to have contact with others.

"Ruge, don't be angry." Lu Wencong caught up, took Ruan Ruge's arm, and coaxed, "I really like you, so I can't help it."

"You don't just like me." Ruan Ruge looked at him and said sadly, "You like all beautiful women."

"I admit that I am a little flirtatious, but I promise that I will only be loyal to you after I get married." Lu Wencong raised his hand confidently.

Ruan Ruge hesitated, not knowing whether he should compromise.

Her relationship with Lu Wencong was brokered by two families. As the second daughter of the Ruan family, she didn't have much say. When she first met Lu Wencong, she was quite happy. This man is handsome, cheerful, gentle and considerate to women. But after getting along for a long time, she gradually discovered his shortcomings. He is flirtatious, shows mercy everywhere, and does not refuse beautiful women. If someone resists him, he will show his violent side.

He asked to sleep with her more than once, but she refused. After a few times, he seemed to be losing patience. Ruan Ruge was a little scared and didn't know what to do. There was always a voice in her heart reminding her to stay away from this man. But she succumbed to reality every time, not wanting to cause trouble to the family because of her selfishness.

"Ruge, will you forgive me, right?" Lu Wencong stared at Ruan Ruge, with a hint of coercion in his tone.

"I..." Ruan Ruge leaned against the tree trunk, lowered his head, and his fingers trembled slightly.

Lu Wencong lifted her chin with his hand and murmured softly: "My Ruge is the most well-behaved..." As he said that, he lowered his head to hold her lips in his mouth, and began to caress her body with his hands.

"Don't, don't do this." Ruan Ruge hurriedly refused, his eyes full of pleading.

"Sooner or later we will get married." Lu Wencong said ambiguously, "Don't you want to try your future husband's abilities first?"

"Can you wait until after the engagement..."

"Aren't my cousins also engaged? We are all adults and have nothing to worry about." Lu Wencong smiled in her ear, "Believe me, I will make you comfortable."

The hem of her skirt was lifted up and her fingers reached inside. Ruan Ruge pushed Lu Wencong away violently, staggered and tried to escape, but was pulled down to the ground by a strong force.

Lu Wencong pressed forward, with cruelty in his eyes, and said fiercely: "It seems that I am too gentle to you. You prefer me to be strong, right?"

"No, no, help..."

Lu Wencong curled his lips and touched her chest.

At this moment, someone suddenly kicked him on his left shoulder. He fell to the ground and rolled several times in a row.

"Who?" Lu Wencong was furious.

"Why are there so many scum in the world?" A cold voice sounded in the forest. Before Lu Wencong could see the face of the person coming, a shirt was used as a hood, and then he was hit with several punches.

Ruan Ruge stared blankly at the young man who appeared out of nowhere and beat the young master of the Lu family, knocking him unconscious. He has a slim upper body, a slender waist, and even muscles. The lower body is wearing a pair of casual pants that don't fit well, and the legs are straight and slender.

The young master casually threw Lu Wencong away, picked up the shirt covering his head, tossed it in the air, and put it on again, covering the graceful curve of his back.

A few drops of water fell on Ruan Ruge's face, bringing her back to her senses.

"Are you okay?" The young man turned his head, revealing a handsome face. The mottled tree shadows fell on him, like a figure painting with thick ink and light colors.

Ruan Ruge's heart skipped a beat and he almost forgot how to react.

Yu You walked over and helped her up: "Do you still want this kind of man? Do you want to keep him for domestic violence in the future?"

Ruan Ruge looked sad and whispered: "My family wants me to marry him."

"What about yourself?"

"I..." Ruan Ruge hesitated.

"I can tell from your expression that you don't want to." Yu You said calmly, "This man has no future at first glance. Whether it is you or your family, choosing him will be a waste of investment. "

Ruan Ruge was silent.

"Under the premise that your feelings and interests cannot be protected, why do you have any hesitation? Let's break up decisively."

Ruan Ruge felt that what he said made sense, and suddenly felt that his hesitation was a bit unnecessary.


"No, as long as you promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" Ruan Ruge asked anxiously.

Yu You looked at Lu Wencong, who was fainting on the ground, then bent over Ruan Ruge, raised a finger, and whispered: "Keep it secret for me, don't reveal my information to others."

Ruan Ruge leaned back slightly, breathing a little unsteadily, and nodded randomly under his gaze.

"Good girl." Yu You patted her head, smiled softly at her, then turned and walked towards the woods, waving, "Goodbye."

"...Goodbye." When the figure disappeared, Ruan Ruge remembered that she forgot to ask his name.

Leaving the woods, Yu You found a sunny hillside and continued to bask in the sun.

Two little bees, flying among the flowers, flying, flying... A joyful ringtone suddenly came from the mobile phone.

Yu You knew it was Lu Jingyi without looking. He took out his phone and turned it off. It was not convenient for him to talk now.

In the room, Lu Jingyi hung up the phone: "..."

After a moment of silence, he dialed again.

The number you have dial can not be reached…

Out of power

Lu Jingyi put down his mobile phone, walked out of the room, found the housekeeper and asked, "Have you seen Miss Yu?"

"Isn't Miss Yu in the young master's room?" the housekeeper asked in confusion.

"She left me a message saying she went for a walk." Lu Jingyi asked, "Where did anyone see her going?"

The mountains and forests of the Lu family are quite large, and people who are not familiar with the route can easily get lost.

The housekeeper hesitated and said, "I have been in the lobby and didn't see Miss Yu come out."

Lu Jingyi frowned and waved his hand: "It's okay, go and do your work."

He returned to the room again, planning to change his clothes and go out to look for it. When he walked into the changing room, he found that his wardrobe seemed to have been moved, and he guessed that Yu You had come in.

Thinking of how she looked in these clothes, Lu Jingyi couldn't help but be agitated and eager to see her.

After quickly changing her clothes, Lu Jingyi strode outside the villa and asked the security guards outside the villa. No one noticed her going out.

Not only did he secretly wonder, is the security of the villa too lax

Yuyou likes water, so Lu Jingyi decided to start from the lake first.

Halfway through, she met Ruan Ruge. She looked a little embarrassed and said hello to him in a low voice.

She is now somewhat resistant to the Lu family.

"Miss Ruan, have you seen Yu You?" Lu Jingyi asked.

"No." Ruan Ruge shook his head repeatedly, not daring to look up at him.

"Oh." Lu Jingyi glanced at her thoughtfully, "I'll excuse you now. If you see Yu You, please let me know."

"Okay." Ruan Ruge nodded and left in a hurry.

Lu Jingyi didn't like this kind of girl who was too shy. She spoke softly and couldn't guess what she was thinking.

Lu Jingyi just noticed that her clothes were a little messy and there were some grass clippings on her body. It should be Lu Wenchong's fault. She is back now intact, but what about Lu Wencong? He won't meet Yu You, right

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in Lu Jingyi's eyes, he quickened his pace and looked in the direction where Ruan Ruge came back.

At this time, Lu Wencong was still lying in the woods feeding mosquitoes. Lu Jingyi passed by dozens of meters away without noticing him.

Yu You lay on the hillside basking in the sun, blowing the warm wind, smelling the fragrance of flowers and plants, and fell asleep, completely unaware that someone was approaching him.