My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 53: Who are you?


Yu You opened his eyes and felt a familiar breath approaching. He rolled over and sat up, preparing to find a place to hide, but this hillside had a wide view, and when he turned around, he found that he had entered the other party's sight.

Even if he couldn't see his face clearly, he knew the person coming was Lu Jingyi.

Yu You didn't do what he wanted, so he stood up and ran away.

Lu Jingyi was walking leisurely when he suddenly saw a figure emerging from the hillside and ran away without saying a word. Naturally, his first reaction was to chase him.

This is the private property of the Lu family, and there are usually no outsiders coming to visit. As long as they don't do anything extraordinary, the Lu family usually doesn't care. However, the behavior of the person in front of him running away was obviously not a reaction that a normal person should have.

Yu You had to run away because he was wearing Lu Jingyi's clothes and couldn't pretend to be a passerby.

He is omnipotent underwater, but on land, his abilities are severely limited and he is unfamiliar with the terrain. He is about to be overtaken by Lu Jingyi.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, 7 meters, 5 meters, 3 meters... Yu You suddenly jumped up, stepped on the tree trunk, and used his strength to perform a roundhouse kick, hitting Lu Jingyi's arm that was blocking his chest.

He turned over in the air, and before he even landed, he saw Lu Jingyi rushing towards him and sweeping across with his legs.

Yu You could only change direction in the air, stepped on his calf, somersaulted again, landed on the dirt on the right side, and slid back two or three meters.

Lu Jingyi quickly approached, while Yu You dodged behind a tree, and then pounced from the other side. Lu Jingyi was well prepared. He grabbed his wrist, kicked his right leg towards his knee, pulled and bent him, and pressed him to the ground with his backhand, bending his legs to press against his lower back.

"Who are you?" Lu Jingyi leaned over and stared dangerously at the boy he was restraining.

Yu You: "..." What do you think

"Why are you running?" Lu Jingyi asked again.

"What are you chasing after?"

"How could I chase you if you didn't run away?" Lu Jingyi glanced at his shirt and trousers and asked, "Why are my clothes on you?"

"How are you sure these are your clothes? Does it have your name on it?" Yu You has a strong desire to survive.

"Although it doesn't have my name, but..." Lu Jingyi grabbed his hand, "I personally asked someone to design the cufflinks on the shirt. They are unique in the world."

Yu You: "..." I only blame myself for my bad eyesight, so I picked a piece of clothing with a logo.

"Tell me, why are the clothes on you?" Lu Jingyi asked again with force on his hands. With his mind, even if he had imagined various possibilities, he would never have thought that Yu You could change gender.

Yu You was silent for a moment and replied with three words: "I stole it."

"Where did you steal it?" If this dress was originally worn on Xiaoyu, how did this person steal it? Could it be ripped off directly from the body

Thinking of this, Lu Jingyi's eyes flashed, and he suddenly turned him over, put his elbow on his throat, faced him face to face, and then looked into a pair of familiar eyes, clear, bright, and naturally beautiful.

Lu Jingyi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was an unusually outstanding-looking young man, about twenty years old, with slightly messy hair. His shirt slid down to his shoulders, exposing a large area of skin. Although he was restrained by others, he did not panic at all.

Yu looked at Lu Jingyi leisurely, with light waves in his eyes. He is now in a male state, somewhat repelled by other aggressive male auras, and subconsciously wants to fight against them.

"I stole the clothes from the garage." Yu You replied calmly.

"Garage?" Lu Jingyi sneered, "You ran into my garage in broad daylight just to steal a piece of clothing?"

"I was catching fish by the stream just now, and my clothes were accidentally washed away by the stream. There is only one villa nearby, so I... I'm sorry." Yu You apologized sincerely.

Lu Jingyi didn't believe it at all. There were surveillance cameras everywhere in the villa. If an outsider sneaked into the garage, there was no way the security wouldn't miss it.

"When did you sneak into the garage?" Lu Jingyi asked, sliding his hand from his waist and feeling into his pocket, intending to see if there was anything identifying him.

Yu You's pupils shrank, and he suddenly raised his leg and kicked him in the abdomen, kicking him away from his body, then turned over and jumped up, running quickly towards the woods.

"Shit!" Lu Jingyi cursed lowly and rushed to catch up, but after turning into a rock, the young man's figure had disappeared without a trace. He was the only one left in the empty woods, standing there.

Yu You took advantage of the cover of the rocks to penetrate the lake, and then used the lake as a transfer station to transfer to the villa garage. The garages were open during the day, but the cars were locked. Yu You condensed the water droplets on his body into water, got into the car and opened the door. He could only do this on land.

He quickly got into Lu Jingyi's car, took off his clothes, took out his mobile phone and wallet, wiped the water stains in the car with a towel, then put on his waterproof backpack, naked, took Lu Jingyi's clothes and put them back to the lake. , found a cave, stuffed the clothes inside and "destroyed the corpses and traces."

There is still more than an hour before the transformation, and Yu You can't go back for the time being, so he can only swim naked at the bottom of the lake first.

He also tried his best to prevent Lu Jingyi from discovering his identity.

The water quality of this lake is excellent, and there are rich species of aquatic life, including silver pomfret, bighead carp, silver carp, and even the rare Chinese sturgeon.

Freshwater lakes are not as colorful as the ocean, but they have their own charm. The fish flips and swims in the blue water waves, and its uniform texture shows a flexible beauty as it moves.

Yu You stood upside down and looked at the big crab in the sand. It raised its pliers, clamped a bunch of his hair, gently pulled it, and then let go. Then it picked out a dead shrimp from the sand, stretched its pliers, and handed it to him.

Yuyou: ...Thank you, I won’t eat this.

Speaking of eating, he was really hungry.

There are many things that can be eaten underwater, but he is used to human diet and is not very adaptable to raw food. After looking around, I found Gorgon seeds under the water near the lake. Gorgon fruit is a herbaceous plant of the Nymphaeaceae family. Its fruit is very similar to lotus seeds. It can be eaten and made into wine and has high nutritional value.

The fish swam leisurely over, picked up a gorgon fruit that had fallen underwater, peeled off the skin, and stuffed the small brown pulp into its mouth. Floating lightly in the water, eating happily alone, and occasionally throwing a few to the nearby fish and shrimp.

At this moment, Yu You sensed Lu Jingyi's aura again, and she looked towards the shore through the gordon flowers and leaves. Lu Jingyi was wandering on the shore, seemingly not giving up looking for him as a male and her as a female.

Yu You calculated the time and found that there were still about twenty or thirty minutes before the transformation.

He thought for a while, teleported, left the lake, and passed through a forest 500 meters away.

Taking off the waterproof backpack on his back, Yu You took out a towel to dry himself and put on clean clothes. He has always liked more neutral sportswear, and it wouldn't be out of place to wear it in his male state, but the size is a bit too small.

Then, he took out a camera from his backpack, carefully avoiding Lu Jingyi, and took pictures everywhere, which he used as evidence that "she" was out for a "walk."

Yu You was now on high alert. As soon as he sensed a trace of aura, he would immediately move his position and play hide and seek with Lu Jingyi.

After going round and round like this, I finally reached the time limit for transformation.

"Little fish!" Lu Jingyi's voice came from outside the woods.

Yuyou turned back, her long hair flickering, and she had already transformed back into a female body.

Lu Jingyi strode over and looked her up and down: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, what's wrong?" Yu You asked, "Didn't you see the text message I sent you?"

"I saw it, but your phone can't get through. I'm worried that you're lost." Lu Jingyi looked at the hand in her hand and the backpack on her shoulder, with a trace of doubt in her eyes.

"The phone may be out of battery, I'm sorry." Yu You lowered his head and fiddled with the camera.

"It's okay." Lu Jingyi touched her head and then asked, "Didn't you put your backpack in my car? How did you take it out?"

"When I woke up in the morning, I wore your clothes and went to the garage to get my bag. I found that the car door was unlocked, so I changed into my own clothes in the car." Yu You raised his head and looked at him steadily, "Your clothes I put it on the roof of the car.”

"Well, it doesn't matter." The image of the young man appeared in Lu Jingyi's mind, and he said solemnly, "Just tell the servant when the time comes."

"Okay." Yu You took his hand, "Let's go back."

Lu Jingyi's eyes warmed, he pulled her into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her lips, and warned: "Don't go to such a remote place alone in the future, and keep your phone fully charged at all times."

"Okay." Yu You obeyed the instructions.

The two held hands and strolled back to the villa.

Lu Jingyi first asked Yu You to go to the room to wash up, while he called the security guard and asked, "Look at the villa's surveillance to see if anyone suspicious comes in or out."

Baoanhui reported: "Master, the surveillance system was upgraded today and is temporarily closed."

Lu Jingyi frowned, how could it be such a coincidence? It seems there is no way to verify whether the boy lied. I ran into the garage to steal clothes, but I still feel like I can't explain it.

If what he said was true, then when he sneaked into the garage, was Xiaoyu changing his clothes at the time, or had he already changed his clothes? Thinking of a wild man hiding in the dark and peeking at Xiaoyu while he was changing clothes, he felt furious. (male·yuyou:m(._.)m)

Although the scene inside the car cannot be seen from the car window, there is a certain danger in the presence of strangers. Fortunately, Xiaoyu was fine, otherwise he would have had to kill the man.

"Jingyi, have you found Yuyou?" Chu Lanxin came out of the study and felt a little strange when she saw Lu Jingyi's face was gloomy.

"Yes, I found it." Lu Jingyi calmed down the anger in his eyes, raised his head and asked, "Where are uncle and the others?"

Chu Lanxin pointed to the back of the villa: "It's in the back garden. Miss Ruan asked me to send a car to go back first. Wen Cong ran back with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He seemed to have been beaten, but he didn't know who he was. He is losing his temper."

"Being beaten?" Lu Jingyi immediately thought of that young man. His skills were very good and he was more than capable of dealing with Lu Wencong. He was kicked several times by him, leaving several footprints on his shirt. If he encounters him again next time, he must teach him a lesson.

Then I thought again, that boy seemed... not wearing shoes

Aren't you afraid of your feet being damaged when you run barefoot in the wild

At this time, Yu You came down from upstairs, and Lu Jingyi's eyes subconsciously looked at her feet. She was wearing a pair of size 36 white sneakers. Her sneakers all seemed to be of the same style and color...

The author has something to say: Yu You: My dear, your future enemies include not only men, but also women, various fish babies, and the male me.

Lu Jingyi: ┌(.Д.)┐