My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 63: Black technology


After reaching an "unification" of opinions with Zhan Quan, Yu You went around the arena again.

Most of the Luohan fish in the arena are in a sub-healthy state, which is a sequelae of artificial crossbreeding, and their intestines and stomachs are relatively fragile. However, as long as they are raised properly, their lifespan can reach about 10 years.

Yuyou uses the power of the ocean to regulate the bodies of these fish babies one by one and solve some minor problems. There was nothing she could do for the few fish babies that were seriously ill, except to relieve their suffering. Fortunately, most of the contestants have some experience in raising fish, which can ensure the survival rate of the baby fish to the greatest extent.

Arriving at Yuan Xi's fish tank, Yu You took special care of his Luohan fish. Yuan Xi is the representative of Lanzhou City, currently ranked fourth, and has a higher level of raising Luohan fish than the president Jin Chu. Even if they fail to break into the top three in the end, it will be enough to bring a wave of popularity to Lalanzhou City.

After visiting the arena, Yu You declined the invitations from the aquarists and left with Lu Jingyi.

The moment she stepped out of the arena, all the baby fish turned to the direction where she disappeared and said goodbye silently.

"What do you want to eat for lunch?" Lu Jingyi put his arms around Yu You's waist and asked with his head down.

"Ramen." Yu You took out his mobile phone, and as soon as he opened the screen, an electronic map appeared on it, marking the location of a popular ramen restaurant nearby, which Grandpa Turtle wholeheartedly recommended.

"Let's go then." Lu Jingyi thought she had chosen the location before and didn't find it strange.

The two followed the map to the ramen restaurant. When they were about to enter, a man passed Yu You and entered the store first.

Yu You didn't care. He and Lu Jingyi chose a seat to sit down. He was about to put his phone away when he suddenly felt the phone vibrate a few times.

She picked up her phone and saw a warning exclamation mark on the screen.

Um? what happened

A window pops up immediately with keywords such as "Trojan horse implantation" and "monitoring and eavesdropping" written on it.

A flash of surprise flashed in Yu You's eyes. Someone had hacked into her phone? It should be the man who passed her just now, right

She raised her head and looked around, but she didn't find that person. With her face blindness, even if she discovered it, she probably wouldn't be able to recognize it.

"What's wrong?" Lu Jingyi asked when he saw her looking around.

"This store's business is pretty good." Yu You put his phone in his pocket, his expression as usual.

"Well, it must taste good."

The two of them each ordered a bowl of ramen and several plates of snacks, and chatted about light topics while eating.

After lunch, the two returned directly to the hotel.

Yu You took out Grandpa Turtle’s mobile phone and sent out a sound wave that only marine creatures could understand, asking if it was safe.

A smiley face appeared on the phone screen.

The clever Grandpa Turtle temporarily blocked the signal. If the other party wanted to monitor Yu You's mobile phone, he could only use the Internet.

Being able to hack into her mobile phone in this way must be very skilled, but who would do it? Yu You is just an ordinary person. Even if she is famous in the fish circle, there is no need to find hackers to monitor her, right? The only secret about her that cannot be exposed is her identity as a sea tribe. If the other party finds out about this, instead of monitoring her mobile phone, it is better to install video equipment on the seabed and wait and see.

Yu You: Grandpa Turtle, can you reverse the tracking

Grandpa Turtle: ok.jpg

Grandpa Turtle connected to the Internet, followed the traces left by the other party, and secretly tracked him.

At this time, in an Internet cafe, a man wearing a ball cap was operating his mobile phone with his head down.

When he tried to activate the Trojan and implement surveillance, he did not realize that his mobile phone had also been hacked. The camera on the mobile phone captured the man's appearance, and some files in the mobile phone were also copied and sent.

Two minutes later, the man successfully entered Yu You's phone and turned on the camera. A pale face suddenly appeared on the screen, which scared him so much that he almost screamed. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be me. It's strange. He turned on the other party's camera, so why did his own camera start? Could it be that my hand was pumped

Just as he was about to resume the operation, he suddenly saw a terrifying woman's face through the camera, emerging from behind his shoulder. Red blood flowed from her two black eyes, and she grinned almost to the base of her ears, giving him a stern expression. smile.

"Ah!" The man suddenly turned around and saw only a few teenagers sitting in a row with their backs to him, playing games.

The man slowly turned around and looked at the screen again. Everything on the screen was normal except for his frightened face.

He turned off the camera with trembling fingers, wondering if he was dazzled

After calming down, he first checked his mobile phone to make sure there were no traces of external intrusion and no suspicious data flows. Then he cut into Yu You's mobile phone again, but this time he did not move the camera again, intending to watch her chat. Information such as records or friend circles.

When I opened QQ, I found the name "Master Lu". My eyes lit up and I quickly clicked on it. The chat history of the two people immediately popped up on the screen.

Lu: There is a new movie released recently. Do you want to watch it together

Fish: What movie

Lu: Full pursuit.

Fish: Does it look good

Lu: This is the promotional video for the film, take a look at (website).

The man subconsciously clicked on the website, and the video popped up. Then he heard a crisp and melodious song played from the video at the highest volume: Chicken, run, run, run, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken Chicken, run quickly...

At the same time, the video also showed several grass-mud horses running in formation.

Isn't it "Pursuit"? This is obviously "Chicken Run"! And the protagonist in the video is not a chicken, but a group of grass and mud horses! ! !

"Shit!" The man quickly closed the video despite the angry looks of everyone around him.

Let’s look at the rest of the chat.

Yu: Looking at the special effects in the promotional video, they seem to be very powerful.

Lu: Well, this is an international blockbuster produced by DreamWorks, and it’s worth watching.

A group of wildly running grass and mud horses, with special effects of wool? ! What an international blockbuster? ! Is there something wrong with you! ! !

The man felt the deep malice coming from the two love minds.

He turned off the button and began to check various programs and files on Yuyou's phone. However, after a while, he found a file marked confidential in a corner. He was so happy that he did not rush to open it, but Copy it first.

After the copy was completed, he temporarily logged out of Yu You's phone, carefully checked the file, and found that he needed to enter a password. Seeing this scene, not only did he not feel depressed, but he became energetic. Setting a password shows that this is indeed a very important file. And deciphering codes is his specialty. He likes the sense of accomplishment of this kind of decryption the most, just like undressing a beautiful woman, one after another, until the naked body is exposed.

Before the man could recover from his excitement, the file had been opened, password: 14843.

Man: "..." The foreplay was over before it even started. There was no difficulty at all.

There was only one txt text in the file. When he opened the text, there was only one line on it: Sao Nian, do you think it is really confidential if it is marked with the word "confidential"? Are you stupid

Are you stupid? Are you stupid? 14843…

"Ah!" The man threw off the keyboard, stood up quickly, and roared to the sky.

Then, the owner of the Internet cafe asked someone to politely "invite" me out.

In the hotel, Yu You was using Grandpa Turtle's ghostly "monitoring" to understand the other party's movements in real time. When the other party checked her and Lu Jingyi's chat, she immediately realized that the person the other party wanted to monitor was not her, but Lu Jingyi.

Lu Jingyi is a well-known technology talent. The other party may be worried that his mobile phone is equipped with a powerful firewall that he cannot break through, so he chooses to start from her side.

But he didn't know that it was actually easier to hack into Lu Jingyi's phone than hers. Lu Jingyi's knight intelligence was far inferior to Grandpa Turtle, who was the real black technology.

"What are you looking at?" Lu Jingyi came over and sat next to Yu You.

"Do you know this person?" Yu You handed him the photo taken by Grandpa Gui.

Lu Jingyi looked at it carefully for a while and shook his head: "I don't know him."

Yu You said: "He installed a Trojan on my phone and seems to want to collect information about you from me."

"What?" Lu Jingyi looked serious, took Yu You's cell phone, and asked while checking it, "How are you sure he is here for me?"

"He browsed my chat history with you."

Lu Jingyi paused and said thoughtfully: "If you are really coming for me, then it is probably for the cooperation case between Lu and Seyinji. This matter has not been announced yet, and it is normal for competitors to want to investigate the situation. It would be better if we could get relevant technical information. ”

"Then you must be careful." Yu You warned, "They can't hack into my phone, but yours..."

Lu Jingyi nodded and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. It was still the one Yu You gave him.

After getting used to it, I found that it is very easy to use, and the system performance is superior to ordinary mobile phones. Even this non-mainstream appearance feels fresh and refined after looking at it for a long time. Moreover, this is a gift from Xiaoyu. He plans to use it until the end of the world. When he goes back Then install a defense program on it to ensure that no one can hack in.

The next day, the bet between Yu You and Zhan Quan had spread online, and the bet had been set, but before the heat could get to it, the winner had already been decided.

In the afternoon, the two sick fish that were quarantined first started to shake their fins, and then their body surface began to turn black and they had white feces. These are all symptoms of bacterial infectious enteritis. Fortunately, they were only in the middle stage of the disease, otherwise they would have been hopeless. .

Zhan Quan was extremely frustrated. He even got the cause of enteritis wrong. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to him who had always been confident.

He silently helped treat the two sick fish and then asked the organizer to withdraw from the competition. Although he has many faults, he definitely keeps his word.

Yu You didn't stop him. He should care more about his credibility than the outcome of a competition. Besides, with his ability, as long as he is willing, he will have many opportunities to compete in the future. There is no need for her to pretend to be a good person and persuade him to stay. Down.

The second place in the semi-finals will forfeit, and all contestants will automatically move up one place.

Yuan Xi, who was originally ranked fourth, directly became third. As long as his Luohanyu maintains its current state, Lanzhou City's goal of participating in this competition will be achieved.

The author has something to say: It’s time for annual voting again. I hope you guys can support me a lot. If you have thunder, explode it, if you have nutrient solution, fill it with water, and if you have a koi aura, all come to my bowl. It’s steamed Spicy or spicy, your choice~^_^~