My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 64: Mimi


After Yu You's cell phone was hacked, someone sneaked into her repair shop and attempted to install surveillance more than once. However, the strange thing is that every time the installation process went smoothly and the tests were normal, but as soon as they left, the signal disappeared without any reason or warning, as if there was a camera and bug hidden in the house. ghost.

Finally, to avoid alerting the enemy, they gave up.

There are all kinds of technological creatures around Yu You, and they all have certain intelligence. If you want to use ordinary technological means to deal with these black technological creatures, you will basically have doubts about life.

By the time Yu You received the message, a crisis had disappeared.

Lu Jingyi values privacy very much, and the other party's behavior successfully angered him. With the information provided by Yu You, it is not difficult to find out who is behind the scenes. It will not be easy for anyone for a long time.

Yu You doesn't understand the intrigues in the shopping mall and has no interest in taking care of them. There is only one month left in the Luohan Fish Competition. Most of the Luohan Fish are doing well and people are bidding online to buy them. This is also one of the purposes of many people participating in the competition. It can not only increase their popularity, but also increase the price of Luohan fish.

As a Feng Shui fish with a relatively long lifespan, Luohan fish is very popular in ornamental fish traps in Southeast Asia. A high-quality Luohan fish can sometimes fetch a sky-high price of more than one million. Some rare strains are often in short supply, and even fry are difficult to obtain.

It has to be said that the authorities have indeed spent a lot of money for this competition and introduced several precious strains of Luohan fry.

Among the top 10 in the semi-finals, there are only seven pearls, and Yu You owns two, and they are in excellent quality. One pearl has been sold for 210,000 yuan. After the competition ends, if the contestant sells the fish, the proceeds will be divided 50-50 with the organizer; if not sold, the contestant can bid to buy the fish, and the organizer can also recycle them at a low price.

On the official forum, the highest bidder is Yu Tianbin’s Imperial Monkey Arhat at 36w, followed by Yu You’s albino Pearl Arhat and original Monkey Arhat. Because the keyhole snapper has just appeared recently and is not as famous as the Luohan fish, the price is still around 10,000 for the time being. However, as its body becomes more and more beautiful and more and more people pay attention to it, the price should increase greatly.

These fish do not entirely belong to Yuyou, so she has no intention of finding suitable owners for them. People who are willing to spend hundreds of thousands to buy them must be people who are capable of taking good care of them, so she does not need to worry too much.

There was still one month left in the competition, so Yu You couldn't stay in Yanyun forever. After observing for a few days and making sure there were no problems, she and Lu Jingyi returned to Lanzhou City.

During this period, Yuyou plans to study how to transform the Fantasy Aquarium, mainly by upgrading the 3D panoramic system, and transforming the performance hall and training base into a marine life health center, specifically to accommodate injured or expelled marines who cannot live independently. biology.

The current 3D technology in the aquarium is still at the level it was four or five years ago, and can only provide ordinary three-dimensional screen displays to introduce some knowledge about marine life.

Yuyou's vision is to build a complete 3D ocean world, and most of the 3D creatures can simply communicate with tourists.

"The idea is bold, but it is difficult to implement." Lu Jingyi stated, "Building a virtual world can be done, but if you want virtual creatures to have basic communication capabilities, artificial intelligence is involved."

Yu You smiled and said: "Then you help me design the virtual system and I will solve the intelligence problem." For her, building a virtual world is the most difficult thing. It involves too much professional knowledge and requires a team to complete it. Intelligence is the simplest, because she uses biological intelligence that cannot be explained by technology.

"What can you do?" Lu Jingyi looked at her in surprise.

Yu You took out an item from under the workbench and handed it to him.

Lu Jingyi took it and took a look and found that it was an electronic pet, a kind of electronic toy that simulates breeding. A few decades ago, it was popular all over the world. However, with the rapid development of the Internet, this product has gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. It has no intelligence, it just simulates birth, growth, life, entertainment, learning, making friends and other states according to the program settings. Nowadays it is only popular among children.

Lu Jingyi opened the electronic pet with doubts, and what appeared on the screen was a Q-version fish.

Hello, little brother. A cute child's voice came from the game console, startling the unprepared Lu Jingyi.

"Introduce yourself to little brother." Yu You said.

My name is "Mimi" and I am a young clownfish. The little fish swims around the screen and spits bubbles.

Lu Jingyi looked surprised. He looked at Yu You, then at the screen, and then tried: "Hello, my name is Lu Jingyi."

Mimi wagged her tail: Hello, little brother Lu Jingyi, I am little princess Mimi.

Lu Jingyi paused for a moment and then said: "Nicemeet you."

nicemeet you, too~~

Lu Jingyi: Damn, you can even speak foreign languages!

"Are you hungry, Mimi?"

I'm hungry and want to eat seaweed.

There was a feeding icon on the screen. Lu Jingyi clicked on it and fed a handful of seaweed. Mimi ate happily, and after eating, she stood up and exposed her bulging belly to him.

Lu Jingyi asked again: "Are you full, Mimi?"

I'm full, now I want to play games.

"What do you want to play?"

Brain teasers~~

Lu Jingyi: Is it really appropriate for a clownfish with a memory of less than 5 seconds to play such a difficult game? !

Who is taller, a or c

"... c." ab (lower) than cd (lower).

What was the greatest discovery in genetics last year

Genetics’ greatest discovery? DNA? Or modify the DNA program

Lu Jingyi replied hesitantly: "... DNA?"

wrong answer! You are so stupid, you don’t even know something so simple.

"What's the answer?"

A sparrow turns into a phoenix.

Lu Jingyi: "..."

"How do you feel?" Yu You asked with a smile.

Lu Jingyi did not answer immediately, but continued to say to Mimi: "Mimi, it was you who asked me just now, and now it's my turn to ask you."

Ah~~Mimi is sleepy, it’s time to sleep~~zzzz…

Lu Jingyi: "..." Was he deceived by an electronic fish

"Haha." Yu You couldn't help laughing.

"How did you do it?" Lu Jingyi turned to look at her and asked in surprise, "The intelligence is very high. It should have surpassed the existing intelligent systems."

"It's not as powerful as you think." Yu You replied, "It is actually still acting according to the programmed settings. If it exceeds the set range, it will avoid the most important things like just now, and it looks very smart."

Even so, it is not something that ordinary intelligent programs can do. Lu Jingyi felt that there might be some black technology that he couldn't understand, such as magic

He originally only supported her renovation of the aquarium with the attitude of making her happy. Now it seems that if this idea is completed, it is definitely expected to develop into the world's first virtual ocean park.

"Xiaoyu, you make a detailed plan first, and I will arrange the rest." Lu Jingyi also became very interested in this project and planned to participate in person, just to test how far his condition has recovered. .


Yu You was about to put away her breast when Lu Jingyi said, "Can you give it to me?"

Yu You looked down at Mimi: "Mimi, do you like this little brother?"

Mimi yawned: not annoying.

"How about letting him support you from now on?"

Mimi woke up with a start: Can he play brain teasers? Can you sing the clownfish song? Can you do somersaults in the air? Can you tell bedtime stories? Will you help me find a boyfriend? Will you prepare a dowry for me

Lu Jingyi: What the hell is all this? !

"Although he won't, he can learn."

Okay, then I will reluctantly let him raise it.

Lu Jingyi:... Is it too late to refuse now

Yu You handed Mimi to his hand: "It's asking you, remember to communicate with it often, otherwise it will suffer from depression. If it accidentally starves to death or dies of illness, it will turn black when it restarts again. "

Lu Jingyi: "..." I want to see what it looks like when it turns black.

Yu You seemed to see through his mind and said, "Believe me, you don't want to know what it looks like when it turns black..."

This electronic pet not only has camera functions and voice programs, but is also connected to the Internet and can be bound to a mobile phone or computer. If Lu Jingyi really pisses it off, I don't know what it will do. Most fish babies have bad tempers, just because their intelligence is average and their destructive power is limited. At most, they can just play some pranks and prank others, but they are enough to cause trouble for a while.

The construction of a 3D ocean world takes a lot of time, and it is estimated that it will not be completed within a year. Yuyou plans to renovate the performance hall and training base first, temporarily cancel the marine life performance project, train trainers as breeders, and release a group of marine creatures that can be self-reliant.

A few days later, Lu Jingyi went out for something, and Yu You came to the Fantasy Aquarium alone. The owner of the museum, Ouyang Hui, had already received the news and came to greet him personally.

"How's your luck?" Yu You asked about the female dolphin he saw last time.

"Miss Fish also knows how to be lucky?" Ouyang Hui said with a smile, "It is in very good condition and gets along very well with the little dolphin."

Ouyang Hui was not present when Yu You treated Lucky last time, so he didn't know it was her.

"That's good." Yu You followed Ouyang Hui to the training base and stood on the shore, silently observing the dolphins underwater.

"Miss Yu, do you want to take a closer look at them?" Ouyang Hui said with a smile, "I'll have someone lead them over."

"No need." Yu You didn't see any movement. The dolphins in the water seemed to have received some instructions and gathered here at the same time. Not far from her, they jumped out of the water one after another, shouting happily.

Yu You glanced at them one by one, and soon had a preliminary understanding of their physical condition.

"Director Ouyang, I will stay here tonight to keep vigil. You ask the other staff to leave."

"This..." Ouyang Hui was a little embarrassed. Someone must be on duty here every day to prevent outsiders from stealing or destroying.

"It's only tonight. The training base is temporarily sealed off, and security can guard the perimeter."

Ouyang Hui hesitated for a while, and finally nodded in agreement. Lu Jingyi made it clear that this aquarium will belong to Yuyou from now on, and she can do whatever she wants.

In the evening, the aquarium is closed, and except for the night shift staff, everyone else leaves one after another.

The training base is connected to the sea, but is surrounded by protective nets and divided into several waters.

Yuyou came to the operating room, opened the valve to the sea, then took off his clothes, pants, shoes and socks, wearing only a sports bra, jumped into the water, and swam in with a dozen dolphins and a few killer whales. sea.

She plans to see how well they can survive on their own, and if they perform well, they will be the first sea creatures to be released.