My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 7: Register a Weibo for me


No one was using the phone, and the screen turned into a dynamic picture of the ocean. A Red Sea Knight swam happily among the corals, sometimes getting into caves, sometimes chasing its partners, and sometimes leaning closer to the screen to peek out, as if it was really inside the phone. Life.

Lu Jingyi took a few steps closer and sat stiffly at the end of the bed, staring at the phone until the screen went completely black and nothing could be seen anymore.

He fought the urge to throw it across the room, trying to acknowledge its existence. Since you don’t want to rely on drugs, let’s start by accepting this mobile phone...

Three days later, Lu Jingyi went to the maintenance shop to pick up his knight and baby fish.

Yu You helped him change the tank, prepared a fish food gift package, and finally handed him a thousand yuan in cash.

"What is this?" Lu Jingyi stared at the stack of banknotes, confused.

"The treatment fee is only 200. I charged 1,200 and will give you 1,000 back."

Lu Jingyi: "..." Last time he gave her a dozen fish larvae, she gave him a mobile phone in return. She promised to give her 1,200 as long as she cured the Red Sea Knight, but she still had to give him change in spite of her death! Can you really make money doing this business? Judging from the crowds at the store entrance, I guess life is very tight.

Lu Jingyi thought for a moment and took the money without saying anything.

Yu You warned: "The Red Sea Knight is the most powerful type of hanging fish and is somewhat aggressive. Do not keep it with fish that are similar in size or larger than it, otherwise they will continue to attack." The opponent until they are beaten to death or beaten to death."

A bigger hanging than it... I always feel that this sentence is very subtle.

"Yes, I know." Lu Jingyi looked at the Red Sea Knight in the fish tank who looked like he had become an immortal, and felt quite satisfied. After Yuyou's treatment, it is obviously more energetic than before. This kind of appearance is rare even in some large aquarium stores, which shows that Yuyou's breeding level is very high.

"By the way." Yu You suddenly asked, "Have you used the mobile phone I gave you?"

Lu Jingyi: "Well..." He has been waiting quietly on the bedside table.

"Add WeChat and follow my Weibo." Yu You rarely takes the initiative to let others follow her Weibo, but she thinks this Lu Jingyi is very interesting and wants to communicate more with him.

Lu Jingyi: "...what's your Weibo name? I'll add you when I get back."

"'Aquarium Master'." Yu You's phoenix eyes behind his glasses curved into a pair of crescent moons, "My Weibo name is Aquarium Master."

Lu Jingyi stared at it for a moment, and was about to speak when he suddenly heard a gust of wind chimes coming from the door, and then a courier walked in.

"Is this Miss Yu?"

"Yes." Yu You walked out from behind the counter.

"I have your express delivery, please sign for it." The courier handed a letter to her.

"Thank you." After Yu You signed for it, he opened the letter strangely and took out a... speeding ticket? Also included is a captured photo.

Lu Jingyi next to him glanced at it with his peripheral vision, but didn't pay much attention at first. Speeding is inevitable when driving, especially on speed-limited roads. If you don't pay attention, you will speed. Generally, if the speed is within 10% of the prescribed speed, the traffic police will not pursue the case and will at most give you a warning.

Not enough. When he saw the captured photo, the above idea was immediately overturned. Electric car? ? ? Are you kidding? An electric car with a top speed of 60 miles per hour cannot exceed the speed limit even on the most stringent speed limits!

"What's going on? Is someone deliberately making things difficult for you?" Lu Jingyi asked in a deep voice.

"...No, I did speed." Yu You adjusted his glasses and sincerely accepted the punishment.

Lu Jingyi didn't believe it: "How much can an electric car speed?"

"Hmm... 50 miles."

"It's normal. Generally, the top speed of electric vehicles is only about 60 per hour."

"I mean, I'm over 50."

Lu Jingyi: "..." 60+50=110. Can an electric car run at a speed of 110 miles per hour? ? ? In the past few years when he was recovering from illness, has electric technology developed to this extent

Yu You calmly explained: "My electric car has been remodeled."

"... Don't speed in the future. The safety performance of electric vehicles is not suitable for speeding up." In the past, Lu Jingyi would definitely go and see the modification of that electric vehicle, but now, even if he is curious, he can only give up.

Yu You: "Thank you, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Lu Jingyi nodded, with dark eyes, bid farewell to Yu You, took the Red Sea Knight and the baby fish, and got into a luxury car.

Today he specially asked the driver to pick him up and drop him off, so as not to accidentally hurt the fish baby. If it was just a car ride and the distance was not far, he could still control his emotions and not lose control.

Back at the villa, Lu Jingyi first placed his fish, then called Mr. Chapu and said, "Follow me on Weibo. The name of the Weibo is 'Aquarium Owner'."

Mr. Chap gave him a strange look, and then asked: "Master, do you have a Weibo?"

Lu Jingyi: "... Register one for me."

"What's your Weibo name?" Mr. Chap took the Knight mobile phone, downloaded Weibo, and clicked on the registration page.

"You can just pick any one."

Mr. Chap's fingers were flying and he was skillful in operation, not at all like an old man in his sixties.

"Okay, the registration is successful. Your Weibo name is 'Master Lu, the domineering toilet leaker'." Mr. Chap was very satisfied with the name he chose and didn't find anything wrong at all.

Lu Jingyi: "..."

At the same time, Yu You’s Weibo also gained a new fan. Click on it to take a look: Master Lu, the domineering toilet leaker.

"Domineering toilet leaks?" Is this a typo

Yu You also followed him and sent him a private message: Red Sea Knight

"Master, the owner of the aquarium has sent you a message." Chapu pointed the screen at Lu Jingyi.

Lu Jingyi glanced quickly: "Please answer 'yes' for me."

Chapu replied: Yes, it’s me o(*^ 3 ^)o

Relying on Lu Jingyi's inability to read, a certain butler spared no effort to destroy his character.

"Master, she replied again: 'Look after me in the future'."

"Reply 'ok' for me."

Chap: Okay, take care of each other, okay b( ^ ^ )d

Lu Jingyi, who had no idea what Chapu had done, asked him to add Yu You's WeChat account. After confirming that the other party did not reply, he asked him to put the phone back to its original place.

After Mr. Chap left the room, the first thing he did was to follow Yu You’s Weibo on his mobile phone, join her WeChat group, and be ready to peek at the screen at any time.

The young master actually accepted a mobile phone as a gift, suppressed his fear of technological products, and exchanged contact information with the other party. It was simply unbelievable. But he thinks this is a good sign and hopes that the girl named "Yu You" can bring more surprises to the young master.

The next day, two luxury cars drove into Lu Jingyi's villa, and two young men in their twenties got out of the cars.

"Master Qin, Master Wei." Mr. Chap warmly welcomed them into the room.

"Why are you here?" Lu Jingyi sat on the sofa and glanced at them casually.

"I heard that you were kicked out of the Lu family. Let's come over to see if you are still alive." Wei Baocheng sat down on the sofa carelessly and spoke without being polite at all.

Qin Ning looked at Lu Jingyi and asked, "How are you? Are you living well here?"

"It's pretty good." Lu Jingyi said lightly, "The scenery here is beautiful and the climate is pleasant. It's very suitable for retirement."

"Aren't you? Retirement???" Wei Baocheng said in disbelief, "You really don't plan to go back? Do you know how chaotic the Lu family is now?"

"So what if I know? What can I do?" Lu Jingyi's face was calm and unperturbed.

Wei Baocheng slapped the sofa: "You can kill them if you go back! Aren't you just a little sick? It's not like your brain is broken."

Lu Jingyi looked at Qin Ning: "Next time, just come here alone, don't bring this guy with you."

Qin Ning smiled: "Okay."

"I'm going, what do you mean? Do you think I'm being funny?" Wei Baocheng was dissatisfied.

"Still a little self-aware." If Lu Jingyi hadn't been his best friend since childhood, Lu Jingyi would have thrown this noisy guy out long ago.

Wei Baocheng glared at him angrily, leaned on the sofa and stopped talking.

"Do you need any help?" Qin Ning asked.

"No need at the moment, thank you." Since the accident, Lu Jingyi has suffered from post-traumatic syndrome. His emotions are often on the verge of losing control and he can no longer work normally. The previous halo has become a topic for others to gloat over.

Although he could live a wealthy life after leaving the Lu family, he didn't want to live in mediocrity for half his life because of mental problems. For him, who has a strong self-esteem, this is tantamount to self-exile.

"By the way." Lu Jingyi turned to look at Wei Baocheng, "I remember your grandpa loved raising fish."

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Wei Baocheng looked at him in confusion, not understanding why he suddenly mentioned this.

"I recently met a good fish farmer. You can introduce him to your grandpa. If his fish are sick, you can see her."

Wei Baocheng looked incredulous: "Are you serious? You want me to introduce a fish farmer to my grandpa?"

"What's wrong with the fish farmer?" Lu Jingyi was displeased, "She cured my knight, and she also helped me give birth to many baby fish."

Wei Baocheng: "???" What the hell is it that helped you give birth to so many baby fish

"By the way, I've registered a Weibo. Let's follow each other. Please note my mobile phone number as well."

Wei Baocheng was shocked: "You have a mobile phone and have registered for Weibo???"

Qin Ning also showed a hint of surprise.

"Well, the mobile phone number is 133xxxxxxxx, and the Weibo name is 'Domineering and leaky Master Lu'."

"The domineering Master Lu? Hahaha, you're laughing so hard..." Wei Baocheng tremblingly saved Lu Jingyi's number on his mobile phone, smiling from ear to ear, feeling that today's trip was really worth it.

Qin Ning held back her laughter, silently wrote down the number, and then searched Weibo.

"Huh? Are you sure your Weibo name is correct? This 'Domineering Master Lu' is a ten-level veteran." Wei Baocheng pointed the phone screen at him.

Lu Jingyi glanced quickly and defensively, then frowned and called Chapu: "Isn't my Weibo name 'The Domineering Master Lu'?"

"Yes." Mr. Chap took out his mobile phone, opened Weibo, and handed it to the young masters, "Look."

Wei Baocheng and Qin Ning went over to take a look, and then...

"Hahaha, I'll go, it turns out it's a domineering toilet leak, what a name, hahaha..." Wei Baocheng laughed and fell on the sofa.

Qin Ning lowered his head, looking like he was concentrating on playing with his mobile phone, but his trembling lips betrayed him.

Lu Jingyi realized something was wrong, resisted the rejection, and took Chapu's cell phone. After seeing the name on it, he threw the phone out the door.

"Ah!" Chapu ran to pick up the phone aggrievedly, and then heard the young master say coldly behind him, "Change your name again."

"Don't, there are so many weird names on the Internet. You don't count at all, okay? Besides, do you really know how to use Weibo?" Wei Baocheng didn't want Mr. Lu to change his name.

"That's it." Qin Ning agreed.

Lu Jingyi said nothing more with a sullen face and continued the topic: "Xiaobao, I will send you Boss Yu's store address and contact information later. Remember to introduce her to your grandfather."

"Okay." Wei Baocheng was in a good mood and readily agreed.

Wei and Qin had a meal at the villa, then said goodbye and left.

Wei Baocheng remembered Lu Jingyi's instructions and went straight to his grandfather's house.

"Xiaobao? Why do you have time to come over to see grandpa today?" Grandpa Wei looked at his grandson with a smile while feeding the carp.

"I just went to Brother Lu's house and came over by the way." Wei Baocheng squatted by the pond, grabbed a handful of fish food, and sprinkled it into the water randomly.

"Boy from the Lu family, is he okay?"

"Very good." Wei Baocheng didn't say much. After throwing away the fish food, he wiped his hands and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. "Brother Lu said that he recently met a fish farming expert and asked me to introduce him to you."

"Oh? Did he ask you to introduce him?" Grandpa Wei was a little funny.

"Yeah, that's it... Yu You, No. 115, West Market, Hua Niao Street, Lao Yu... Huh???" Wei Baocheng's eyes widened, "Lao Yu electrical repair shop???"

The so-called fish farming expert opened an "electrical appliance repair shop"? ! Are you kidding me, my brother!

Grandpa Wei also had a puzzled expression. He often went to Flower and Bird Street, but he had never noticed any repair shops. Is there really a fish farming expert hidden in this repair shop? Lu Jingyi still introduced him to him cautiously? If he didn't know who he was, he might have thought he was joking.

"Send me the address and I'll go to Flower and Bird Street to have a look tomorrow."

"Grandpa, are you really going to see that fish farming expert?"

"It's not far from the Flower, Bird and Fish Market. It's just a drop-in. It won't waste much time." Grandpa Wei said with a smile, "By the way, call Lao Xie and the others."

Wei Baocheng: Are you unwilling to be cheated alone? You also need to pull up a few back cushions. A group of old thieves really know how to play...