My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 71: Elmer


At night, Yu You knocked down Lu Jingyi to test the effect of absorbing the female's breath during the day, mainly to see whether the passive transformation time was extended and whether the restricted time of free transformation was shortened.

Two hours later, the test results came out. There was no obvious effect. It was estimated that the difference was only a few dozen seconds to a few minutes.

"We have to keep up our efforts." As a female, Yu You will not take the initiative to absorb the breath of other females. Only when he is a male will he naturally attract females to him. It's just that his male aura is relatively strong, and few females can counterattack.

Similarly, Lu Jingyi's masculine aura is also very powerful and extremely aggressive. The female scent of Yuyou is relatively soft, not much aggressive, and often chooses to give in and be tolerant. Most hermaphrodite marine creatures transform into males only when competing for dominance.

If the genders of Lu Jingyi and Yu You were reversed, their sexual lives would be more harmonious. But it's not too bad now, at least Lu Jingyi has learned how to face the unpredictable life calmly.

Yu You sat behind the counter and carefully studied the 3D core program that Lu Jingyi gave her. In terms of real technical level and scientific research experience, she is far inferior to Lu Jingyi. Her black technology products are all based on existing technology.

With Lu Jingyi's analysis and calculations, she can learn with twice the result with half the effort. After she understands it thoroughly, she plans to make a small virtual imaging device by herself.

I practice yoga two days a week. During the rest of the time, I do research, repair electrical appliances, and sell ornamental fish in the store during the day. I go to the sea to collect materials in the early morning or evening, and log in to Weibo and forums at night.

Since the last Luohan Fish Competition ended, Lanzhou City's reputation has increased again. The number of Chinese and foreign tourists coming here has gradually increased. Yuyou's old fish repair shop has also become an alternative sign of the flower, bird and fish market. When aquarists buy fish in Lanzhou City, their first choice is the old fish repair shop. If they can't find it, they will go to other aquarium stores.

Yuyou's method of treating ornamental fish is now quite famous. Many aquarists will ask for advice online or directly at their homes. Yuyou will patiently answer questions as long as he has time.

At the same time, she did not give up and continued to collect dying ornamental fish in the flower, bird and fish market.

There are too many wild fish babies in the sea, and their souls can only be returned to the sea for the time being. Once the aquarium is renovated, they will be able to experience another kind of fish.

Thinking of the aquarium, it seems that it's time for dolphins and killer whales to let themselves go again.

Yu You sent a text message to Lu Jingyi who was at the scientific research center, then carried his backpack, rode a killer whale electric car, and headed to the Fantasy Aquarium.

As usual, he stayed in the aquarium overnight and cleared the security of the training base. Yuyou opened the gate and swam into the sea with the dolphins and killer whales.

After demarcating a rough range of activities for them, Yuyou no longer cares about them and patrols the sea alone.

Many marine creatures hunt at night, and various wonderful sound waves interweave in the sea. Human ears cannot hear them, but fish can hear them clearly. They may be soft, deep, long, or short, and carry the sound of life. The rhythm is not noisy at all.

The fish lay leisurely on its back in the sea, swaying with the waves, looking at the sea surface glittering with stars, and slowly fell into sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of a ship passing by suddenly came from the distance. Then there was a splash, as if something heavy was thrown into the sea.

Yu You opened his eyes, what was going on with this familiar feeling

She turned around and disappeared. The next second, she appeared in the sea dozens of miles away, and she saw the sinking figure at a glance.

Could it be Blair again

Yu You swam over quickly, picked up the man's collar, and found that he was a foreign man with brown hair. He was about the same age as Blair, but his hair color and body shape were very different. He was still breathing, and there were no external injuries on his body. He didn't know if he accidentally dropped it or if someone else pushed it down.

Strange, do foreigners like this method of murder or suicide

Yuyou dragged the man ashore, searched his pockets and found a passport.

"Elmer Owen..." has the same surname as Blair, could he be his brother? What on earth did the Owen family commit that led to them being thrown into the sea one by one

Just when Yu Youyou was thinking about whether to call Blair, the man on the ground woke up and found a man squatting next to him. With a sharp look in his eyes, he suddenly turned over and jumped up, jumping towards her fiercely.

Yu You quickly stepped aside, but the man couldn't catch up in time and hit the rock behind her. He fell to the ground with a thud and was smashed to pieces.

"Don't get excited. I'm the one who rescued you from the sea. I don't mean any harm." Yu You took a few steps back and comforted you softly.

Aimer gasped a few times and stared at her for a long time. He calmed down a little when he saw that she was wearing a tight-fitting suit and had a slim figure. Except for the mobile phone hanging around her neck, she had no other dangerous items on her body.

"Did you save me?" Aimer sat up with difficulty, making a low and hoarse voice.

"Yes." Yu You asked, "What happened to you? Do you want me to call the police for you?"

"No, no need." Aimer refused, "I am from country M, and the jc from country Z can't help."

He is indeed Blair's brother, even the content of his words is the same, and he will probably need to borrow her cell phone next.

"Can I borrow your cell phone?"

See, as expected.

Yu You handed Grandpa Gui’s mobile phone to him.

Aimer was stunned for a moment when he saw the appearance of this mobile phone, then came back to his senses and quickly dialed a number.

"Kaka, it's me, Aimo, can you receive my distress signal over there... Very good, send someone to pick me up quickly, be careful not to be discovered." Aimo used i when he called English, a relatively niche language, is obviously to prevent Yuyou, but unfortunately, she can speak all the main languages of all countries adjacent to the ocean, including country i.

Yu You quietly acted as her passer-by, waiting only for him to finish the phone call and get her Grandpa Turtle back before preparing to leave.

"What's your name?" Elmo deleted the call history and returned the phone to her.

"Olive." Yu You reported the pseudonym he made up temporarily last time.

"Olive, thank you for saving me. I will definitely repay you if I have the chance in the future." Elmer has a pair of hawk-like eyes, which look a bit fierce, but he seems to be working hard to adjust his facial muscles. , to soften the expression.

"You're welcome." Yu You put on his phone and said, "Do you need any help? If not, I'll leave first."

"Okay, see you later." Aimer was straightforward and had no intention of inquiring about the situation.

Yu You waved to him, then jumped forward and shot into the sea like a shuttle.

Emer looked at the dark sea with a thoughtful expression on his face.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly a few lights flashed in the distance, flickering on and off, as if it was a signal.

Aimer walked out from behind the reef and greeted the visitor.

"Hey, Aimer, I didn't expect this day to happen to you." The strong Kaka strode over and teased with a smile.

Aimer said expressionlessly: "I was careless. I originally thought that as long as Blair disappeared, I would be able to take power smoothly. Who knew there were still people who wanted my life."

"Who do you think it could be?"

Aimer did not answer directly, but ordered: "Don't disclose the news that I am still alive for the time being. Help me make arrangements. I will return to China tomorrow."

Yu You had no idea that he had rescued a pair of brothers who fell in love with each other. What's more interesting is that after they were rescued, they both chose to fake their own deaths, hide themselves, plot in secret, and start an alternative cooperation without any communication.

On the other side, Blair was talking to his men on the phone: "How are things going?"


"Very well, come back as soon as possible. I have other things for you to do."


After hanging up the phone, Blair swung the whiskey in his glass and sneered: "Elmer Owen, I will also let you taste the feeling of being thrown into the sea. I was lucky enough to meet a mermaid. My life should not be cut off. As for You? Hahaha, just wait to feed the fish!” (Yu You: I don’t know if I should tell you something or not…)

Yuyou brought the dolphins and killer whales back to the training base before dawn.

After several trips to sea, she can probably determine which ones can be released. It's just that you have to tell the owner of the museum and get approval from the Marine Life Conservation Association. Every marine mammal raised in captivity is recorded and cannot be handled casually by private individuals.

"Release?" Museum owner Ouyang Hui asked in surprise, "Most of them are artificially bred. Can they adapt to the dangerous marine environment?"

"Some of them are really bad." Yu You handed him a list and inspection report, "Please help me submit the application and ask experts to come over for evaluation."

"Okay." Ouyang Hui casually looked at the list and report in his hand, nodded and said, "I'll do it right away."

He agreed readily, but he was unsure. According to Yuyou's approach, can the aquarium continue to operate in the future? Their aquarium does not have many features and relies only on the income from the water park to maintain balance. If the losses increase, they will soon face the dilemma of being unable to make ends meet.

Ouyang Hui is a conservative but not enterprising person. He does not take risks easily. He always obeys orders. Even if he has doubts in his heart, he will not raise them casually. He will only take action after the situation really gets worse.

The current development of the aquarium is quite stable, so Ouyang Hui decided to wait and see for a while.

After arranging things, Yu You rode the killer whale electric car towards Lanzhou City.

Halfway through the journey, Grandpa Turtle's phone suddenly vibrated several times.

Yu You put on the Bluetooth headset and asked, "Whose phone number is it?"


"Hang up, I don't answer the phone while driving." Yu You refused decisively.

After a while, the phone vibrated again.

"Blair again?"

No, it's Lu Jingyi.


… Sorry, it has hung up. Didn’t you say you shouldn’t answer the phone while driving? Grandpa Turtle was following her instructions very seriously.

Yu You: "...If you call again later, pick it up for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone call came again.

Grandpa Turtle helped her get through quickly.

"Jingyi, what do you want from me?" The voice was extremely cheerful.

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a few seconds, and then a slang word came: My mermaid princess, I am Blair, do you remember me

Yu You: "..." Grandpa Turtle should take it for maintenance!

The author has something to say: There will be another update around 0 o'clock.