My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea

Chapter 74: Let me go!


Killer whales are social animals. Once they leave the group to live alone, their courage becomes very small. This is the main reason why they can be domesticated. However, when they are fearful, angry, or anxious, their behavior can get out of control.

Although Gower was his keeper, he clearly did not have enough trust to establish a trusting relationship, otherwise he would have chosen to attack the two dolphins instead of him.

Gall endured the dizziness and tried to calm the killer whale, but unfortunately it didn't have much effect. Killer whales swam around him, ready to strike. The two dolphins stayed away from each other and wandered around uneasily.

"Start the interference sound wave." Dr. Liu ordered, "Xiao He, prepare to respond."

Specific sound waves can lure, expel or attack certain marine organisms. Killer whales, which can emit 62 different sounds, are particularly sensitive to sound waves.

"Wait, I have an idea." Yu You didn't want them to use this method. If the interference sound waves were started, it would affect not only one killer whale, but also the nearby whale groups. Moreover, the killer whale is very fragile at the moment and cannot be stimulated anymore, otherwise it may not be able to live a normal life in the future.

"The situation is urgent now. Don't cause trouble." Dr. Liu looked at Yu You displeased.

Lu Jingyi said coldly: "She just reminded you that the killer whale is emotionally unstable. If you had paid more attention, this kind of thing would not have happened."

Dr. Liu's tone was stiff: "Acoustic interference is currently the fastest rescue method. I can't think of any other method that is better than this."

"I also agree with Dr. Liu's approach." Dr. Griffin said, "In this case, it is not suitable to send people into the water to assist. Using sound wave interference can quickly help Gore get out of trouble."

If there were other methods, Yu You would generally not stop it, but she hated the sonic weapons created by humans. Once, a scientific research team conducted sonic experiments under the sea, resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of marine life.

Even if it was just to interfere with the sound waves this time, she didn't want them to use it. The offensive infrasound waves would also have an impact on her.

"Dr. Griffin, don't waste any time." Dr. Liu urged, "Hurry up and activate the interference sound waves. The killer whale seems to be attacking again."

"Okay." Dr. Griffin reached out to the operating table and was about to start the instrument, but was blocked by Yu You.

"Jingyi, help me keep an eye on them." Yu You warned, then walked out of the control room, stepped on the railing and jumped into the sea under the astonished eyes of everyone.

"What does she want to do?" Dr. Liu said angrily, "She jumped without even wearing a diving suit. Is she going to die?!"

If you are a good swimmer, you can go swimming directly without any problem, but there is an aggressive killer whale under the sea, which may hurt people at any time.

"Don't worry." Lu Jingyi took a step forward, stood in front of the console, stared at the screen and said calmly: "Everyone just watch."

"If something happens, you will be fully responsible!" Dr. Liu pointed at Lu Jingyi, furious.

Dr. Griffin and Professor Zhu also showed some dissatisfaction.

"Okay." Lu Jingyi had absolute trust in Yu You. She usually doesn't like to argue with others, but if she does, there must be a reason to argue.

This ship belonged to Lu Jingyi, and the crew members all obeyed his command. Several experts could only stare blankly and anxiously gathered in front of the screen to pay attention to the development of the situation.

In the surveillance video, the furious killer whale rushed towards Gower again. Before everyone could exclaim, they saw a slender figure lying between Gower and the killer whale, hugging the killer whale's head, and walking away from the killer whale with it. Goyle slid past.

Yu You swept his body to the side and moved to the side of the killer whale. He put one hand on its dorsal fin and followed its momentum as he swam forward. His long hair floated up, revealing a delicate side face. , the corners of the raised eyes glide over little bits of silver light, like falling ice crystals, sparkling and moving.

Yuyou guided the killer whale, cruising near the ship, and the two dolphins followed closely behind, sometimes diving, sometimes rising, sometimes circling, sometimes swimming quickly. The originally restless mood gradually calmed down, the body relaxed, and the sounds changed. Get pleasure.

Yuyou removed his hand from the dorsal fin of the killer whale, then accelerated and rushed to the front. The killer whale and the dolphin were chasing each other, and the four figures formed four silver ribbons, drawing beautiful lines in the sea.

"It's amazing." Dr. Griffin exclaimed, "Miss Fish can swim so fast and her posture is very graceful. Is she a swimmer?"

"I think she should be a professional killer whale keeper." Professor Zhu said, "This is the first time I have seen someone calming an angry killer whale so easily."

Dr. Liu crossed his arms and said nothing.

Lu Jingyi silently calculated how long Yu You could hold her breath, ready to remind her not to have too much fun.

At this moment, a crew member pointed at the monitoring signal and said, "Look."

Everyone turned around and saw the light spots representing four other dolphins and two killer whales approaching at an extremely fast speed. Within a few dozen seconds, they appeared next to Yuyou.

Yu You touched them one by one, then grabbed a dolphin's dorsal fin and rushed towards the sea, followed by eight figures.

With a crash, one person and one dolphin jumped out of the sea, followed by eight dolphins and killer whales behind them. Under the gaze of everyone, they completed a massive collective jump.

"Beautiful!" Griffin praised sincerely, and others also applauded.

Every time she goes into the sea, Yu You can't control her ancient power. Her joy and cheerfulness often affect other marine creatures.

After playing around for a while, Yu You climbed the rope ladder and returned to the splint all wet. Gore had already boarded the boat ahead of her and was being examined by the doctor. He seemed to be uninjured.

Lu Jingyi came over and wrapped her in a towel. Yu You stuck his head out of the towel and squinted his eyes to look at the sea. His vision was blurred and he could only see the sparkling waves.

"Go and change clothes first." Lu Jingyi hugged her and walked towards the cabin.

In the control room, everyone was still talking about the scene with great interest. After Yu You's mediation, the dolphins and killer whales seemed to be more harmonious than before.

The three killer whales got together, touching each other's bodies and pectoral fins from time to time, as if they were having some kind of friendly communication. Within a moment, they formed a group to hunt.

The remaining dolphins have long been mingling together, rolling and chasing each other, playing and having fun, without the initial alienation at all.

The dolphins and killer whales taught by Yuyoutiao do not have much xenophobia and can accept new companions more tolerantly. It was just the first time they met today, and she didn't explain it deliberately, so they acted quite "reserved." Until Yu You gave instructions, they immediately abandoned their "reservation" and started teasing the new guy as much as they wanted.

Several experts were very happy to see this situation, and at the same time they also became strongly curious about Yuyou. It can instantly calm down irritable killer whales, and can also guide dolphins and killer whales to gain their trust and follow. Judging from their reactions, it was obvious that they regarded her as the leader of the group.

They have seen many marine animal keepers, but no one has ever had such an ability to move freely in the sea, command with determination, and looks more flexible than on land, as if she was originally supposed to live in the sea.

"I must have a good chat with Miss Yu later." Dr. Griffin said enthusiastically, "It would be even better if we could recruit her to our research laboratory."

"Give it up." Professor Zhu smiled and said, "Do you know who Miss Yu's fiancé is? Heir to the Lu Group and rich. If she wants to do research, she can form a team by herself. That Fantasy Aquarium is her."

"It's such a pity. However, even if we can't recruit her, there may not be no opportunities for cooperation in the future." Dr. Griffin has no intention of giving up this talent.

At this time, in the cabin, Yu You's clothes were thrown on the floor. Lu Jingyi covered her body with a towel, wiping her body while wiping it and kissing passionately. The two leaned against the wall intimately. As the ship's hull rocked, each other's movements moved. The distance goes back and forth between 0 and -20cm.

Thirty minutes later, Yu You felt the man's emotion, suddenly remembered something, and was about to remind him, but it was already too late.

Lu Jingyi clung to her tightly, nibbling her ear with a satisfied look on his face.

Yu You's body showed slight changes and returned to normal after a few seconds. Fortunately, it was only once and the time was not too long, otherwise she would definitely not be able to control her passive transformation.

Lu Jingyi seemed to be aware of the abnormality, and quickly stopped his momentum, carefully wiped her body, then sat aside and watched quietly as she changed her clothes.

"Are you okay?" He held her hand and asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, it's okay." Yu You nodded, reassuring him.

A smile appeared on Lu Jingyi's lips: "Next time we will extend it a little longer."

"Okay." Yu You said seriously, "As long as the normal mating time of 2 hours can be ensured, I believe that I will be able to conceive smoothly."

2 hours? Lu Jingyi was quite satisfied with the amount of time he could play freely without wearing a condom.

Yu You suggested again: "You can also train how to increase the number of ejaculations in a short period of time."

Lu Jingyi was speechless. Did he want him to become a fast shooter

By the time the two of them packed up and walked out of the cabin, it was already an hour later.

Several experts' assessments of the dolphins and killer whales are nearly complete. It is unanimously believed that they have reached the conditions for marine survival. Especially the dolphins and killer whales in Yuyou are just like the wild ones.

As for the two dolphins and a killer whale brought by the experts, under the guidance of their companions, they gradually adapted to ocean life and can hunt independently.

After listening to the experts' assessment, Yu You said: "I have no objection to the others, except for the killer whale. I think it is not suitable for living in the sea."

"It did not perform well today," Griffin said, "but the killer whales are very adaptable, and they get along well with your two killer whales, forming a small group. In the absence of natural enemies, with It's agile and smart, and survival shouldn't be a problem."

What Yuyou is worried about is not whether it has natural enemies, but its mental state. It is relatively sensitive to the external environment and is easily stimulated by abnormal sound waves, resulting in out-of-control behavior. This unstable state makes it difficult for it to be accepted by the group. Once it loses the group, it will become timid, helpless and dangerous, and finally die alone.

Humans have psychiatrists, but marine animals do not. At least marine experts cannot intuitively judge whether they have mental illness.

"Its mental state is not very good. I suggest that we observe it for a while." This killer whale does not belong to Yuyou's aquarium. She can only make suggestions and has no decision-making power.

"Dr. Liu, Professor Zhu, what do you think?" Griffin looked at the other two experts. Yu You's previous two performances won his approval, so he still paid more attention to her suggestions.

Professor Zhu was the first to express his position: "Since you have concerns, let's observe it for a while."

"I don't think it's necessary." Dr. Liu objected. "The killer whale did not have any mental problems when he was at the training base. This is his first time going to sea, and some abnormal reactions are normal. We can't do it because of some unfounded reasons. If you doubt it, deprive it of its freedom. Besides, the breeding base where it was raised has been closed. Where do you plan to observe it? "

Yu You was about to take over this task, but Dr. Liu said again: "Marine creatures have their own way of survival. It is impossible for us to protect them personally. Letting them be free is the only thing we can do."

Dr. Griffin and Professor Zhu looked at each other, agreed with his statement, and finally passed the assessment of this killer whale. However, the trackers on them have not been removed for the time being, and they will come again a month later.

Yuyou no longer insists. After being released into the sea, it may be easier for her to take care of her.

But she didn't expect that one of the people accompanying her this time would be a reporter who was going to make several documentaries on marine life. He became very interested in the dolphins and killer whales released this time, and decided to photograph the details of their lives under the sea with the theme of "whether captive-raised killer whales can adapt to ocean life."

Originally, he wanted to ask Yu You for help. With her knowledge of killer whales and her amazing swimming style, she would definitely become a highlight. However, considering Lu Jingyi's background, he gave up this idea.

After the ship returned, Lu Jingyi treated everyone to a meal, and then went home with Yu You.

In the next few days, Lu Jingyi stayed in the laboratory.

Yu You guarded the shop and lived his own small life.

On this day, a Bentley parked in front of the store, and a man in a suit and leather shoes stepped out of the car. He held a square gift box in both hands and handed it to Yu You politely.

"Miss Yu, your express delivery."

Yu You: "???" Now the courier guy is so high-end and classy? Driving a Bentley and wearing a suit to deliver couriers? ?

The man didn't say much, put down the gift box and left, without giving Yu You a chance to ask questions.

Yu You opened the gift box in confusion and found that there was a set of valuable jewelry inside, a four-piece set of necklace, earrings, bracelets, and rings. Even with her shallow appreciation, she knew it was extraordinary.

There is also a card in the gift box with a simple greeting written on it, signed: i

At first, Yuyou doubted whether it was sent by mistake, but after seeing the title on the card, she understood.

Olive—this was the pseudonym she casually gave the Owen brothers after she rescued them.

Blair likes to call her the mermaid princess. As for Olive's pseudonym, he may not care at all, so the person who calls her that is probably Elmo.

Did he send someone to deliver this set of jewelry to repay his kindness