My Name is Britz

Chapter 1: B032


It seems that I have... slept for a long, long time...

Ever since... After the final decisive battle between Valoran and the Dark Continent was defeated, my body has been thrown into a dark abandoned warehouse by those guys in the Dark Continent...

Here... Only humid vapor and unbearable musty smell.

My metal body, little by little... rusty, decayed...

The electrical energy stored in my chest... is slowly depleting...

I feel... The silence, cold darkness is eating me a little...

Is this... the coming death...

Oh... Galen and they said... Only real life can perceive death... So... I'm already a real life...

But... nothing matters anymore...

Everything is over... Friends... I'm here to reunite with you...

Valoran Continent, in an abandoned warehouse occupied by the Dark Legion.

The warehouse has no windows, and the old rusty warehouse doors are tightly closed, and no light can penetrate. In the darkness, the damp water vapor mixed with the musty smell, forming a run-down, ruined and stale smell.

The warehouse was cold and silent, only the rustling rat noise from a certain corner occasionally would break the silence in the dark.

If nothing happens, this abandoned warehouse will have been forgotten and abandoned in the dark.

But if this is the case, then our story will not be able to unfold.

In the corner of the warehouse, there are metal coils that are tangled together, there are iron basins with a cut-out, and many pieces of rusty metal fittings. A large pile of discarded debris was stacked in a mess, almost as high as a hill.

In the darkness, a large rat thief came out of his rat den, and climbed up the hill of waste and debris in twos and threes with incomparably agile figure, and then began to use himself enthusiastically. Two slender and dexterous front paws flicked through the pile of debris, hoping to find something of value—such as a small piece of sweet cheese or a piece of moldy dried meat.

But it is destined to be disappointed. In such a pile of debris, there are only all kinds of waste utensils and parts. Naturally, there is no way to feed it.

The fat mouse, who searched for no results, could not help but let out an angry "squeak" to vent his anger, his paws struggling to hold up a transparent diamond-shaped stone larger than himself, and then slammed toward the hill. Smashed in the high pile of debris.


The purple diamond-shaped stone was dropped on the pile of debris, first collided with an incomplete iron plate of unknown purpose, and then rolled down along the slope of the debris hill.

Halfway through the roll, it seemed that it had encountered a groove or a pothole, and the transparent diamond-shaped stone was dropped directly into it.

The fat mouse, who was watching his achievements triumphantly, couldn't help but be curious, and jumped towards the place where the purple diamond-shaped stone fell in twos or twos.

What caught your eye was a dark lacquered pothole, and the transparent diamond-shaped stone that just rolled down should have fallen into this pothole.

The fat mouse was about to poke his head into the pit to take a closer look, but at this moment, a ray of dreamlike colorful light radiated from the dark pit.

Frightened, the fat mouse turned and ran away.

The colorful rays of light emitted from the pit gradually brightened, and the gaps in the piles of debris on the hills constantly showed colorful rays of light, gradually illuminating the dark warehouse.

Then, in the silent warehouse, among the pile of debris high on the hill, there began to be a dull, slow sound of metal friction and movement.

I don't know how long there was a bang in the pile of debris, but an iron bucket rolled from the pile of debris on the hill to the ground.

A rusty metal palm stretched out from the pile of debris with some effort.

Then there is another metal palm.

The two metal palms covered with rust were slightly pulling and pulling on the pile of debris, and then they finally found a suitable point of force, and both palms pressed against the surface of the pile of debris and supported hard—

There was a rattling, banging noise.

The small pile of debris completely collapsed and scattered on the ground. Amidst a dreamlike colorful light, a burly metal body more than two meters high stood quietly.

The warehouse plunged into darkness again, standing among a pile of discarded debris, shaking his fists, kicking his legs, turning his head, B032 moved various parts of himself awkwardly.

The metal joints are basically moving normally, but they probably stayed in this harsh warehouse for too long and have not been repaired and maintained properly and regularly. The original yellow metal skin of No. B032 has been full of stars. With a little bit of rust, its body will make a crunching sound of metal rubbing when it moves its joints.

However, B032 is very satisfied with the current situation.

"The engine-started-at any time-ready to go."

The system processing core from the inside of his metal shell gave the above summary report after some testing.

The driving energy of No. B032 is a super battery installed in the body, which can continuously provide electricity to it and convert it into other forms of energy.

In addition, B032 does not need to worry about the exhaustion of electricity in the super battery. It also has an energy conversion device specially designed for it by a group of doctoral students at Zuan University of Technology and Magic, which can spontaneously remove the The molecules are decomposed into the required element ions, and then reorganized into electrical energy to supplement the consumption of the super battery.

Therefore, unless it destroys its system processing core or energy conversion device, B032 will be able to maintain its operation all the time.

B032, who was moving awkwardly with a rusty metal body, suddenly stopped.

Its small electronic eyes flickered a few times, and then stretched out its rusty steel right palm and slowly placed it in front of its metal chest.


B032 automatically opened a small mouth in the chest, and then a diamond-shaped spar the size of an adult's fist exuded a dreamlike colorful light slowly floating out of its chest, and once again the entire dark warehouse When it is lit, it also puts a layer of misty and gorgeous color on it.

The diamond-shaped spar exuding dreamlike brilliance is crystal clear, pure and flawless, just like a treasure that does not belong to this world.

B032 silently stared at the diamond spar floating in front of her silently, as if she was thinking about something, the light in the electronic eyes kept flickering, and there was a burst of uncertainty.

It clearly remembered that in the final decisive battle, the super battery in its body was exploded by the enemies of the Dark Continent along with the energy conversion device, and it had no possibility of recovering from it.

If it weren’t for a coincidence that the diamond-shaped spar rolled into its opened chest, and the super battery and energy conversion device in it were completely restored with a magical force, B032 could only carry a little bit of remaining intelligence. Consciousness is slowly waiting for death in the darkness.

This diamond spar with colorful light and mysterious power is called the Heart of Valoran.

The root cause of the Dark Continent's invasion of Valoran Continent is precisely to obtain this Valoran's most precious treasure.

B032 clearly remembers how hard and stubborn resistance and battle it and its partners in the League of Legends had to protect Valoran and the heart of Valoran.

It clearly remembers the final battle.

Amidst the flames of war, the partners' postures fighting in blood, and the unyielding faces.

Vividly vivid.

The man named "The Power of Demacia" wielded a shining sword and screamed at the figure of "Demacia Justice" severely chopped down towards the enemy leader.

Xin Zhao, who often had a cynical smile on his face, was covered in blood, but still clenched the red tassel spear, stood proudly surrounded by countless enemies, laughed loudly and fulfilled his vow of "Death and death".

That Dreyus, who always carried a big axe and had a gloomy face, roared with a grinning grin, "Witness the true power" while sending enemies one after another to the guillotine.

And Sarah, the bounty hunter, faced hundreds of enemies with a fearless smile and raised the barrage time of the double guns.

There is also Catalina, named Ominous Blade, with long fiery red hair, spinning at high speed in the crowd, releasing a gorgeous and poignant death lotus flower.

There is also Caitlin who always looks cute, Planck who is full of vulgar swearing, and Pansen who wears a helmet and speaks with urn...

The light in No. B032's electronic eyes flickered, and then a little dimmed.

However, that tragic decisive battle still failed.

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