My Name is Britz

Chapter 107: Days of hard work [seeking monthly pass]


Fang Liang's team won the game, not only succeeded in fighting hard for their new pass 1 class, they beat the arrogance of class 2 and they also got a bet of 2,000 yuan. They went empty-handed and so on. People are naturally full of joy, and under the coaxing of everyone in Class 1, they have to go offline and have a good meal to celebrate.

Before leaving the line, the hand-to-handed and Chunliang Little Iron Spears complimented Britz's excellent performance tonight and made an appointment to go online the next day on Saturday to continue the black match.

As for the rest of the people in Class 1, they also came over with enthusiasm and greeted Britz one by one, saying that they would have the opportunity to seek advice from the robot god to improve their own strength in the future.

Among the enthusiastic people in Class 1, Zhen Wei, who is dedicated to Bibritz as his teacher, was the best, and said, "Next time, I must ask about the various gameplay skills of the robot." On the one hand, he added Britz as a friend, saying that it was easy to contact in the future.

Britz also passed Zhen Wei's friend application without any so-called mastery. The only thing that still makes it somewhat incomprehensible is the strange ID name of the latter...

In addition, Ye Xiaoru, the squad leader of the new biography, also came to add his friends generously. Britz has a good impression of the bounty hunter Sarah, who is quite similar to the bounty hunter she knows in dress and temperament. At the moment He also gladly approved the other party's friend application.

The hand-to-hand, Chunliang Little Iron Spear, and the melancholic Beetroot followed all the students in the New Story Class 1 to celebrate their success off the assembly line, while Bing Lingxue was called off the assembly line to go shopping by a real girlfriend, so Brie There was only one person left in Ci.

Seeing the dimmed heads in the friend list, Britz touched his round iron head.

This battle tonight, although it is related to the face and spirit of the hand-to-hand few people, and the high stakes of 2,000 yuan. But for it, it was just an episode in the long journey of collecting energy points for the Heart of Valoran.

Participating in this agreed-upon competition is just because of its support and help to the partners of Tony and Amao.

As for the abused purple players, whether afterwards, as the melancholy beet worried, they will come back to find a place to retaliate after regrouping and planning, it is completely out of the core considerations of Britz's system processing.

If it's... come again... just... solve it again... once... it's all right.

Britz thought this very hard.

Besides, given the opponent's strength, there is indeed no need to let it bear in mind.

The most important thing right now is to continue fighting and work hard to collect energy points. sets!

Britz encouraged himself vigorously, and placed his metal palm on the colored crystal on the black competitive stone platform in front of him—

"After scanning, the player'Brits' enters a single-player matchmaking battle. Are you sure?"

"Confirmation is complete, start automatically matching teammates, matching..."

"The match is complete, enter the battle room."

One night passed in battles. When the super battery energy in the body was declared to be exhausted again, Britz drooped his iron head and returned to the chaotic space inside the heart of Varoran to recharge.

Matched 14 battles and only won 9 games, which is quite different from what it had previously expected.

It's not that it didn't work hard enough, but that the teammates they met were really not enough.

Putting aside the factor that Britz honestly does not want to say bad things, in fact it is matched, and the teammates encountered are all brain-dead and wonderful!

When choosing a hero in the battle room, four people competed for ADC. As a result, the lineup was a strange combination of ice, male gun, female gun, and EZ four ADC.

A teammate Galen said he wanted to play mid laner, but he went out with a few bottles of blue...

There is an ADC with a cloth armor and five reds on the road, which means that it is not easy to die...

There are also people who have never participated in the team for 30 years on the road, and have not been more than 20 by the end of the whole game after more than 30 minutes...

The most serious blow to Britz was when it finally led the blue teammates to tear down the opposite middle barracks, destroy the five-man group opposite, and prepare to demolish the last defensive tower in front of the base. Several teammates thought that The victory has been decided, hand in hand happily rushed into the opponent's spring to play behaviorist suicide, leaving it alone and desperately destroying the tower, but it was turned over by the five purple heroes on the opposite side who came out of the resurrection.

Afterwards, the five members of the purple square were directly sent to the bottom road, and they rushed into their blue square highland with a wave of thrust, demolished the barracks and demolished the defensive towers, demolished the defensive towers and demolished the base, and finally hit a miraculous turnaround.

The heart is ashamed.

This word can well describe Britz's mood at the time.

The experience of a one-night battle also strengthened its concept:

In the rookie field, if there is no reliable teammate to play black matches together, no matter how strong the individual is, it may fail due to various unexpected and magical reasons.

Back in the chaotic space, Britz, who was charged, naturally continued to open the official forum interface to pass the time by browsing various player posts and watching commentary videos.

Among the options for watching the video, it pays more attention to the battle videos of some professional players who use robots as heroes.

Among them, the fighting videos of the domestic flower, bird, wind and moon, Xinghai Wanderer, and foreign summer, CCL, etc. are the main ones.

But the thing that fascinates it the most is still the crazyrobot with the aura of the "world's number one robot".

If there is a chance, I hope to compete with the powerful guy in the Autobot shape.

Britz always had such a thing in mind.

Four and a half hours later, the super battery in his body was full of energy, and Britz went online again to start a new day of fighting.

After a few matches, a few people who got into the game with no hands also went online one after another, and several people continued to play black matches.

With a reliable teammate to open the black, Britz's winning rate has been greatly improved, almost 9 wins in 10 sets, and the number of energy points of the Heart of Varoran has also grown rapidly, making it another burst of happiness.

Black match with the white blades. When the partners are offline, they will continue to match and fight alone. When the super battery in the body is exhausted, they will go offline and return to the chaotic space to recharge and resume. After the recovery is complete, they will continue to fight online.

Basically this has become Britz's daily fighting routine.

A few days later, the four players, including the hand-to-hand and Bing Lingxue, took the lead to reach the sixth level and successfully advanced from the novice field to the trial field.

Although Britz started late, because he fought far more than four partners every day, he also came to the trial field to rejoin the four of them after two or three days.

After being promoted to the trial field, the level of matched opponents and teammates has improved accordingly, but for Britz, there is not much difference-the only thing that makes it a lot of comfort is that when it comes to the trial field After that, it has basically not encountered any strange incidents such as the Galen Belt Blue and the Four ADCs...

As time goes by, Britz, who has been struggling to match the battle, can basically win about 20 victories every day, collecting 20 energy points for the Heart of Varoran, and deducting the return to the chaotic space twice a day to recharge. The 4 energy points consumed by recovery, the energy points it can accumulate every day is around 16 points.

After entering the trial field for more than a week, the energy data of Britz's Heart of Valoran has become 242/1,000,000. Although it's only a fraction of the one million energy points required for the distance to be full, such progress has made Britz smirk happily every time he thinks about it.

And in this more than a week, Fang Liang, who had put aside his words viciously and said that he had found the place back, did not come back again. Regarding this point, it made the hand-to-handed and pure little iron spears who were expecting to win another 2,000 yuan a moment of regret.

But immediately, the minds of several people moved away from this trivial matter.

Because the unfolding of a grand event has already attracted the attention of almost all players in the national server game zone in the League of Legends game, including them—