My Name is Britz

Chapter 11: Dilemma


Replenishing soldiers can quickly obtain gold coins, but if you cannot replenish soldiers, you will not have enough gold coins. If you don’t have enough gold coins, you cannot buy powerful equipment. Without strong equipment, your strength will increase more slowly than your opponents, and it will be difficult to win this battle. .

The system processing core quickly helped Britz clarify the logical relationship among them, and the current situation also caused it to be troubled for a while.

When it was in Valoran, it fought Galen, Xin Zhao, and the others in Summoner Canyon, but it never encountered such a problem.

There is no equipment store where you can buy equipment, and there is no so-called strange rule that you can get gold rewards from the last attack and kill the minions. The fight is their own strength and combat skills.

But now, the new rules in the game world Summoner's Canyon that it has traveled through have made the factors that determine the outcome of the battle more complex and diverse.

Britz does not quite understand the reasons for this new rule setting.

Whose replenishment skills are good, can take advantage

In the real battlefield, there will be no such inexplicable rules. In the struggle between life and death, you need to keep an eye on your opponent’s vitals all the time, and when you seize the opportunity, you will violently give a fatal blow. In the heart of Britz, who has experienced countless fierce battles between life and death, this is what It is the real way of warriors, the way of fighting.

Like the guy on the opposite side who stands behind a bunch of purple soldiers and is dressed as a male gun that shoots without breaking the gun, it seems that every shot can accurately hit the blue remnant blood soldier to kill him. It seems that he is extremely skilled and superb. But in Britz's eyes, compared with the true extrajudicial madman Fregus he knows, the opponent is not known how many times worse.

For example, the real Fregus would not stand so carelessly in the gap between two long-range soldiers and be easily hooked by the "mechanical flying claws" shot by him.

The extremely real Britz silently gave the opposing male gun player a failing score in his combat consciousness.

On the real battlefield, this guy dressed up as a male gun with poor combat consciousness can easily defeat him.


When his consciousness returned to reality, Britz looked at the opposite side with an indifferent master, a relaxed and dashing male spear player who raised his gun from time to time and killed a remnant soldier. Ya struggled to fill the ice and snow of the soldiers.

In any case, this is not the real and cruel battlefield on Valoran after all. In this game world, if you want to win, you must follow the rules of the game.

This way... Go on... Surely... No... I have to... Think about... the way...

Britz could see that the purple male gun on the opposite side was indeed much stronger than the ice spirit snow next to it in this "mending" technique. In this way, allowing both sides to continue to make peace on the line will only gradually widen the economic gap between the other side. This should be what the two of the other side officially want to see.

And to break this status quo, one way is to take the initiative to directly and forcefully fight with the two opposing people. But the opposing combination is a highly explosive male gun in the ADC with a thick skin of Galen, who is not low in Shanghai in the early stage. In contrast, whether it is against Galen you or Bing Lingxue on your side. It's not enough to look at the ice shooter of the ice against the male gun.

If you can’t fight it head-on, the only thing left is to be able to pull the hook first, and pull any of the male guns or Galen on the opposite side under the defensive tower, relying on the super high damage the defensive tower will do to the hero in the early stage, plus it With Bing Lingxue's attack, one person's head can be easily taken away. There is only one person left in the opponent's bot lane, so naturally he dare not step forward, and the goal of suppressing the opponent's bot lane's economic development will naturally be fully achieved.

Making a plan in his mind, Britz looked at the front of the line.

However, it seems that he has learned the lesson of the amazing hook in the grass. At this time, the male gun on the opposite side is obviously more cautious. While making up the soldiers, he hides behind a pile of small soldiers all the time. , The little soldier and the little soldier are almost tightly connected, leaving no gap for Britz to point out the Q at all.

As for Galen on the purple side, it’s even more straightforward. Anyway, he doesn’t make up soldiers. He only uses experience to kill with minions. So his position is even behind the male spear of his companion, and he wants to hook him. Britz had to modify and double the rope on his mechanical flying claw to make it possible...

Raising his right hand and making a few gestures at the male spear in the small soldier pile not far away, Britz shook his head helplessly, for a moment there was nothing he could do about the situation in front of him.

At this time, the line of troops on the lower lane was once again pushed under the defensive tower close to the blue side. A male gun with a Q "large lead bullet" fired three trajectories with a bang, and directly took away the two or three blue small soldiers blocking the front. The large wave of purple small soldiers who had cleared the obstacles in front began to attack unscrupulously. Raise the defensive tower.

There are two teams of more than a dozen small purple soldiers in this big wave, and there is also a gun cart. Even the defensive tower with extremely high attack power will take a lot of effort to fight. And during this period of time, the male spear on the opposite side hid behind the small soldier from time to time and raised his gun and tapped it against the defensive tower. As a result, the blue defensive tower would lose a lot of blood.

As long as this situation is repeated two or three times, one of their defense towers will be demolished. Demolition of a defensive tower can bring the five heroes of the purple side an economic income of 150 gold coins. The total is 750 gold coins, and the strength of the two sides will be immediately opened by a short gap. If it is snowballed, this set of battles will be difficult to fight.

Bing Lingxue under the tower was in a hurry, but was unwilling to use the skill "Send Ten Thousand Arrows" to quickly clear troops. Although the Frost Archer’s W skill "Shot of Ten Thousand Arrows" can shoot seven arrows at once, causing range damage to a target in a fan-shaped area, but in this way, her HP damage to each minion is even more impossible. Taking control, plus having one's own defensive towers attacking and helping, maybe even a small soldier can't make up for it.

The male spear player who stood behind the heavy cover of his minions naturally noticed the dilemma of Bing Lingxue at this moment, coupled with the fact that he had been careful to move so that the robot on the opposite side had no chance of hooking at all, and his heart was immediately refreshed. The feeling of aggrieved feeling of sending one blood at a time on the hook was wiped out, and he turned on the public voice mode and said to the Bing Lingxue under the defensive tower: "Beauty Ai Xi, it's very hard to replenish soldiers under the tower, right? … Look at you in a hurry… Brother, I feel heartache when I look at it…” said it was heartache, but the male gun player’s tone was full of teasing and contempt.

Bing Lingxue frowned when she heard it, and glanced at the opponent fiercely, but bit her lip without speaking to counterattack, and continued to mending the knife under the tower intently and laboriously.

The male gun did not receive Bing Lingxue's response, but he became more and more proud and unscrupulous:

"Oh, Sister Ash is still angry? Hey, but it's useless to be angry, and it can't save your sloppy fill level, isn't it? But it doesn't matter, don't you have your robot, let him perform another miracle , Let me take a look at the hook?" As he said, his gaze turned to Britz, with naked mockery and domineering arrogance:

"Robots, right? I didn’t know once in Q that it was you who had a bad shit luck, but if you think about it next time, you won’t have the chance to have a second shit luck. You will be killed by me. Collapse hahahaha..."


(Shanghai heavy rain, flight delay... I'm still at the airport... I can only use the remaining battery power of the laptop to code a chapter, the plot progress is a bit slow, I will try to update as many as possible tomorrow, I still owe a chapter I remember. I hope you will continue to support vote)