My Name is Britz

Chapter 110: Huaniao Fengyue’s Thresh [seeking monthly ticket]


In the ban/pick stage, the first hero banned by the North American team is the robot.

Seeing that the avatar icon of the robot on the screen was listed first in the ban list, there was a commotion among the crowd of players in the square.

"Damn, ban my big machine! Can you still play happily together?"

"The North American team is too embarrassed! I'm afraid of the magic hook of Huaniao Fengyue—"

"Hey, it's boring, I'm still looking forward to using robots to show off the audience..."

The few people who entered empty-handed and saw that the robot was banned from the very beginning were also disappointed. Among them, the pure little iron spear reacted the most:

"Sunday, I will ban the robots as soon as I come up. The North American team is not kind—"

Although it was said to be a fan of the dark night team, but for the robot of Huaniao Fengyue, Chunliang Little Iron Spear had always been looking forward to it, and couldn't help but feel annoyed at the moment.

"No way, ban heroes? Of course, you want to ban what your opponent is best at, and try to get as many advantages as possible for yourself before the battle begins." The melancholic beet shook his head and analyzed aloud:

"Hua Niao Fengyue's use of robots is not only in the national clothes, but also famous in the battles of the world's top teams. Banning his robots is like banning a card that has been running time. To a certain extent, the strength of the Chinese team is weakened."

"Well, the beet is right—" the hand-to-hand nodded in agreement, and then still looked regretful: "It's a pity, the game with robots is much more exciting than the game without robots..."

"Qualifying is the most annoying. It would be too annoying to be banned by the opponent."

Bing Lingxue pursed her mouth and complained, and then she turned her head to look at Britz as if thinking of something, "By the way, Abu, what if your robot is banned in the future?"

"Yeah, speaking of it, I haven't seen Abu used a hero other than a robot..." The white blade touched his chin with his bare hands.

"Abu, is there any other hero besides the robot that you are good at?" the melancholy beet asked curiously.


Britz scratched his head when he heard the inquiries from several partners.

Regardless of whether other heroes can be used or not good at, the problem is that there are no other heroes available for use in the current list of heroes.

After it had enough game coins, it also entered the game mall to try to buy another hero, but whenever it selects a hero to confirm the purchase, the system will pop up a message saying [Unknown error, the player cannot buy this hero] .

So until now, it can only use itself to play.

However, during the period, because most of the time it was playing with the four members of the team, and the respective positions were assigned and finalized long ago, it can always use robots to play with peace of mind.

When matching with other passerby players, it will take the lead in grabbing the robot and confirming the battle, and there are very few cases where the robot is selected by other teammates, resulting in no heroes for itself.

As for the qualifying that Bing Lingxue asked about...

It has never even considered that kind of thing. From the beginning to the end, it has always been matching the victory of one million games to fill the heart of Varoran with energy...

Just as it was feeling a little embarrassed and wondering how to answer a few people's inquiries, the pure little iron spear on the side suddenly shouted, attracting the attention of the few people:

"Fuck, look at it, the North American team also banned the card!"

Everyone looked at the giant spectator screen above the square, and saw that the Chinese team banned the Twilight Eye, which is difficult to have global support capabilities. After Shen, the North American team’s second ban was used for the card. Enter the card master Drizzt.

Obviously, it is aimed at the Chinese team, which is known as the world's number one card.

The players on the square yelled again:

"Mom, the North American team is shameless!"

"No shame!—"

"Give me back the big card of my running time!"

The North American team in the battle room naturally couldn’t hear the scolding and condemnation of the players on the square. After the Chinese team banned the death chanter Karthus and the others, they then made the Chinese team jungler the best in the situation. The Spider Queen was banned.

In this way, the tactical intentions of the bans of the North American team are already obvious-the lineup restraint and cope with the problems are put aside for the time being, and the heroes of your Chinese team are banned first, so that you can't exert your strongest strength.

However, before being targeted by the opponent's obvious ban, the five players of the Chinese team were still calm and composed, and it seemed that they did not cause the slightest disturbance.

The last ban right, the time spent as the captain was used on the desert butcher "crocodile".

"Okay, the ban link is over, and we have entered the stage of choosing heroes. Let's take a look at which hero the North American team will choose first—" the voice of the male commentator Xinghe sounded.

"It's Diana. The first choice for the North American team is the goddess of the moon. Diana. This is a very aggressive AP hero. Okay, I'm sure. Next is the Chinese team's turn..."

In the analysis of a man and a woman with two commentators, the two teams alternately selected a famous hero.

North American team: the goddess of the moon. Diana, the deep sea titan. Nautilus, the wandering mage. Ryze, the explorer. Ezreal, the fairy witch. Lulu.

Chinese team: Mechanical Enemy. Rambo, Biochemical Demon. Zach, Rage Heart. Kenan, Picheng Policewoman. Caitlin...

At this time, there is only one candidate for the Chinese team.

"Well, let's take a look at the current lineup of the Chinese team. It should be Kenan AP mid laner, Rambo on the lane, Zach jungler, and female police ADC. Then there is only one support position left." Commentary Galaxy Diligently analyze the lineup on the field.

"The robot of Huaniao Fengyue was banned by the North American team, so which hero will he choose to play? It is really exciting..." The commentary Taozi's voice is pleasant, and there is also a hint of curiosity and expectation in it.

The players in the square are also talking about it:

"The big machine has been banned, what kind of hero will the flower and bird use?"

"Wind girl, right? I heard that the wind girl has the highest winning percentage in recent professional matches."

"36E Daqin Girl is also good... It's a pity that RIOT sets male and female players to use hero styles that can't match genders. Each hero has a special two-gender appearance, otherwise hehe..."

In the midst of the active and lively discussion, the picture on the giant spectator screen in the square changed.

In the selection of the fifth hero of the Chinese team, which was originally dark and in an unknown state, with a wave of fluctuations, a green, green, and strange hero's head appeared.

"It's Thresh! Guardian of the Soul Lock Code. Thresh! The last support position of the Chinese team, Huaniao Fengyue took Thresh as the hero of the battle!"

Along with the exclamation of the commentary Xinghe, the crowd of players on the square was also in an uproar:

"Damn, Thresh!"

"This support is awesome, the skills are both control and shield, and the big move can also be group controlled. I didn't expect it just now—"

"Threshold and policewoman, in the early stage of this bot combination, EZ Jialulu on the opposite side can be pushed out!"

And here is the team of five:

"Thrush... But it seems that Huaniao Fengyue doesn't use this hero much—" the melancholy beet muttered to himself, a little worried.

On the contrary, Chunliang Little Iron Spear is full of confidence in the Thresh selected by Huaniao Fengyue: "Worry about it, this product is also a hook-but any hero with a hook, Huaniao Fengyue can play flowers. !"

"Well, this Thresh I saw in the official forums that someone had made an instructional video. It seems to be a really awesome hero—" Hand-to-hand touched his chin and thought, turning his head to look at Britz: "Abu, Will you save enough money to buy a Thresh next time? This hero should look like a robot."


Britz, who was watching the scene on the spectator screen intently, called out with a blank hand. He responded in a panic, and then cast his gaze on the screen again.

Thresh... Is it...
