My Name is Britz

Chapter 118: No watermelon


Twenty years ago, when the old version of "League of Legends" took the world by storm, along with the game, it was known and loved by countless players, and there was also a software called YY Voice.

In the old version of "League of Legends" at that time, the communication function between players and teammates had not yet made a sufficiently satisfactory design, so a large number of players would open the YY voice to enter the corresponding channel while starting the game. Conduct voice communication during the battle to achieve better coordination with each other.

In addition, the most praised feature of YY Voice is that it allows users to act as anchors. When entering the game, they will show their live battle scenes in the live broadcast room of the channel so that other players can gather in the same one. In the channel, watch and discuss the host’s game.

Generally speaking, those who act as anchors are above most players in their own games. The live broadcast of their own game videos can allow low-level players to learn and borrow a lot of useful knowledge and skills.

Even some professional players often come to the YY channel for live battles in order to gather their own popularity, or simply to entertain the public in their spare time. In their live broadcast rooms, the number of players that can be gathered is often much larger than that of amateur-level anchors.

In addition, as a live commentator, in addition to having a good level of the game, a clever articulation and humorous commentary style are also indispensable qualities.

In the live broadcast room of the YY voice channel, many commentators have won the favor of many players and audiences because of their different but humorous commentary styles.

After all, whether it is a powerful commentary or an entertainment-oriented commentary, both have their own fan audience and corresponding popularity.

Many players don’t even play games very often. Instead, they prefer to watch the live battles of the commentators in these YY channels. They enjoy discussing tactics, spitting out positions, etc. with thousands of viewers. The pleasure brought.

Now, 20 years later, after the launch of "League of Legends. Holographic Real Edition", players can communicate smoothly and directly in the game. The voice-on-black combat function of the YY channel once had no value. .

In view of the characteristics of the YY channel commentary live broadcast that can attract and gather a large number of players, RIOT game company has also invested a lot of money and manpower to create a platform called "League of Legends Live Room" in the game. The function and interface design are roughly The same as the previous YY live room

Players who are interested in live commentary can click on the live broadcast platform in the system panel to establish their own live broadcast room, and then when the game battles, the live battle scenes will be projected into the live broadcast room.

Players who want to watch the commentary live broadcast can freely choose to enter in the room list of the live broadcast platform, and communicate with other audience players through text.

While the live broadcast of the game battle is being explained, you can also call up the virtual light screen in the live broadcast room at any time after the battle to communicate and interact with your audience and fans.

"No Watermelon" is a player who mixes in the live broadcast platform and often opens a live broadcast room for live broadcast commentary.

And with his own humorous commentary style, and quite amused game operation, his live broadcast room often gathers thousands or even tens of thousands of audience fans, which can be said to be a very popular commentator.

And the biggest difference from other live broadcast commentators is that although Wuxia Watermelon has reached the level of the diamond group in its own strength and game rank, it always does not go to the qualifying field for high-end ranking battles during the live broadcast. It is a trial field where low-level players are mixed with evil and fun, and the battle is matched through a random matching mode without level restrictions.

According to his own words, he is called the little prince of the Proving Grounds.

And in his fans' complaints, this is alive and well-bullying children.

"It's okay to say that you are bullying the kids~"

Opened the live broadcast room, and walked leisurely all the way to the competition hall of the trial field. He smiled and said to the more than 8,000 spectators in his live broadcast room:

"I'm the little prince of the Proving Grounds~ Of course only here is where I really belong."

"Furthermore, hehe... Don't you think that I am killing all kinds of super gods and all kinds of super gods on the opposite side of the child, it looks very enjoyable?"

Numerous pieces of information were flashed in the text chat bar on the right side of the live broadcast room:

〖Shameless! 〗

〖shameless! 〗

〖One day you will be cursed to death by countless children! 〗

〖Watermelon, you beast! 〗

〖Bullying children counts as hairy! Let us see a few high-end rounds in the qualifying field! 〗

Regarding the screaming information in the live broadcast room, I had already practiced a thick-skinned watermelon right before I saw it, and walked into the arena hall cheerfully.

Find an unoccupied competitive stone platform, put your hand on the colorful crystal without watermelon, call up the holographic light screen, select the [random matching (no level limit)] mode on the light screen interface, and then you will be in the system Wrapped in a ball of colorful light in the sound of the prompt, disappeared in front of the competitive stone platform.

Entering the battle room, the other four randomly matched teammates have also appeared one after another. After seeing the ID on the top of the watermelon head, all of them were overjoyed:

"Fuck! No watermelon!"

"I met a great god!"

"Daddy Watermelon abuses the children again?"

"Are you on the live broadcast? I want to be on the camera!"

It turns out that the name of the little prince in his trial field had already been spread among the players, and several teammates and players immediately recognized him.

Right now is an enthusiastic letting of the seat:

"Watermelon God, what position do you want to play?"

"Papa Watermelon, you choose the hero first~ We will do our best to cooperate with you!"

The teammates are so enthusiastic, so naturally they are happy without the watermelon.

But we have to take care of the mood of the 8,000 viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Everyone, where do you want to see me play?"

Watermelon asked in the live broadcast room, and now thousands of text messages are swiping the screen:

〖Please play AP! 〗

〖I want to see the top order! 〗

〖Mid order, mid order, mid order! ! ! 〗

〖ADC! 〗

〖Jungler! 〗

〖Noisy hair! Dad Watermelon is asking for a mid-single! ! ! 〗

Thousands of viewers and players in the live broadcast room made a messy suggestion. After looking around the chat bar for a few times, they made a decision:

"There are more people who want to see the mid laner, so I will play the mid laner this time."

The room was mixed with cheers, laments, and expectations.

"Um... what kind of hero is playing in the lane..."

Watermelon called up the hero selection interface, and while looking at the dense hero icons on the interface, he muttered to himself while touching his chin.

〖Milk vigorously milk vigorously! ! ! The god javelin carry there is nothing in the audience! ! 〗

〖Papa Watermelon play Timo! ! 〗

〖Seek Zhongdan Jie's teaching! ! 〗

〖AP Galen! ! 〗

〖Please AP Galen! ! 〗

〖Haha interesting, watermelon AP Galen is mid laner! ! 〗

Regarding which hero should be selected for the game without a watermelon, the players watching the game in the live broadcast room again enthusiastically swiped the screen.

However, after arguing and discussing, more and more players gradually supported the idea of "AP Galen mid laner", which was so bad that it couldn't be more bad.

"Hey... Don't you fool around like this—" The watermelon who called out the message interface of the live broadcast room was speechless for a while.

Galen's mid laner is already enough.

Return the entire AP Galen mid laner

Grandma, do you want me to go out with blue crystal or bring a few bottles of blue to the line to have fun

AP Galen's idea was naturally rejected without hesitation.

Then his eyes began to turn around the icons of the heroes of Wild Huntress Nidalee, Void Fear Kogas, and Barbarian King Teldamir.

Leopard's maid is so vigorous... Relying on the little prince's standard skills in her own trial field, he published a book of murder and killed a hero on the opposite side. It feels like it should be very good.

The Void fears big bugs, and it is a good choice to take the AP route.

It’s great for the Barbarian King to start a big move in a team battle...

While hesitating, his eyes without a watermelon suddenly swept across an icon in the corner of the hero selection interface, and his eyes suddenly lit up:
