My Name is Britz

Chapter 119: Robot VS Robot


After making the decision, Watermelon reached out his finger and clicked a hero icon in the corner of the list on the hero selection interface.

As a ray of light flashed, his outfit that was originally in the shape of Galen was replaced by a burly metal body full of golden.

"Hahahaha, I have decided, I will play the AP robot mid laner once in this game for you to see!—"

The voice became a little sullen, and the watermelon without a scoop triumphantly issued a declaration to the 8000 audience fans in the live broadcast room.

〖Fuck! AP robot! 〗

〖Me and my little friends are shocked! —〗

〖Papa Watermelon, this is going against the sky! 〗

〖Wow, hahahaha, my 10,000-year-old auxiliary machine will finally have a day to carry the audience! 〗

The massive text messages that shocked all kinds of cheers in the live broadcast room once again swiped the chat bar.

The teammates who did not have the watermelon in the battle room were also dumbfounded. Someone cautiously asked: "Watermelon God, can the robot really hit the mid laner?"

Another teammate persuaded: "The robot shouldn't just play in the auxiliary position. Watermelon, or you should change to another AP, Leopard Girl is pretty good—"

Faced with the worrying advice of several teammates, the one who had already made up his mind without a watermelon waved his casserole-sized metal fist confidently: "It's okay, the robot mid laner can blow the opponent out, you see. I'll know—"

Speaking of a golden light shining on his body, he has confirmed his choice of heroes without hesitation.

〖Watermelon father is mighty and domineering! 〗

〖The grass is hanging! Actually confirmed it! 〗

〖Watermelon, I want to give you a baby! 〗

The 8000 fans who watched the game are nothing to do with them, so they are looking forward to having fun. Seeing that there is no watermelon, they really confirmed that they want to use the funny robot in the single. They are all crazy, and the live broadcast room is full of cheers. .

The few teammates who didn’t have a watermelon saw that the watermelon god was determined to use the robot mid laner. They could only temporarily suppress the doubts and entanglements in their hearts, and then chose to play their own games after assigning the other four positions. hero.

After some communication and selection, the five-man lineup was settled.

Mid laner. AP robot, ADC. Arrow of Retribution Verus, support. Qin Girl, jungler. Blind monk, top laner. Mechanical enemy Rambo.

As golden lights flashed past, everyone confirmed their heroes.

And on the side of their opponent...

"They're all here to play unrestricted matchmaking? Everyone should report their summoner level, I'm level 27."

As the light flashed, as soon as Britz entered the battle room, teammate Player A called out to suggest everyone to declare their homes.

Player B: "I am level 28."

Player C: "I am level 26."

Player Ding scratched his head awkwardly: "I'm only level 16..."

"Wipe, level 16?" A, B, and B were all dumbfounded.

"My buddy, why do you come to play unrestricted matching when you are only at level 16? Runes and talents are only more than half-" Player B said with a headache while holding his forehead with one hand, and the other two also had a pain on their faces.

You know, the so-called unlimited level random matching in the trial field, as the name suggests, is to let the player randomly match up to the summoner level far higher or far lower than their teammates and opponents, regardless of the player's own strength and skills, just It is the difference between the level of the summoner, which will cause the gap between the points of the respective runes and talent trees.

Think about it, a player with a summoner level of 10, and a player with a summoner level of 30 full, there is a difference of 20 rune grids and 20 talent points between the two, then at the beginning of the game , Attack power, dual resistance and even various hero attributes, innately speaking, the former will be widened by the latter.

Your ADC has an initial attack of 65 points, and I am also an ADC. The initial attack power is only 55 points. In the early stage, when the hero level is low, it is impossible to fight!

It is for this reason that players who choose the random matching mode without level restrictions are often Summoner players who have reached at least 20 or even 30 full levels, and the runes and talent trees are basically almost the same.

As for the players who have more than ten levels but still come to match without level restrictions, all of them are...

"Ha, ha, I accidentally clicked the wrong option on the mode interface to match in..." The player Ding laughed and said the truth.

Sure enough...

Three black lines were hung on the faces of A, B, and C.

"Oh, level 16 is level 16... Go and play a support position, but the impact is not great..." Player A said with a sigh, and then his eyes fell on the last teammate in the battle room who hadn't spoken.

Well? Still a special personality skin? Met a high-ranking god

Player A's eyes lit up: "Dude, you should be at level 30, right?"

When asked, Britz scratched his head in embarrassment, and answered honestly: "I'm only...level 9, and I'm also...careless...pointing the wrong mode...coming in..."

9... Level 9!

At this moment, the four people, including Player D, were directly dumbfounded, and Player A, who was expecting to ask aloud just now, only felt that his eyes were dark.

Fuck, two teammates who accidentally ran into the wrong match pattern, this also prevents people from playing...

The three players, A, B, and C are all a little bit weeping.

However, this is the end of the matter, and it is no use to complain about it. Seeing that the number of dim light floating in mid-air is constantly counting down, the few players in the battle room still worked hard to make distribution:

"This buddy, you have the lowest level of Summoner, so just make do with a support... Huh? You happen to only play with robots? That's good..."

"This 16th-level brother, follow the robot to the bottom lane and play ADC. The two-person lane is a bit more trivial, but it's not too disadvantaged..."

The five people on this side also determined their lineup of heroes:

Mid laner. Wandering Mage Ryze, ADC. Male gun, support. Robot, jungler. Prince, top laner. Twilight's Eye Shen.

As the numbers floating in the void and exuding soft light continue to change and decrease, they eventually dissipate as countless points of light. In the two isolated battle rooms, a total of ten pure white beams of light descend from the sky, which will be confirmed. The players who played the heroes were shrouded in it.

In the next moment, all ten people disappeared into the battle room.

"Welcome to Summoner's Canyon—"

With the sound of the system's pleasant female voice, when the ten players from both sides opened their eyes, they already appeared in their respective springs.

"Hey, let's see what lineup is opposite..."

While whispering in his mouth, he called up the heroes against the panel without dipping the watermelon:

"The mid laner Ryze... The control skills are a bit troublesome... But it's okay, my robot still blows him up!"

"Prince jungler, Shen Shangdan, ADC male gun, auxiliary... I wipe it!?—"

After seeing the blue side of the opponent's support hero on the panel, his eyes widened subconsciously: "There is also a robot on the opposite side!"

The 8,000 spectators in the live broadcast room suddenly fell into a state of excitement:

〖Watermelon go down the road! We have to look at robots VS robots! 〗

〖Fuck! Robot duel! 〗

〖Stop playing mid laner, go to the bottom lane and line up with the opposing robot! 〗

〖Papa Watermelon let the children across the board see what is true. Robot Wushuang! 〗

Without the watermelon, I couldn’t help but feel happy after being astonished: “Hey, it’s a coincidence. There are robots on both sides. This game should be fun. But I still play my AP mid laner and I will be there when I have a chance Down the road to accompany the opposite robot to practice—"

Although the robot hero doesn't play a lot of games, he is not the best hero, and this is the first time he has used it to play AP mid laners. However, there is still full of confidence in me: at the level of his diamond rank, his understanding and use skills of most heroes are still a bit higher than most players.

If someone uses a robot to play the AP mid laner, it will be pitted in all likelihood.

But this time the person on the other side met him and didn’t scoop the watermelon, hehe, then you can only ask for more blessings...