My Name is Britz

Chapter 13: Master robot


"I rely on Xiaoxue so vigorously! Ice shooter CARRY is there!"

"Haha, the bottom lane on the opposite side is about to collapse—"

The hand-to-hand and Chunliang Little Iron Spears in the upper and middle lanes also received the system information prompt that the male gun on the opposite side of the road was killed, and there was another burst of excitement in the voice channel of the team.

"It's Abu's credit. Just now I was forced by the male gun on the opposite side to replenish the soldiers with more than a dozen knives. Thanks to Abu dragging that guy under the tower, we can easily kill the male gun with the attack of the defensive tower.

Bing Lingxue, who killed the male gun, knew that the main credit for getting the head this time was due to Britz. She just listened to what it said to do it, and naturally she refused to take credit for it in the team’s voice channel. Talked about the killing process just now. At the same time she looked at Britz with a pair of beautiful eyes, her eyes gleaming with a hint of admiration.

In the dozens of matchmaking matches played before, Bing Lingxue is not that he has never encountered his or the opponent’s players using the robot as a hero. Some people have played well, but such a hook method—ADC makes up. An instant tick by a small soldier caused the opponent hero to be hooked by the mechanical flying claws without reacting at all. It is really... that's amazing!

"Abu has done meritorious service again? I really rely on it to be infallible!"

"Tsk tusk, if the other players who play matchmaking for the first time are as good as Abu, then we really don't have to play..."

After learning about the process before and after, the few people who were empty-handed were surprised in the voice channel, and there was a bit of envy, jealousy and hatred between the unbridled compliments-the first time you played with the robot, you can play this level, if you Really familiar with the game, then can't it turn the sky

"Hahahaha, let me just say that I have the eyes of a captain. With the help of Abramovich's robots, isn't it just around the corner for our team to dominate the No. 012 rookie field? Hahahaha—"The first one came to Britz. The hand-to-hand man who invited it to join the team gave out a burst of triumphant laughter.

Suddenly, the empty-handed laughter in the voice channel stopped abruptly.

Then the ears of the four members of Britz and the other team sounded a soft female voice prompt:

"'Century Ronin' killed the'empty-handed'."

After a while, the voice channel came out again with an extremely depressed voice:

"Grandma's, just accidentally, Ryze on the opposite side took the opportunity to hit a set of skills and was taken away directly..."

"Deserve it, let you just brag if you don't line up well—" Bing Lingxue gave an angry lesson.

"Lao Bai, don't let Ryze develop. This is a hero who is known as a mobile fort, and it will go against the sky in the later stage..." The melancholy beet on the road exclaimed without worry.

In the voice channel, he swears and promises: "Don’t worry, I was only ignited when I was caught by a mistake in the early stage. I was only ignited when I was caught. I didn’t believe it. I can't kill the look of Ryze on the opposite side—"

In the voice channel of the purple team, the male gun who gave away the second blood was once again accused by his teammates:

"Will you play with the male gun? You were hooked by the robot both times, and the next road was about to crash you."

"That's right, you are the bottom lane combination of the male gun Jiadema, how could it be crushed by the ice and the robot in the early stage?"

The male gun player who received a round of accusations was extremely aggrieved, but the fact that he was hooked and killed twice made him unable to deny it. After holding back for a long time, he suffocated this sentence:

"That robot is really a master."

Ryze, the mid laner, disagrees with what the male gun says: "Don’t make excuses. Where else can you go in this rookie field—the male gun, then you’d better make up for it, don’t let it go. I was hooked. Later, I will crush the middle order and second class Dema on the opposite side and go to support the gank." I won the reward of 300 yuan for a head of Galen, who is handed and empty-handed. The Ryze player’s There is a lot of emboldened time.

"Hmm..." The male gun player reluctantly responded. In the current situation, their bot lane is indeed gradually being suppressed by the opposite side.

At this moment, their teammate Galen's exclamation suddenly sounded in their team voice channel:


"What's the situation with Galen?"

"what happened?"

The other teammates on the middle lane were busy laning and didn’t have time to switch the third perspective, so they could only ask in the channel one after another.

The male gun, who had just been reborn from his hometown, switched the camera to the bottom road, and was stunned at first glance:

"Damn, Galen, why do you have blood in the blink of an eye?"

Just before he was killed, his teammate's Galen was still in a state of full health, but after only such a short time, the green health bar on his head had only been left less than a quarter.

"Damn, just after you killed it, I was left alone on the line. I was thinking about staying behind the line because of awkward experience. As a result, the robot rushed up with W'Overload Operation', and I turned on Q and ran. As a result, it was pulled back with Q, and he was directly hit by a set of skills. It would be good to be able to escape to the tower and save his life." The Galen player who escaped a catastrophe and saved his life was not without complaint: " This robot really doesn't leave a way for others to survive, it doesn't supply soldiers, and it doesn't even let people eat its experience..."

Is that robot again

This time, the other people in the purple team couldn't help being a little stupid. Not only did they kill the male gun, they also beat the thick-skinned Galen into a residual blood pressure and out of the experience zone. The robot on the opposite side... Is it really a master

"Damn, even if it's really a master, what about a support robot, not a mid laner or ADC, is it possible to still carry the audience?" The mid laner Ryze felt that the morale of his teammates was a little low, and he quickly gave it to They cheered up, and at the same time they said cruelly: "You will go down the road and hold on for a while, I will help you immediately by pressing the line under the opposite tower."

At first, Britz didn't intend to rush to the fat and beat the opposite Galen, but he felt very much about the behavior that the opposite Galen player did not come up to attack the minion, and stayed far behind the minion and refused to leave. I don't understand. After inquiring about Bing Lingxue, he realized that as long as standing within a certain distance from the minion, the player hero can get the experience of the enemy minion killed by his own minion.

Can... Eat... Experience

Then... How... OK

After training for countless battles with the invaders of the Dark Continent on the continent of Valoran, as well as the words and deeds of the companions of the League of Legends, the simple and kind-hearted such as Britz has long developed the habit of beating down dogs.

Britz was very dissatisfied with the opposing Galen's insignificantly ditching and mixing experience on the line.

So, it directly drove the W "overload operation" and rushed towards the opposite Galen. A set of QE second company, matched with the catching ice spirit snow and frost arrow shooting, directly forced the Galen player. Shattered with remnants of blood, he shrank back to the bottom of the tower miserably, never daring to emerge easily by himself.

When the male gun rushed to the bottom lane, the line of the bottom lane was just pushed under the purple tower. Galen, who was finally able to regain the experience, almost burst into tears, while the male gun said with a calm face. Started to replenish troops under the tower without firing.

As for the bottom duo of Bing Lingxue and Britz, after pushing past the pawn line, they entered into the grass and both TP back to the city.

At this time, Bing Lingxue had enough money to buy a lot of equipment.


(Sorry. I’m sorry. There was a lot of things yesterday and I didn’t have time to update. I still owe two chapters. One chapter is the addition of 250 recommended votes, and the other chapter is yesterday’s change. Tonight, there should be another chapter coming out, new In the past week, there are so few recommended votes, please help me TT)