My Name is Britz

Chapter 17: It's an emergency


The purple Fang Galen, who is excitedly driving the Q skill "Deadly Strike", and is about to catch up with the ice shooter girl on the opposite side, is about to slash down with a heavy sword, but suddenly feels his body is lightened, and the vision in front of him is He began to retreat quickly, and after a while, he took a closer look, only to realize that he had been pulled back by the robot, and the ice shooter girl had run away easily.

At this moment, Britz actually blocked the pursuit and killing momentum of the three purple players by his own strength!

"Damn—this is all right?"

The Garen player suddenly jumped his feet with anger, looking at the robot in front of him that hindered his pursuit and killing plan, and unceremoniously smashed the "fatal blow" sword with full of anger on it:

"If you want to die this way, you will be fulfilled—"

"Don't worry about the ice shooter, kill this robot first!"

The male spear player who had just been shot in place also gave up and continued to chase Bing Lingxue forward, raising his hand and hitting Britz's body with another shot.

At the same time, he was attacked by three purple heroes one after another. In the blink of an eye, Britz's blood volume dropped by nearly one-third, and the second round of skill cooling time for Ryze and the male gun on the opposite side seemed to be better.

Galen scored a tie A.

Ryze kept up with a tie A, Q skill "overload" cooled again, and another red energy ball was thrown out.

The male gun once again raised the gun to level A, hitting Britz's blood volume to less than half. In the next second, his Q skill "Large Lead Shot" will also cool down and recover.

At this critical juncture, from a distance, an extremely large ice bolt of chilling chill came whizzing out of thin air—


The purple side Ryze, Male Gun, and Galen happened to stand in a group at this time, and they were all shot directly by this giant ice bolt.

Ice Archer Ashe R Skill-"Magic Crystal Arrow"!

It turned out that just at this moment, a purple soldier was killed. After Bing Lingxue, who had not run out of the experience range, gained this experience, he was able to reach level 6.

"Abu, run! My big move has dizziness and slowness—"

Bing Lingxue yelled at Britz.

Britz, who has fought side by side with Ashe countless times, is naturally clear about the effect of the "magic crystal arrow". There is a glimmer of life after seeing it. How can there be no reason to not grasp it

The W skill "Overdrive" still has a duration of two or three seconds. On the opposite side, Ryze's W skill "Runic Imprisonment" has already passed the effect time limit. Britz turned around and ran away without hesitation.

"Sun, don't let this robot run away!"

Ryze, who drove down the gank from the middle, almost blushed when he saw the duck in his hand about to fly away. But after recovering from the dizziness of just over a second, the slowing effect of the "magic crystal arrow" still works on the body, and the coldness is constantly emerging under the feet, and the movement of the starter is almost slower than that of the tortoise. .

"Grass, this makes you run and play a hairy!" The Ryze player gritted his teeth and was cruel, and directly used the Summoner skill "Ghost Walk". The movement speed was greatly improved, and he strode towards the escaping cloth. Ritz chased it.

Male Gun and Galen saw that their teammates used the Summoner skills to hunt down the robots, and they also lost their money. Each one of them also turned on the "ghost sprint". After getting rid of the slow effect, the speed increased greatly.

At the same moment, Britz's W skill "overload operation" effect time has been used up, and the next cooling down will have to wait until five or six seconds later. At this time, it still has a long way to go back to the tower.

Bing Lingxue ran and turned around again with a W skill "A Thousand Arrows" trying to slow down the pace of the opposite party. At the sixth level, the ice shooter pointed out the third level W skill, and the cooling time has been shortened to 10 seconds. . However, the effect is not obvious on the angry purple party trio who has turned on the "ghost sprint", which is almost like chicken blood.

Ryze was the first to catch up and enter the attack range, but unfortunately, the W skill "Rune Imprisonment" had only a few seconds to cool down. He could only throw out a red energy ball of Q skill and hit Britz to only three points. One's blood volume.

The male gun finally caught up, facing the robot that had already entered the skill range in front of him, without saying that raising the gun was a Q skill "large lead bullet". Unfortunately, only one lead bullet hit the target, but it also caused nearly a hundred points. s damage.

Seeing that Britz's bloodline has fallen to nearly 20%.

At this time, the purple Fang Galen player who had finished cooling down his skills re-activated the Q skill "Fatal Strike", his eyes flashed with excitement, and he waved his big sword in his hand and rushed towards Britz.

The sword that radiated light whizzed down with the hope of the purple party.

More than a hundred points of damage! Britz's blood volume reached the death line directly.

At this moment, everyone heard a voice in their ears:


Electricity flows and connects to the whole body.

A tight optical net appeared out of thin air, shrouding Britz in it. At the same time, the blood trough with only a trace of blood on its head suddenly and magically added a small white blood bar—

Steam Robot Britz's passive skill-"Mana Barrier".

When the bloodline drops below 20%, Britz can activate the passive mana barrier. It possesses a blue crystal and has reached level 5, and its total mana is close to 600 points, although a few have just been used Skills, but the remaining mana is still maintained at more than two hundred points. The mana barrier formed at this time provided it with more than 100 shields at the most critical moment, saving it a small life.

"It won't die like this?"

The three people pursued by the purple side were almost breathed out of blood by this shield, and the head of the purple side was about to be handed. When the purple side Galen gritted his teeth, the E skill "judgment" was turned on and the big sword was swung against Brie Ci turned inside.

"Grandma, the top tower will kill this guy too!"

Yes, at this time, Bing Lingxue and Britz had already entered the attack protection range of their defense tower.

Galen, who wielded a big sword in the "judgment" and clung to Britz, has begun to be attacked by the first energy light bomb from the blue defense tower. The latter’s 180 points of physical damage directly filled Galen’s players. The health bar knocked out more than one square of health.

However, at this time, Galen can still top the attack of 4-5 defensive towers. As long as it lasts a little longer, the two teammates who catch up can directly kill Britz!

The next road was an emergency situation. At this time, both Britz and Bing Lingxue suddenly heard the voice from the voice channel of the team:

"Grandma's, hold on! I'm here!"

This was the empty-handed man who was still in the middle of the road just now. After Ryze went to gank down the road opposite the warning, he also drove off non-stop.

"And me! Haha, my transmission CD is ready, come on, get off the road and fuck him! Send these three guys back to the spring!"

This is the voice of Chunliang Little Iron Spear. At the same time as his voice fell, a circle of energy fluctuations began to appear on the defensive tower on the bottom road. After four or five seconds, his Prince Demacia was about to appear in the bottom road!


(This chapter is to make up for yesterday, so there will be one more tonight, and I will continue to ask for recommendation tickets~ In addition, the book review area has been so deserted recently... Where did all the previous students go ==...)