My Name is Britz

Chapter 18: Anti-kill


The three people in purple who were chasing down to the blue defense tower were caught in a dilemma for a while. On the one hand, Ryze in the middle ran to gank the road, and all three of them also handed in the summoner skill "Ghost Walk". If you can't even get a head, you are really losing money.

If you continue to concentrate on the firepower tower to kill the robot, the dense apertures lit on the blue defense tower indicate that after a few seconds at most, someone from the opponent will teleport to the tower to support, and the Galen in the middle of the road is estimated to be about the same. It's about to get to the bottom road, and when it comes to being beaten back, it is likely to suffer a big loss.

But if you turn around and leave at this time... the robot obviously has only a trace of residual blood, and the shield formed by the mana barrier is about to be broken. If you pull away like this, it is really... very unwilling—

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, the purple player Ryze's complexion was uncertain, and he turned his head and looked at the same entangled and hesitant teammate male gun in the air. Finally, the two reached a consensus-for the sake of safety, or Withdrawn.

"Galen, go! We don't need the robot's head."

Time is running out. The fine aperture above the blue defensive tower has fluctuated and changed more and more rapidly. In two or three seconds, the blue hero's transmission process will be completed, and the male spear can't help but wave loudly at the bottom of the defensive tower. Galen's teammate who was clinging to the robot whirled the sword and shouted. At the same time, Ryze called up the small map and found that the blue square Galen in the middle had disappeared from the map. He couldn't help but urged anxiously:

"Hurry up, the opposite Galen is coming over too!"

As the voice fell, he himself set an example, turning around and running while taking advantage of the duration of the effect of the summoner skill "ghost sprint" for two or three seconds.

Compared with Ryze, the male gun is more loyal to the teammates who are fighting together in the bottom road. Watching a man rush into the defensive tower and face the blue remnant blood robot, Galen is released from a distance. A group of W skill "smoke bullets" covered it, and then turned and left as soon as he gritted his teeth.

At this time, one person under the tower was trying to raise up a completely selfless Galen player suddenly discovered that the two teammates who had just been chasing aggressively had turned around and retreated. After looking at the summoning tower, they realized that the opposite was blue. Fang's hero has come to support it.

Damn, what's this going on

The Galen player was dumbfounded. It was three-on-two just now, and now it's inexplicably going to be a one-on-three situation, oh no, it's one-on-four—the defensive tower also counts as one.

On the surface, his great sword spins and swishes with great majesty, but in fact, only he knows the effect-the ice shooter on the opposite side has been turning on the Q skill "Frost Shot", and every arrow falling on him is The restriction slowed his movement speed, and coupled with the damn robot swaying around the defensive tower, his E skill "Judgment" hardly caused any damage to it.

On the contrary, it was the purple player Galen himself, who had already endured three full tower attacks, and was leveled a few times by Bing Lingxue's Frost Archer. The bloodline had dropped to one-third of the dangerous position.

Seeing that the robot could not die, the Galen player who finally had a retreat turned around and prepared to escape.

However, it was too late to prepare to run at this time.

Bing Lingxue fired another frosty arrow exuding a deep chill, continuing to slow the speed of the purple Fang Galen player.

Galen noticed in desperation that his Q skill "Fatal Strike" CD had been cooled down again, and he quickly turned on the increased movement speed to escape the attack range of the defensive tower.

But at this moment, Britz, who had just circumvented the defensive tower, drove his W skill "overload operation", and once again ghostly appeared behind the Galen player. The metal right fist full of electric energy slammed heavily—

Energy Fist-Knock the fly!

The Galen player who was bombarded into the sky again was maddened. Seeing that he had basically lost his hope of survival, he couldn't help being evil to the courage, and he had to curse it from high in the sky. The skill hits the robot, even if it is dead, it will be put on the back.

It’s a pity that God’s will is not what people want. Just as the player of Galen is falling, another blue yingying energy light from the defensive tower hit him, and at the same time a deadly frost arrow from Bing Lingxue was reached. —

"'Ice Lingxue' killed'Iron Hand Ruthless'."

The purple Fang Galen was killed!

At the same moment, the teleportation positioned on the blue defensive tower was finally completed. Amidst the complicated aperture pattern, a pure little iron spear with a golden armor and a golden helmet appeared outrageously!

"Wow-dare to move my teammates, let's take my life!"

Chunliang Little Iron Spear yelled fiercely with his throat, but when he lowered his head, he found that Galen was lying on the other side, and he immediately scorned:

"Damn, is this guy's brain run over by a road roller, and even one person dares to come under the tower and kill him?"

Fortunately, this was said in the voice channel of the team, otherwise it would fall into the ears of the Galen player lying miserably on the icy ground. The latter would cry for a while without tears-where he wanted to be alone. If you rush to the tower, your teammates are too shy to get up.

Tucao and vomiting have already been sent, and the work of chasing for three thousand miles and beating the dog in the water can't be left:

"Small, still want to run? See your father Jarvan kill you—"

Looking at the two purple heroes who were already running away, Chunliang's little iron spear roared imposingly, the E skill "German Banner" was directly inserted at the farthest release distance, and then a Q skill "Dragon Impact" followed. Above, the extremely skilled EQ Erlian rushed directly behind the two heroes of the purple side not far away.

Then, there is a big trick to keep up.

"Hahahaha, look at my heavens and earth torn apart!"

The pure little iron spear leaped high and aimed at the male spear player who was burying his head and fleeing in front of him with astonishing power and fell heavily. There was an earth-shattering sound, and a circle of several feet high mountain rocks surrounded the two.

"Hahahahahahahaha..." "Hey, you are going to run again? The sky is called the sky and the earth is not working, so you can die-hahahaha..." A triumphant smile of pure iron spear came from the ring-shaped rugged rock. Voice.

The next moment, the strange laughter stopped abruptly.

It turned out that it was the sliding movement of the male gun player's E skill "quickly draw the gun", which easily penetrated the surrounding rocks.

"My day is miscalculated... Damn, there is a gun for a dead man, don't run—" A pure little iron spear was heard from the crater, an incomparably sad and angry voice.


The male spear that successfully escaped the control of the blue prince's ultimate move using displacement skills turned his head and lost his eyes. He was about to continue running back down the tower, but suddenly he caught a slight noise in his ear.

For no apparent reason, the male gun's whole body was erected instantly.

Then, a familiar whistling sound came from behind.