My Name is Britz

Chapter 19: The purple party's response


"Fuck, isn't it?—"

The male gun turned his head in disbelief, just in time to see the mechanical flying claw flashing with electric lights greeted his eyes.

Then an irresistible force pulled him back.

"Hahaha Abu did a great job!" The pure little iron spear, who had just released the male gun by mistake, turned his anger into joy. The W skill "Golden Shield" was turned on, and a circle with a blue light edge was turned on. The formation pattern expands on the ground, and the movement speed of the male gun player who will return to the front is greatly slowed down.

Once again falling into the attack range of the defensive tower, the male gun raised his eyes and saw a blue bark of energy light flying from the blue defensive tower, landing on himself, instantly knocking out a piece of blood.

And the pure iron spear that followed closely with an iron spear leveled A, directly hitting his bloodline below half.

"Robot, I fought with you—"

Knowing that there is no hope to escape, the extremely suffocated and angry male gun roared in his heart, his eyes swept away, but saw that the robot that had just used the last more than 100 points of mana to throw out the Q skill "Mechanical Flying Claw" to pull him back was already under one hundred. The remaining health bar that could not be clicked took advantage of the effect of W skill "Overdrive" and fled away.

The Q skill "Large Lead Shot" has not yet cooled down, and the male gun has only time to lift the gun against the speeding robot and hit a flat A, which can beat the opponent's HP to only more than 30 points, and then just I could watch the latter run out of his attack range.

At this time, Bing Lingxue's W skill "Ten Thousand Arrows" followed a bow and flat A had landed on the male gun, and another blue energy light bullet on the defensive tower also flew out.

In the end, the head of the male spear was taken away by a flat A of Chunliang Little Iron Spear.

"'Chunliang Little Iron Spear' killed the'heart of faith'."

The purple male spear was killed!

From the middle road to the bottom road, the hand-to-hand approaching empty-handed was finally long overdue, and as soon as he left the river, he ran into the purple Fang Ruiz player who had just run over.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the opponent who had just taken away the head of the enemy yelled "Good job", turned on the Q skill "Fatal Strike" and slashed towards Ryze with murderous aura.

But Ryze on the other side reacted extremely quickly. The W skill "Rune Imprisonment" that had cooled down between the wave of hands was set on the body of the sword and empty hand, directly set it on the spot, and then continued without looking back. Run towards your own defensive tower.

"Fuck-don't run if you have a kind! Dare to come and fight me for three hundred rounds!"

The hand-to-hand, who was bound in place, could only yell at the back of Ryze who was running away with his throat and an unhappy expression.

However, in this wave of bottling battles, Britz's blue team can be said to have made a fortune. Not only did he not die alone, but he also killed two heroes from the purple side under the tower. Ryze went to the bottom lane to gank to no avail, and lost one or two waves of experience in the middle lane. The three opponents also surrendered one. Summoner skills are simply a heavy loss.

"Haha, well done, the opposite is the rhythm of a complete collapse—" The melancholy beet, who was on the road alone with the awkward and mixed experience under the tower, sent a congratulatory message on the team's voice channel.

"That is, with the support of the prince of brother, it is not appropriate to defeat the opponent—" It was the pure little iron spear who had picked up his head and replied triumphantly.

"Die Amao, you are embarrassed to take credit. You just made a big move and you almost escaped by the male gun E on the opposite side—" Bing Lingxue glared at Chunliang Little Iron Spear and said: "This time it is still Thanks to Abu, if Ryze came to support Gank just now, one of us will definitely die."

The pure little iron spear who had been uncovered had a awkward and dry cough, and immediately changed the subject and slapped Britz's flattering: "That's right, Abramovich's operation is really nothing to say, it is simply a support to carry the audience. The rhythm."

Britz, who had been chased for three thousand miles to the end but still had a trace of blood to escape, heard the praise, scratching his head in embarrassment, and let out a "ha...ha...ha" laughter.

"The opposite wave is seriously injured. Basically, our advantage is already quite obvious." At this time, the fruitless hand-to-hand man who chased Ryze came over with the big sword, but his face still showed failure. Revenge to get back the depressed mood of the place.

"Abu, you only have this bit of blood. Let's go back home and restore supplies." Bing Lingxue suggested to Britz on the side.

Britz looked at the blood strip with only a trace of blood on his head, nodded, and began to TP back to the city, and the blue circle at his feet emerged.

"Xiaoxue, you just continue to push the lane in the bottom lane. Anyway, the two people on the opposite bottom lane are driven home, and Ryze will probably have to go back if he is gone." Going empty-handed and starting to play the commanding role of the captain:

"Amao, go back on the road, don't let the beet bear the pressure alone."

The melancholy beet's emboldened voice came from the team's voice channel:

"It's okay, Amao, take your time and don't worry, I'm under the tower to make up for the soldiers, and the two guys on the opposite side dare not come in-ah fuck!"

Before the voice was over, a melancholy beet's exclamation came from the voice channel. A few seconds later, he heard the lingering voice of his heart resounding again:

"It's so risky, it's so risky. Just now, a mistake in positioning was pulled out by the hand of Noxus on the opposite side with an axe. Fortunately, I used a big move to shoot two directly, and I was almost taken away by the skills of those two yin men. Grandma’s Amao, come, come on, the opposite side will rush to the tower and kill me—"

Entering empty-handedly, the melancholy beet's words on the voice channel made a black line on his face. Then he said to the pure little iron spear: "Amao, go up quickly, anyway, as long as you keep your balance on the road, I Don't let Naritz take too much advantage in the middle, and then push the tower as soon as possible to expand the advantage. Abu and Xiaoxue press the male gun and don't let him get up. We can win this game!"

Not to mention the analysis plans of several people in the blue side, the atmosphere on the purple side is even more bleak.

"I rub, Ryze, you go to the bot lane gank, how can you gank both the male gun and Galen directly? Are you going to break the rhythm of your teammates?" The Noxus hand on the road said, There was a bit of madness and collapse in his tone.

"Yeah, you just hit two of three, and none of the other people stayed?" Xin Zhao, who was on the road, also asked in a questioning tone.

"What can I do. At the beginning, the output was not enough, and the robot was dropped within a second. Later, when the person from the other side was sent to run, he hesitated one by one and was directly killed by the other side. Can this be blamed on me?" The only one The Ryze player who had escaped from his birth replied to his teammates' questions while TP under his own defensive tower and returned to the city. He himself was extremely annoyed by the result of this gank.

"If you two don't rush away just now, you can kill that robot anyway—" The Galen player who had just been resurrected from the spring also vomited.

"Then you will die after carrying the tower. On the opposite side, the prince who teleported over, Galen from the middle road, and the ice shooter are doing the two of us under the tower. We are definitely not able to escape." The male gun who was also resurrected was angry. Refute teammates.

"Forget it, stop arguing." Teammates quarreled on the channel, but the Ryze player calmed down: "Anyway, we lost a lot in the last wave of the road. Next, you and Galen will be online. I will definitely be overwhelmed by the ice shooter and robots on the opposite side. In this way, it's better to give up going down the tower first."

"There is no APC mage on the opposing lineup, and our lineup still has some advantages in team battles."

"Don't continue to froze with the opponent on the road, all come to the middle."

"Online can't spell the advantage, we are in a group!"