My Name is Britz

Chapter 2: My name is Britz


The reason why B032 is called B032 is that a group of doctoral students from Zuan University of Technology and Magic have conducted hundreds of experimental studies in the field of steam automation intelligent life, from experimental body A001 to experimental body B031. But all failed without exception. It was not until the emergence of B032 that this project was truly successful.

Since then, researchers at Zuan University of Technology and Magic have never been able to replicate this success and create new intelligent robots.

But at this moment, in the field of vision of No. B032, it found five or six appearances that looked like itself... to be exact, they were almost exactly the same kind of self before rust.

Huang Cancan's metal body, steel fists the size of a casserole, and a little clumsy steel fists, and a pair of round electronic eyes grow on the round iron head.

Standing far away, B032 looked stupidly, with the illusion of looking in a mirror.

The few of its fellows not far away did not notice B032's gaze, one by one, they were shaking their huge iron fists awkwardly at the surrounding crowd, or they had their hands on their hips, sending out "Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha" The electronic laughter that made people laugh, they all had a lot of fun, and they looked like they were having fun in it.

Looking at it, B032 only felt that its head was in chaos again, and the system processing core was almost overheated and went into a crash state.

Why... there will be so many... my kind

And... so many... and the League of Legends companions... people in exactly the same costumes

Here... what the hell is... the place

B032 was caught in a wave of incomparable distress and confusion.

Although the designers of Zuan University of Technology and Magic have given true independent intelligence, the extremely difficult and complicated behavior of "thinking" is really not the specialty of B032.

So it decided to ask the people around for help.

Stretching out a rusty metal right palm, No. B032 cautiously patted the shoulder of a player who was passing by and dressed in a Xin Zhao costume.

"Excuse me… "

Due to staying in the old and damp warehouse for too long, the rusty metal joint of No. B032 has not fully recovered its flexibility. When slapped the shoulders, the player did not control his strength. The player being photographed felt that his left shoulder sank suddenly. , His legs were soft, and he almost sat down on the ground.

The red-tasseled spear in his right hand hurriedly supported the ground, somehow barely stabilized his figure, the player dressed up by Xin Zhao stood in embarrassment, and immediately became angry:

"Damn, who! Make so much effort?"

When he turned and looked at the reckless perpetrator viciously, his eyes suddenly lit up:

What a rusty robot!

And B032 was guilty of the accident she almost caused by carelessness, and quickly apologized awkwardly:

"Yes... I'm sorry... I used... strength... too much..."

After seeing the appearance of No. B032, the Xin Zhao costume player, who was originally angry, changed his attitude in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he changed to a warm smile on his face like a spring breeze:

"It's okay, it's okay, what do you guys call me?"

Before No. B032 could speak, he had already begun to look up and down at its rusty metal body, with a look of admiration:

"My buddy, your robot's skin isn't bad... It's rusty, right? Hey, you have a personality!"

Robot... Skin

A big question mark rose in B032's mind.

It naturally does not know that in this "League of Legends·Holographic Real Edition" game, in addition to the original classic styles of the hundreds of heroes in the League of Legends, riot company also displays personality and meets the psychological needs of vanity according to the players. A large number of new outfits are designed for each hero, which is the so-called "skin".

However, unlike the original "League of Legends" more than 20 years ago, the hero skins in "League of Legends · Holographic Real Edition" are not purchased through cash recharge points, but are achieved when the corresponding hero is used. Certain special achievements will be automatically issued by the game system to players with the hero’s skin—the other way to obtain them is through a lottery in various game activities.

Xin Zhao, who slapped his shoulder, dressed up. The players naturally didn’t know. The “rusty” skin on No. B032 in front of him, which seemed to him to be cool and cool, was actually just because it had been in that dark and humid small warehouse for a long time. Rust...

So he still asked B032 with an enthusiastic gossip expression:

"My buddy, it's not easy to get this skin? What achievements did you get to get, can you tell me?"


B032 looked at the enthusiastic gossip guy in front of him with some hesitation, and the system processing core in his head began to analyze whether "being thrown away as scrap metal in a small warehouse for several years" is an achievement...

Seeing BO32 silently watched that he did not answer, the player dressed up by Xin Zhao was still very interested and didn't mean to be embarrassed at all:

"My buddy, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me, personal privacy, brother, I know!"

After speaking, he paused, and then he glanced at the rusty metal body of No. B032 with envy, and asked in his mouth:

"Anyway, the one who can complete a hero achievement is definitely a master who can play with this hero, buddy, are you a professional robot player?"

B032 has been completely confused by the babbling and chattering Xin Zhao player in front of him, and when he heard the new question thrown by the latter, he was baffled for a while.

Professional... Playing with robots

"I... just... the robot..."

B032 hesitated for a while, and then said this honestly.

But this very real truth fell into the ears of Xin Zhao dressed up as a player, but it became another meaning.

"Tsk tut, what this said..." Xin Zhao dressed up as a player tut tut and sighed, admiringly gave B032 a thumbs up: "Everyone else can only play, only you can truly represent the hero of the robot, buddy really Domineering enough! Brother admire!"


Faced with such a situation where the ox head is not right, the B032 has no idea what to say.

Fortunately, in the end, the Xin Zhao dressed up player still took the topic back:

"Oh right buddy, did you just say you want to ask me something?"

Finally back to the subject, B032 breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked his own question:

"Excuse me... Where am I... now?"

"Where are you?" Xin Zhao pretending to be a player, he was taken aback, and said strangely: "This is the Novice Field, No. 012, Judgment Land District, my buddy, what do you mean by that? You are still in the wrong zone. Is it possible?"

"The place of ruling... No. 012... Novice field? This is... What...?"

B032 was at a loss.

"It's a small novice division in the ninth game zone in our "League of Legends: Holographic Reality"."

Xin Zhao, who is in charge of explaining, dressed up as the player also felt baffled for a while—how could the questions asked by this buddy be so mysterious...

"League of Legends... Holographic... Real version... What is it?"

B032 naturally knows the League of Legends, but it is confused again after connecting with the last five words.

"This is a holographic simulation game developed by Riot Games..."

Xin Zhao dressed up as the player just felt that the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Riot... game... company?"

Xin Zhao dressed up the player and took a deep breath:

"Riot Games is now the largest game development company on our planet, and where we are now is the ninth game in a holographic simulation online game called "League of Legends·Holographic Reality" developed by Riot Games. The 012 novice field in the region of the district ruling, understand?"

Pouring a long string of words out of his mouth in one breath, Xin Zhao dressed up the player and took a careful look at B032, and tentatively asked: "Dear man, have you played too much in the matchmaking game and dazzled your mind? Hearing my brother’s advice, although this game is interesting, your body is still important, isn’t it? Would you like to take a break off the assembly line first, and you will be a super-savvy hero..."

At this time, B032 had gradually understood some of his own situation.

Here, it is no longer the Valoran continent it is familiar with, but a place called the Earth.

It seems... it was transported by Navarroland's Heart... into another whole new world.

But after learning this kind of information, B032 fell into a more bewildered mood.

Why... is it like this

The Heart of Valoran... Why... Will it send me... to this place...

Seeing No. B032 standing still in place without saying a word, Xin Zhao dressed up the player more confidently of his judgment on the "robot player" in front of him, and then he kindly continued to persuade him:

"Dude, don't be in a daze, go offline and have a rest..."

At this moment, his words suddenly stopped. Seeing his expression, he seemed to have received some communication information. He stretched out his finger to make a virtual dot in the air in front of him, and then made a look of listening. After ten seconds, he returned to normal after listening, and smiled apologetically at B032:

"Sorry, buddy, my friend urged me to play a matchmaking match in black, brother, I have to go first."

"Okay..." B032, who temporarily recovered from the dazed mood, nodded awkwardly, and politely expressed gratitude to the Xin Zhao dressed up player in front of him: "Thank you... you..."

"Small things, it's fun to help others—" Xin Zhao dressed up the player and waved his hand cheerfully, and then he seemed to think of something: "By the way, let's add friends to each other, next time I have a chance to open a black match, my ID It's called'the gun bursts ten thousand red', hey, is it domineering enough? What's your name, buddy?"

Gun burst... Ten thousand points red...

B032 has never heard of such a... such a weird name—is this also a cultural feature of this world...

I was silently pondering the cultural connotation of the name "Guns are Explosive", but No. B032 also honestly reported his name:

"My name is... Britz."