My Name is Britz

Chapter 22: Out of the hook, not out of the hook


However, this situation lasted for only a second or two. The purple player Ryze was the first to come back to his senses, and to see his teammates all looked like an enemy, before thinking that he just couldn't help himself. The Ryze player with the ID name "Century Ronin" was ashamed and a little angry:

Even if the robot on the opposite side has strength, it is only an aid. There are five people on his side pushing in a group, how can he be frightened by a robot on the opposite side coming to support it

He coughed and reminded his teammates in a bad tone:

"What are you nervous about, it's just an auxiliary robot coming, plus the two of Galen on the opposite side, can it be even more than five of us?"

The other four players on the purple side were also awakened by the cough of teammate Ryze, thinking of the embarrassing reaction that they had just been taken down by a robot, and all of them suddenly lost their face. Among them, the Hand of Noxus player has a more popular personality. When the public voice mode is turned on, he directly stares at Britz and White Blade, who are hiding far in front of the second tower, and shouts:

"What do you look at, come here, Lao Tzu struck you with an axe—"

The purple player Xin Zhao, who is also a comrade on the road, also cheered:

"That is, come up if you have the courage, and shrink under the second tower to be a hairy man."

The hand-to-hand, who stayed under the second tower of the middle road on his side, also unceremoniously counterattacked:

"Grandma's, it's amazing how many people are? There is a kind of thing that you can try one more tower, and you can't kill your demons—"

In a verbal confrontation between the two target points and Maimandi, none was achieved. The five people in the purple side continued to dismantle the tower. After fighting back with an empty hand, they turned their heads to look at Britz, and asked in a low voice:

"Abu, can you hook one over?"

Britz, who had been holding a metal right palm on the side, shook his head against a purple square with a defensive tower in the distance and dismantled the defensive tower, and shook his head honestly when he heard the question from a hand-to-hand approach, expressing powerlessness. .

The ADC and APC on the opposite side—that is, the male gun and Ryze are both long-range output heroes. When the tower is clicked, they stand far away. There are three melee flesh-type heroes in front of them, and they are surrounded by purple long-range minions. Even at the level of Britz, the feasibility of trying to hit these two goals is basically zero.

If you ignore these two goals, as melee heroes, the purple Fangnuo, Xin Zhao and Galen, who are standing under the tower and brandishing weapons to demolish the tower, will be relatively easy if they want to get caught.

But Britz has no plans to make a move.

Because in many cases, being able to hit the hook does not mean that you have to get out of the hook.

Before Britz crossed, when he was still fighting with his fellow League of Legends in Summoner Canyon on the continent of Valoran, it had no combat experience at first, but it was triggered by untimely and irrespective of the object. Many tragedies.

There was a battle in Summoner's Canyon when a big bug named Kogas ate the king's meal in the tavern opened by Ezreal and failed to pay the bill.

Britz’s lineup is the outrageous explorer Ezreal, the tavern hostess Rui Wen, the very loyal Xin Zhao, Galen and five other people, and the opposite is Void Fear Corgas. , And the Voidwalker Kassadin, Void Predator Kazzik, who also owed the debt, and the swift scout Teemo who was inexplicably involved.

In the fierce battle, the two sides fought inextricably, until a crucial team battle, Britz's hook, will be superimposed with six layers of "Feast" skills, and grow into a super giant bug. Kogasra to his lineup...

While the thick-skinned Void Fear carried a blockbuster of skill bombardment without fear, he calmly cast a Q skill "Break" among the five people on Britz's side, and added another one. W skill "Wild Scream"...

Then there is no more...

In another battle, it selected the target of Amumu on the opposite side.

A Q hit, and the target was swished by the mechanical flying claws flying in the sky with a blank expression.

Standing surrounded by fierce opponents, the Mummy of Murder, who was covered in green bandages, raised his head timidly and looked at the surrounding area, sobbed softly, and then... began to cry loudly—

At the same moment, on the surrounding ground, a huge yellow circle burst out with dazzling light...

After the team battle, Galen looked mad:

"I rely on me to say that it's not good for you to pull someone, why do you pull that crying ghost, pull him over with the'Mummy Curse', and we will stop cooking..."

It also pulled the blind monk Li Qing into his lineup. The latter rushed directly to his frightened ADC Izeril, and a raptor swinging his tail kicked the poor explorer to the opposite side. The situation in the murderous enemy formation...

He has been pitted all the way, countless experience and lessons, so that Britz has learned to be calm and prudent.

Its mechanical flying claws need to be used at the most appropriate time and on the most critical figures to be able to exert their greatest effect. On the contrary, it is extremely likely to cause extremely serious consequences.

The three melee heroes in the purple side who are easy to be hooked right now, the Hand of Noxus, Dreyus, the Director of Germany, Xin Zhao, and the Power of Demacia, Galen, are themselves rough and thick, plus The current outfits of the upper three are all walking flesh-shield equipment. Even if they are pulled in, with the damage of the two of them and the white blade entering the empty hands, even if the two defense towers behind them are added, it is impossible to set the target. Skills take away. On the contrary, it will consume a lot of his own blue energy in vain, and the Q skill will also fall into the long CD cooling of nearly twenty seconds.

For Britz, who seeks to maximize the benefits of his shots, it consumes a long cooldown Q skill, but only consumes a part of the opponent's non-main output hero. This kind of transaction is not what it wants. .

If you can, you must hook the opponent's main force to output ADC or APC. The teammates will directly kill the target with a set of skills, and then use the trend to expand the results and win a whole team battle.

Britz's pair of electronic eyes flickered brightly, and the male gun and Ryze's figure who focused on the tower in the distance were clearly reflected in its field of vision.

Then... wait a minute...


(Ha finally did not break his words, and the second one was sent. But originally I wanted to speed up the progress of these two chapters and end Britz’s first match, but when this chapter was written, I couldn’t help writing. When I arrived at the embarrassment on the continent of Valoran, the embarrassing part of this time made me a little bit happy~ I feel super good... Especially the part of Amumu I feel so cute~~ What do you think

PS: Let’s make another promise. Tomorrow, oh, it’s early in the morning, that is, if today’s recommended tickets can reach 600—now it’s 543, I’ll have two more chapters a day~)