My Name is Britz

Chapter 24: Yin people


Withdrawing from the attack range of the blue square and the second tower again, the five players in the purple side were waiting for the arrival of a new wave of their own soldiers to prepare for a new offensive, while communicating in the voice channel of the team.

"Just fight like this, be safe," Ryze player "Century Ronin" was very satisfied with the current offensive rhythm, and said to his teammates next to him: "You three stand tightly, protect me and the male gun, no I am eager to force a group under the tower and on the opposite side, slowly consume them, and push them a second tower, and we will be able to bring back the advantage."

"A tower is a reward of 150 gold coins per person," the Galen player with the ID name "Iron Hand Ruthless" nodded in agreement: "Pushing down their two towers, we are equivalent to everyone getting a human economy, to It was time to go back and get out of the equipment, but the team on the opposite side couldn't do us anymore."

"In fact, they don’t have any advantage in frontal groups," Noxus Hand took over and continued to analyze: "They don’t have a wizard, and the mid laner is still a Galen. The output of frontal groups is definitely not as good as we have APC and ADC. A reasonable lineup." At this point, he gave the male gun a slanted look:

"As long as some people don't get caught by the robot on the other side and kill them alone."

"You—" The male gun's expression turned cold after being mocked by the Hand of Noxus, but he knew that he had been caught to death by the blue robot twice before, so there is no reason to refute it. At the moment, he could only snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"It's okay, in fact, you can't blame the male gun. The robot on the opposite side is really good." Seeing that the atmosphere of the scene is a little stalemate, the Ryze player "Century Ronin" came out to make a round of battle: "Anyway, we are not strong now, Follow the pawn line safely and tap the tower, as long as you pay attention to the position of the robot, there will be no problem."

"Hey, everyone, I think the five people on the opposite side seem to be discussing countermeasures." The Xin Zhao player suddenly prompts: "We plan to push the tower slowly. The other side is probably not willing to let us succeed in this way, right? If they force the first team to start the team when we click the tower, we will be passive-except for that robot, there is still the ice shooter's ult on the opposite side that can be used as a weapon to start the team first."

"Century Ronin" looked terrified, and when prompted by his teammates, he immediately realized that this situation is very likely to happen, and immediately responded:

"Xin Zhao's words are reasonable. We will spread out our five positions a little later. Don't let the cold ice move the five people."

Several people nodded in agreement. At this moment, a new wave of purple soldiers had already marched beside them from the rear, so the five heroes of the purple side stood apart slightly and followed the others. Once again, he slowly marched under the blue square and second tower on the opposite side.

In the formation, several melee minions are at the forefront. In the middle are the three melee heroes of Noshou, Galen and Xin Zhao mixed with a group of long-range minions. The two main output long-range heroes-male spear and Ryze is at the back.

In response to the blue Fang Hanbing shooter's big trick "Magic Crystal Arrow", the male gun and Ryze did not move forward together, but stood on the left and right on the back of the team.

Seeing the defensive tower slowly zooming closer in his field of vision, and the blue heroes under the opposite tower, the male gun "heart of faith" felt a little relieved in his heart.

The current situation is no longer like the previous match in the bottom lane. He must always be alert to the opposing robot's unpredictable hook, or simply open the W skill and rush up with an "energy iron fist". Hammer fly.

Now they are five people in a group in the middle. The advantage of the lineup makes the blue team on the opposite side dare not easily rush up to start a team fight, while the teammates and minions are like a solid wall in front of them. No gap is left, the opposite side. Even if his robot has the ability, there is no way to do something to him or Ryz from the front line with such a tight lineup.

Unless... the robot came around from behind-but if the robot were to go around alone, it would have been killed by himself and a group of teammates directly. In addition to sending a head for nothing, how could it be done? What's going on.

The male gun, who was in a slightly relaxed mood, thought of this with a little humor in his heart.

But at this moment, the male gun following the team suddenly felt something was wrong.

Subconsciously, his gaze swept from under the second blue tower not far from the opposite side. Several heroes in the blue side stood in front of the tower with their weapons and their faces condensed.

Galen, Xin Zhao, Prince, Ashe...

and many more-

The male gun's gaze suddenly condensed, and the pupils in his eyes shrank instantly:

Where did the robot go!

The male gun, who realized that it was wrong, stopped abruptly and was about to give a warning, but the corner of his eye had already swept to the back of the blue square second tower where a rock obscured the angle of view, a mechanical flying claw. Roaring through the rock wall and flying towards him!

Damn, this robot is actually in that kind of blind spot!

While such a desperate thought flashed in his mind, the male gun player almost tried his best to display the E skill "Quickly draw the gun" and slide back.

But it was too late.

At the moment when the male with a low spear figure was about to slide and dodge, the mechanical flying claws with sizzling electric lights had firmly grasped him. At the same time, the ropes suddenly tightened, and he was still standing at the back of the team. In this way, the male gun was abruptly pulled out of his tight lineup by the ghostly flying claws from the back of the mountain wall not far away, and flew towards the rocky wall beside the blue square second tower.

"Grass, the opposite robot is lying in ambush behind the wall!"

The Ryze player who was the closest to the male gun and was also standing at the back of the formation first noticed that the male gun was pulled away by Q, and suddenly shouted anxiously.

The three heroes in the purple side in the front row also reacted, one by one, frightened and angry:

"Damn, it's that robot again!?"

"How does the male gun stand!?"

"Brothers! Fight it!"

The Hand of Noxus shouted angrily and rushed forward with a big axe. Xin Zhao and Galen on the side also followed without hesitation to prepare for rescue. In this situation, if their ADC man If the gun is second, this team battle will first lose half of it.

And the few people under the tower on the blue side were overjoyed:

"Abu succeeded!"

"The grass is beautifully dried!"

"Xiaoxue, zoom in!"

He screamed out empty-handed.

"it is good-"

Bing Lingxue, who had been prepared for a long time, didn’t hesitate when he heard the instructions. He raised the ice blue longbow and let out a soft drink. The R skill "Magic Crystal Arrow" burst out. The giant ice arrow formed in the air instantly, with a piercing whistling that pierced the air, it quickly shot towards the oncoming purple hero.


The giant ice bolt that hit the target exploded in an instant, exploding into a thick, visible cloud of white fog, and immediately frozen the purple Fang Galen, Noshou and Xin Zhao who had been killed by the violent and violent claws.

At the same moment, the male gun pulled to the back of the rock wall saw the robot's tall and burly metal body like a nightmare. It landed before he could react. The latter's metal right fist was full of flashing electric lights. He has been swiped heavily and hit his lower abdomen, blasting him directly into the air!


(Explain to everyone that my codeword is inherently slow, and it takes at least 2 hours to code a chapter, and then there are other trivial tasks to do, so you often see that my update will be late. If it is two What's more, it will even be at two or three in the morning... That's all night in the code word... It's a hard TT. In addition, there is a chapter update today...)