My Name is Britz

Chapter 25: The situation has changed sharply


Being controlled by Britz's E skill "Energy Fist", the male gun couldn't use the E skill to slide and escape. When he fell back from the air and returned to the ground, he had already rushed from the tower three or two steps from the bottom of the tower, holding up a gorgeous sword with a dazzling light and a Q skill "Deadly Strike" that fell on him. On the body, while cutting off his health bar again, after receiving the knock-up effect of Britz, he was silent for a full second.

And in this second, as an ADC, Bing Lingxue has also released the W skill "Ten Thousand Arrows" and added a flat A with the Q skill "Frost Shot" turned on, and the blood line of the male gun Hit the point where there is less than half left.

This is not over yet. When the silent effect of the "Fatal Strike" of the empty-handed Q skill "Fatal Strike" is about to disappear, Britz, who has reached the sixth level, has a big move "electrostatic force field", and in an instant, surging electric energy Like a flood that opened the gate, it burst out from its metal body, and was shrouded in dense, flickering grids within a range of hundreds of yards.

More than two hundred points of magic damage caused the bloodline of the male gun to drop below a quarter of the dangerous state.

What's more terrible is that Britz's R skill "Electrostatic Field", in addition to causing a range of magical damage, is also accompanied by a silence effect of 0.5 seconds.

This means that the male gun at this moment still cannot use any skills.

From the time when the male gun was pulled by Britz from the back of the purple lineup directly to the back of the stone wall, it actually took only three or four seconds to put it in life. But in such a In the world of competitive games, every second, even every 0.5 seconds, can determine the outcome of a battle. Being charged for more than three seconds without leaving any gap, the result is that the male gun has been hit to the death line without having a chance to release a skill.

The 0.5 second of silence was fleeting, and the male gun player who finally got rid of various control states was almost moved to tears, but just when he used his E skill to "draw the gun quickly" at his fastest speed. When he was about to escape from behind this extremely terrifying stone wall, a huge sword phantom that exuded an extremely sacred and majestic aura suddenly fell from his head in a ten thousand zhang ray of light—

Demacia justice!

The giant sword of light that fell from the sky was formed by the demacia power summoned by the "Demacia Justice" with the empty-handed Galen R skill. The moment the giant sword fell, it caused a high amount of damage to the male spear, and instantly emptied its little remaining HP.

"'Blade into the empty hand' killed the'heart of faith'."

As the female voice prompt of the system sounded, the purple male gun player was ruthlessly killed, and the world in his vision turned into a black and white color.

And until this time, the rest of the purple team was able to get rid of the effect control of Bing Lingxue's previous "magic crystal arrow", but it was too late.

The team battle hasn't officially started, so if your side loses one person first, or the most important ADC, then how to fight next

Damn, this male gun, knowing that the opposite robot is terrible, can't you be more careful

The Ryze player "Century Ronin" on the purple side almost has the heart to choke his teammate's male gun alive, but he did not expect that the robot on the opposite side of the blue side would hide in such an unexpected place. Q pulls people out of the blind spot of his vision.

It's really... too overcast!

But now this situation has become a 4V5, and if you think about a frontal team fight, they definitely can't fight it.

Ryze, who made a quick judgment in his heart, gritted his teeth and shouted at the front teammates: "Four-on-five, I can't do it. Go, let's retreat!"


Seeing that his teammate was killed by the opposite side, and as soon as he took a step, he was controlled by the ice shooter's big move for a long time. The hand of Noxus, who finally returned to normal, has long been suffocated in his heart. , Heard Ryze’s retreat signal, and yelled in anger:

"Remove a hair! What's the matter with four and five? Cao, Lao Tzu and this gang of yin people fight!" After saying that, he rushed forward with a big axe, and a Q skill "Big Kill Quartet" followed his hands. The giant axe rounded and swung out fiercely. The sharp axe blade with a heavy phantom lifted and caused hundreds of points of damage to the pure little iron spear and the melancholy beet that were closest in front of the blue defensive tower. .

"This Nok, dare to hit the opposite tower?" Ryze, who couldn't stop his teammates, stared dumbly at the hand of Noxus who rushed to the blue square tower and opened his mouth, clutching it. His forehead couldn't help but let out a weak moan: "Does he still think that the firepower on the other side is not enough?"

These words were quickly verified by the facts. As Ryze's voice fell, the second defensive tower of the blue side fired a blue barking energy light bullet towards the blue side hero within the range. The hand of Noxus flew away and landed on the latter, instantly knocking out a small amount of blood.

"Fuck—you dare to be so arrogant under our tower?" The pure little iron spear that was rubbed by the giant axe of the Hand of Noxus that rushed up was dumbfounded by the opponent's sturdy behavior, and then furious:

"If you want to die, you will be done! Beet, let's go and kill this guy!"

Immediately after he had two consecutive Q and E skills, he directly shot the hand of Noxus who rushed forward, and the melancholy beet on the side was also very tacitly cooperating with an E skill "Fearless Charge" to deceive him. At the same time, at the same time, his W skill "Frenzy Roar" and Q skill "Triple Claw Strike" were turned on one after another, and the attack speed was greatly improved. "Ping Ping Ping" hits three times and ties A, triggering the "Triple Claw Strike" The effect of the skill blasted the Hand of Noxus into the air again.

The hand of Noxus, which was controlled by successive abilities, only had to release a Q skill and a level A, and then he was forced to attack the tower twice, plus the pure little iron spear and the melancholy beet. The two sets of skills hit him sturdily. The thick-skinned, cloth-armored shoes, ninja feet and a red crystal, he was also directly beaten into residual blood.

Knowing that the head of the brain-dead Knock teammate is definitely given away, the Ryze player "Century Ronin" decided to sell his teammate without hesitation, and urged the remaining Galen and Xin Zhao: "Don't worry about the promise. To overcome this brain damage, if he wants to find death and send someone to the head, let him go alone, and the three of us will go quickly, or else we will be wiped out—"

Originally, I was still a little hesitant about whether to help his teammate Nok rush up and fight with the blue heroes opposite Galen and Xin Zhao. Hearing Ryze's words, they were cruel and no longer hesitate to do it. Decided to give up Nok, resolutely turned around and ran after Ryze.

Originally, the blue side was pressed under the second tower, helpless and passive, but in a blink of an eye it turned into the purple side, leaving only three heroes to flee in a hurry.

Suddenly, the situation on the field has undergone such a huge turning point.


(Finally finished the second chapter... So tired... Ask for a recommendation before going to bed...)