My Name is Britz

Chapter 27: 0 for 4


The two skills of Britz and Purple Fang Xin Zhao players were cast almost at the same time!

The red tasseled long spear with strong vigor and screaming eardrums swept across a sharp crescent arc, and the cold and rusty mechanical flying claws also shone electric light towards the target. Shot away—


The new moon sweep of Xin Zhao's player's ultimate move was firmly thrown on the bodies of Britz who rushed forward and the empty-handed ones. The powerful force erupted from the gun body directly shook the two of them out of control. Flew backwards.

But just before the spear swept Britz, the mechanical flying claws that flew out of Britz's metal right palm had firmly grasped the purple Fang Xin Zhao's chest armor.

After being knocked back by the opponent's big move, flying in the air, the mechanical flying claw above Britz's right hand still firmly clasped the target, and the flashing steel rope suddenly tightened and violently Take back—

I saw that the purple player Xin Zhao was pulled up by a huge force coming from the rope end, and his body involuntarily rushed toward Britz, who was flying backwards!

If someone else is watching the game from the third perspective at this time, they will notice a funny and amazing scene happening in the middle of the field at this moment.

The blue robot was repelled by a big move by the purple side Xin Zhao, but at the moment when the target was in Q, under the pulling of the mechanical flying claw steel rope, it led the opponent to fly upside down along with him. Just like the repelling effect of the purple Fang Xin Zhao's ultimate attack, it also works on his own body.

Grass, is this robot really going against the sky

The Ryze player "Century Ronin" who looked back hastily just saw the scene where his teammate Xin Zhao was pulled away by the opposite robot while Q was flying backwards. He really wanted to swear words.

In the mid-air, Xin Zhao, who was being pulled by a mechanical flying claw and flying freely, almost wanted to Spartan.

Damn, no matter what!

He had only obeyed the idea of his teammate Ryze and used a big move to defeat the blue chaser, but he never thought that this big move would instead get him in-the robot and cover rushing up on the opposite side. It was true that Lun was swept back by his own crescent moon, but he was also pulled by the robot and separated from the escape team of his teammates. He leaped over 1,500 yards in mid-air and plunged into it. In the arms of the enemy lineup.

"Hahahaha, Xin Zhao, you can't live by your own sin!" With Britz, who was repulsed by the purple party Xin Zhao player's big move, saw the other party being pulled back by Britz's Q abruptly. He couldn't help but was overwhelmed with joy, and now he was unceremoniously hitting the opponent with a "fatal blow" with a Q skill.

Britz also kept up with an E skill "Energy Fist" and knocked Xin Zhao, who was so badly fortunate in character, into the air.

Bing Lingxue, who was moving at a slower speed, just came out from the corner of the F4 wild area. Seeing a meat target suddenly flew in front of him, I didn’t even want to just shoot with a bow and an arrow. The effect of the passive skill "Concentrate" has long been overlapped. At full 100%, hitting the purple party Xin Zhao’s flat A triggers a crit effect. Equipped with a storm sword and a long sword, her attack power reaches 120 points, and the double damage of the crit is more than 200 points. The player's blood bar instantly knocked out a considerable portion.

The poor purple player Xin Zhao from being pulled over by Britz's Q to being knocked off and dropped, was so dizzy that he was beaten to less than half blood before he had time to cast a skill. At this time, Bing Lingxue's W skill "Ten Thousand Arrows" fell on him again, and the latter's health bar was only one third.

"Xiaoxue, Abu, this Xin Zhao will be handed over to you—" After the E skill "Judgment" is turned on, the player swings the big sword around the purple side Xin Zhao, and he sees the latter's bloodline state when he enters empty-handed. This head was already properly accepted, so no longer wasting time, he greeted Bing Lingxue and Britz, and continued to turn the sword and wind and fire to chase Ryze and Galen, who were still fleeing ahead.

"Oh, Lao Bai, the action is fast—" At this time, the pure little iron spear and the melancholy beet who had solved the purple square brain's hand of Noxus also chased out from the front of the middle road, in the river and the F4 wild area. The narrow passage between them happened to meet the hand-to-handed approach, Chunliang little iron spear raised the iron spear in his hand, and greeted the hand-to-handed approach enthusiastically.

"Hurry up with you," Bai Ren rolled his eyes empty-handed, and urged: "Have you finished cooling down your skills, hurry up and leave the two guys in front of you, or they will run back—"

"Don't worry, there is my eldest prince, neither of those two guys want to run!" Chunliang Little Iron Spear laughed, the skill CD just finished cooling in time, and the E skill was released at the moment, with a clear sound of "ping". , A German flag whizzed from the sky and landed not far behind the purple Fang Ruizi and Galen players, and then he connected a Q skill "Dragon Impact" to the flag, and leapt in an instant. After eight or nine hundred yards, he rushed behind Ryze and Galen!

And this is not over yet.

"Hey, look at my heavens and the earth—"

With an energetic yell, Chunliang Little Iron Spear has jumped forward, carrying his mighty power towards the purple Fang Ruizi and Galen who are running away from below, crashing down!

The rugged ring-shaped towering rock suddenly bulged from the ground, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust.

And when the smoke and dust dissipated, among the crater rock obstacles, the purple Fang Galen player was standing in front of the pure little iron spear carrying a big sword with a bitter face:

"Brother, what a grudge? You are only staring at me when you chase for three thousand miles?"

Chunliang Little Iron Spear was also dumbfounded: "Damn, why are you the only one?"

Just outside the towering crater, Ryze, who was lucky enough to not be "smashed the earth", had already crawled like a frightened bird and fled back under his own defense tower.

"Damn, you don't want to run anyway-take it to death!" The pure little iron spear was so angry that he didn't say anything. The W skill "Golden Shield" added a layer of shield to himself and slowed Galen's movement speed by the way. , And then took the iron spear and slammed it towards the opponent.

The melancholy beet and the hand-to-hand arrived two or three seconds late, just as the crater rock collapsed and subsided due to the "heaven and earth crack" of the pure little iron spear.

"Amao, you're a scam, and Ryze ran away for you to stay -" The hand-to-hand who rushed to spit out his companion without a good deal of effort, but he didn't lose any effort at all, and was the two of melancholy beets Open E "Fearless Charge" and a Q "Fatal Strike", all the skills fall on the only purple player Garen left behind. The latter was already overwhelmed in the bot lane and hadn't eaten all his experience. At this moment, he didn't even reach level 6, and his health bar was also crisp and pitiful. Ashe, who had suffered from ice and snow, had a "magic crystal arrow" before He took another big move of the prince who had a pure little iron spear. At this moment, two or three skills were smashed, and the blood line was dying, and he was finally stabbed by the melancholic beet Q skill "Triple Claws" for the third time. .

On the other end, the purple Fang Xin Zhao with blood on his head and knowing that he has no hope of escape also started a suicide charge and ran towards Bing Lingxue E, who is an ADC, with his "triple claw strikes" twice, even the third. Before Bing Lingxue's knock-up effect could be triggered, Bing Lingxue's head was properly taken away by Ping A twice.

At this point, in this wave of team battles, except for the opponent Ryze who escaped by chance, all the others in the purple team lost their heads. The blue team that Britz was in had a 0-for-4 big profit.

The next step is to take advantage of the situation and push back!


(Today's first chapter, wait a while to continue to code the second update. Ask for a recommendation ticket~)