My Name is Britz

Chapter 28: Reverse the infighting with... the purple side


In addition to letting a Ryze run away, Britz and their blue team steadily accepted the four heads from the opposite side, and the blood line and mana of the five of their own also maintained an extremely good state. Said it made a lot of money.

And this is not over yet, if you win a team battle, you must continue to expand your advantage by taking advantage of the scene. As a result, Britz and the empty-handed five people gathered in front of their own tower in the middle, and began to push back the defensive tower on the opposite middle.

With the cooperation of the five people, the purple small soldiers who came out from the opposite side were cleaned up almost in two or three strokes, and then they rushed to the purple defense tower aggressively with a large wave of small soldiers from their side and began to demolish the tower.

The purple side had just lost four people due to the team battle, and only the lone wandering mage Ryze was naturally afraid to be a car. Seeing the five people on the opposite side of the blue side grouped and pushed back, he could only hurriedly stop the tower and return to the city. Without any thought of guarding the tower at all, he sullenly withdrew back to the second tower of his own middle road and returned to the city.

The blue side was like a rainbow, but the purple side who lost the team battle just now exudes a gloomy aura.

"Ryze, you can run very well?" The hand of Noxus, who has not been resurrected, sneered strangely in the voice channel of the team: "Tsk tsk, how come you can survive by yourself every time, other People are sold to death by you?"

Ryze, who had been stunned by the failed team battle, just returned to the spring when he heard the ridicule of his teammates, and instantly burst into anger:

"Grass, you TM are really stupid? Just now, our ADCs were all dead, and there was no chance of winning at 4 to 5. You still want to rush to the opposite tower to carry the damage from the defensive tower and the other side to do it hard? Do you think you are in the Six Gods outfit? Could it be against the sky? Damn, if we didn't run just now, we would definitely be bruised to death by your brain first!—"

"Damn, you're just counseling. If you just keep up and work hard under the tower, as long as I can hand over a set of skills, it is definitely not a problem to kill the opposite person. How can I be beaten by the opposite person like now? 0 for 4-Damn, a bunch of pitfalls!" Noxus's hand continued to emphasize the correctness of his previous actions, and by the way, he also came to the group spray skill, which cursed all his teammates. .

"Grass, who do you say is tricky?"

"Nuoshou, keep your mouth clean—"

Several other players on the purple side who hadn't planned to participate in this quarrel were also ignited by the tone and attitude of the Hand of Noxus. The male gun directly sneered and counterattacked unceremoniously:

"Even if the set fire can kill one, what's the use, do as you say, we can't even run Ryze here, we can be completely wiped out by the opposite party, this ending is what you want? Will you? Don't know how to play this game?"

"I'm better at playing than you, shit ADC, tell me how many times have you been hit by the robot? Pitiful!" The hand of Noxus turned the gun head and directed the spray fire directly at the man. gun.

The male gun was choked by this sentence, and he almost couldn't speak, and he could only return to the last sentence very annoyed and suffocated: "It's changed for you, you have been hooked to death by the robot a long time ago—"

"Haha," Hand of Noxus sneered, and declined to comment on the male gun's defense. He just said: "I'm really unlucky when I meet a group of people like you. I will wait until 20 minutes to cast it. Well, I'm not interested in wasting effort with you."

The purple side was so noisy, and Britz and their blue side team had a great deal of dismantling the tower.

Since five people worked together to demolish the tower, the efficiency was extremely high. After a while, the purple defense tower collapsed and turned into ruins with a bang.

And the one tower on the opposite middle road is not finished. The lineup panel was brought up and looked at it. Xin Zhao and Galen on the opposite side were not resurrected shortly after they died, so the male gun and the hand of Noxus had just been resurrected. Rebirth from the spring water, before it had time to come out, Ryze had just returned to the city under the second tower, leaving their purple middle road second tower temporarily in an unprotected state.

What else is there to say

Push another one!

As the captain, the empty-handed team immediately made a decision, so the blue five-man team continued to hold a group and aggressively slew towards the second tower of the purple Fangzhong Road.

Because the five of Britz and the others moved very fast when they pushed the purple square middle road one tower, many of their own soldiers survived the attack of the defensive tower, plus a new group of soldiers followed by a gun cart. , The five men were surrounded by a large wave of small soldiers and smashed to the front of the second tower. There were enough small soldiers to withstand the attack damage from the defensive tower and to assist in the output. Therefore, the five men pushed up the opposite middle road to the second tower and the rhythm was very smooth. .

When the second tower in the middle of the purple side was demolished for nearly half of its health, Ryze, the male gun and the hand of Noxus on the opposite side were slow to come out of their own spring. However, due to the uneven number of people and the fear that the robots in the blue phalanx once again took the hook and pulled one of them Q over, the three of them didn’t even dare to guard the second tower in the middle of their own way, so they had to be honest. Staying on the high ground, guarding his own high ground defense tower, watched the second tower in the middle road rapidly drop in blood volume under the attack from the opposite side.

A few seconds later, the second tower of the purple Fangzhong Road also turned into a piece of debris amidst the rumbling sound.

I was caught off guard before being pushed by the opposing team and lost the first tower in the middle of their home. Now Britz and their blue team have completely recovered the place—not only took the purple team’s four heads, but also pushed back. Two defensive towers on the opposite middle road.

Counting the purple square and one tower that Bing Lingxue demolished in the lower road, not counting the heads, they are already ahead of the economic advantage of the two defensive towers opposite.

After dismantling the second tower on the purple square middle road, he took a blank look at the gloomy and ugly male spear and Ryze on the high ground not far from the other side. The latter still huddled under the high ground defense tower and did not dare to come out. It is estimated that the remaining Galen and Xin Zhao on the opposite side have also been resurrected and are about to arrive soon, so he waved his hands empty-handed and gave instructions:

"Okay, let's withdraw."

"Highland is not in a hurry to push, let's go to collect the dragon first!"


This is the second update from yesterday. . . Sorry to drag it to now. . To explain, my stomach hurt suddenly during the code word last night, it was almost to the point of rolling, there was no way to calm down the code word, and I could barely finish this chapter until morning. .

PS: There are still two chapters updated today. The plot of the first matching match should end in two chapters.

PS2: This week, the classification push was launched, and it happened to be only two or three days before the new book period. I want to try to make the list in the last two or three days. . . I hope everyone can vote for the recommendation (please put your hands together, thank you seriously)