My Name is Britz

Chapter 32: The activated Heart of Valoran


With the surrender of the five purple players and the automatic victory of the blue players, the five people, including Britz and the empty-handed player, were enveloped by five pure white light beams falling from the sky. The next moment, the five returned to the battle before choosing the hero. In a starry void.

A virtual light screen that records various data of the battle appeared in front of the five people, including the number of heads, deaths, assists, and their respective equipment, economic status, etc., all in the light screen. It is clearly visible at a glance.

At the same time, the experience and gold coin rewards that accompany the victory of this match match were distributed to everyone accordingly.

"The player's "hands-to-hand" will win this matchmaking match, gain 15 experience points, and 30 game currency rewards."

"The player'Ice Lingxue' wins this matchmaking match, gains 15 experience points and 30 game currency rewards."

The system female voice prompt sounded one by one in everyone's ears, and Britz also received the system prompt, but the content was slightly different from the others.

"Player'Brits', who won the matchmaking match, won the first victory of the day, gained 45 experience points and 90 game currency rewards."

The first win award of the day is a place where "League of Legends·Holographic Real Edition" borrowed from the original "League of Legends" game in the game settings. When each player enters the game on a new day to start the game and fight, the first victory that day is won, can get 3 times the experience value and game currency rewards.

Won a triple reward for the first win, the next moment, Britz's body suddenly lit up with a dazzling golden light, and then the light flashed away. At the same moment, another series of system female voice prompts sounded one after another in his ear:

"The player'Brits' is upgraded, and the current level is: Level 1."

"The player'Brits' gains the summoner skill [healing]."

"The talent tree interface is activated, and talent point 1 is obtained."

"The rune interface is activated, open the first rune column."

The large number of unfamiliar words in the series of system prompts made Britz feel dizzy again.

Talent... Tree

Summoner... Skill... Healing

Just when it sounded so big, the few people on the side also noticed the golden light just shining on Britz's body.

"Hey, Abu, is this an upgrade?" Chunliang Little Iron Spear was a little startled, "Damn, I will upgrade after a match? I'm far from level 6 by a bit of experience."

"Idiot you, this is Abramovich's first matchmaking match. There are three times the reward for the first win of the day." The melancholy beet scorned Chunliang Little Iron Spear: "It would cost 30 to upgrade from level 0 to level 1. Point experience points. Winning a matchmaking game in the novice field can get 15 points experience points. If you triple it to 45 points, it’s not surprising that you can upgrade directly."

"Abu, you have reached level 1, the talent tree and rune interface should be activated?" Bing Lingxue asked Britz with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Hmm..." Britz nodded honestly, and then added: "And... Summoner... Skill"

"All... don't understand..."

"I don't understand all..." Bing Lingxue wrinkled her nice little nose when she heard the words: "These things are a bit troublesome to explain. When you get out of the room, Abu, you can open the system help interface by yourself. It should be There are detailed explanations about these basic knowledge."

Britz nodded again to express his understanding. At this time, he went empty-handed and waved his hand, saying: "It's okay, this match is over. What are you staying here for? Everyone should leave the room. What can I say? Let's talk about it at the arena."

"That is, this place is too boring, I will retreat first -" Chunliang Little Iron Spear whispered in agreement from the side, and then turned into a colorful light and disappeared in place.

After him, the few people who entered the empty-handedly also turned into a few rays of light and exited the room.

In the same way, Britz said silently "Leave the room" in his heart, and the next moment he was enveloped by a burst of colorful light. When the field of vision became brighter and clearer again, it had already returned to the lively and noisy arena hall, where it stood, just before the black stone platform that had entered the game before the battle. The four companions were standing beside them and chatting enthusiastically.

"Haha, with the addition of Abu, our team's combat effectiveness has been significantly increased—" The pure little iron spear, who easily won the battle just now, was obviously in a very happy mood, and began to look forward to the team's prospects: "There is Abu. With the help of the robot god, it seems that we are going to sweep the No. 012 novice field."

As the captain, the head-to-head, empty-handed, waved his hand with a reserved face: "You don't have to thank me too much, I just have a more savvy eye and played the role of the captain's insight—"

The melancholy beet slanted a blank-handed look on the side, with a look of contempt: "The old white-skinned person is so thick, you didn't just touch Abu's robot skin to strike up a conversation with your face."

"That's also a manifestation of wise eyes, isn't it?" The white blade entered empty-handed in awe.

"It's really embarrassing to stand on you as an old man..." Bing Lingxue stroked her forehead helplessly, and then called up the system panel to check the time: "It's already past five o'clock, do you want another round? "

"Okay, I feel that we have a good momentum today, and we will try to win another set!"

"Okay-another round of off-line dinner."

He stared blankly at Britz: "Abu, how about you?"

Of course, Britz, who crossed directly from Valoran continent to this game world, did not have any problem of taking a rest and eating off the assembly line. Just as it was about to nod and respond, a soft female voice suddenly sounded in its ears.

"Energy gain and absorption..."

"The Heart of Valoran—"


Britz's body suddenly froze slightly.

This voice... is different from the dull and mechanical system female voice in the game, but with a kind of kindness in softness.

Obviously it was the first time I heard it, but Britz felt an extremely familiar breath from this soft and kind female voice.

Warm... and close.

This breath... seems to be close and natural with the friends you get along with day and night, and as warm and kind as your relatives.

this is…

From the depths of my heart... a kind of blood-connected touch.

"Varoland... the heart... activated?"

Stunnedly repeating the words he heard in his heart, at this moment, Britz suddenly felt that Varoran's heart, which was firmly placed in his chest, seemed to move slightly.