My Name is Britz

Chapter 33: That colorful light spot



Seeing that Britz stood there blankly for a long time without responding, he reached out empty-handed and shook his hand strangely in front of its eyes: "Are you okay, why don't you speak in a daze?"

"No... It's okay."

Britz, who had been awakened, shook its round iron head. Because of the soft and kind female voice that suddenly sounded in his ears and the abnormal movement of Valoran’s heart in his chest, the words that had already slipped to its mouth were again Retracted, and quickly changed his words awkwardly:

"Suddenly... I thought... there are some... things... to do... you... go first... play... don't... leave me alone..."

"There are some things to do? Abu, what do you want?" The pure little iron spear on the side asked curiously, and then immediately put on a gossip face: "Hey, is there a girl looking for it?"

"Sister Sister Sister all day long, Amao, can you have something else in your mind besides Sister?" Bing Lingxue gave Chunliang Little Iron Spear angrily.

"Hey, Xiaoxue, you've wronged me too much by saying that—" Chunliang Little Iron Spear immediately cried out to Bing Tianqu, and then looked at Bing Lingxue with affectionate expression: "Only Xiaoxue in my heart, you are the most beautiful Yes, where are the other girls... Alas, what the hell are you knocking me on the head?"

Shi Shiran retracted the right hand of the assailant, squinted in his empty hand and squinted at the screaming pure iron spear, coldly snorted: "Grandma's in front of Lao Tzu, you still dare to molested my sister, isn't it what is it?" Then he turned his gaze back to Britz, and asked: "Abu, are you going to be offline first when something happens in reality?"

"No... No..." Britz replied hesitantly.

"What's the matter? Is it true that there is a girl looking for in the game?" The melancholy beet interjected unwillingly and curiously.

"Also... not..."

"What the hell is that?" Now even Bing Lingxue became curious, and everyone's eyes fell on Britz's body.

"That's... That's..." Britz awkwardly tried to find a suitable reason to deal with the few companions in front of him, but his character was honest and honest, and he was not good at lying and making excuses. How could he concoct it for a while. .

In the end, the considerate Bing Lingxue helped it out:

"Alright, alright, Abu doesn't want to say that there must be his own reasons, so we don't want to ask."

With Bing Lingxue's first voice to relieve the siege, the other members of the team will no longer continue to entangle on this issue. Chunliang Little Iron Spear is the first to foul the camp and sternly accuse the other two companions: "Xiaoxue is right, you one What's the gossip—to prevent Abu from having a bit of his own privacy—"

Took an empty hand and couldn't help but roll his eyes again: "Damn, who just wanted to ask the girl with great interest?"

Melancholy Beet expressed his contempt more directly at Chunliang Little Iron Spear than a middle finger.

But in short, seeing Britz's stammering embarrassment, the team skipped this question thoughtfully, and Britz was finally relieved, who was struggling and distressed.

"Abu has something to leave first, so can the four of us fight?" He went empty-handed and asked his teammates for advice.

"Hit it, hit it, it's a bit early for dinner now." Chunliang Xiao Tiejiao expressed his opinion.

"I'll do whatever you want." The melancholy beet waved his hand and said it didn't matter.

Bing Lingxue called out the system panel to check the status of her game currency, raised her head and said softly to a few people: "I'll play another game, I just happened to be close to the game currency to get enough money to buy the fifth one. Rune out."

"Okay! Then the four of us will have another game—" the captain nodded with no hand, and then turned his head to Britz and said: "Abu, if you have anything to go, let's go, later today. Let's match the five-person black together."

Britz, who was relieved because he was no longer being questioned, nodded and agreed: "Okay..."

At this time, Chunliang Little Iron Spear still didn't forget to wink at Britz secretly: "Abu, there are beautiful girls who must be introduced to brothers... Ah, my mother, I am fed up with Lao Tzu wanting to be alone with you Pick!... Ah, Xiaoxue, you knocked just now? Ahem... No, nothing... My head is hard... Knock resistant. I'm not afraid you will hurt your little hand..."

For the comical scene in front of him, Britz could only scratch his head naively again.

Watching as the four people put their hands on the competitive stone platform, they turned into four colorful lights and disappeared in place and entered the game room. Britz couldn't help but feel a faint warmth in his heart.

Because the heart of Valoran is related to whether it can return to Valoran Continent, so... is a secret that can never be told to anyone. But its simple and honest nature doesn't know how to lie to deceive these companions, who are just new acquaintances, but get along very happily, so they can only hide their words. And the few of them, who were very considerate and understood its behavior, and didn't mean to embarrass it at all.

It’s really... very lucky to be able to make such a companion as soon as I came to this strange world.

After sending away the four of them, the next step is to return to the important business.

Quickly walked out of the noisy arena hall, Britz stood outside the gate and looked around, found a secluded place and walked over.

When he came to a quiet corner behind the house on the corner of the street, Britz looked at it uneasy, and after confirming that no one was passing by, he lowered his head and carefully placed the heart of Varoran in his chest. Take it out.

The culprit who transported Britz from Valoran continent to this strange game world was lying quietly in Britz's wide metal palm, motionless. The appearance is still so crystal clear, as if it hasn't changed in any way from before it was put away by Britz.

However, after Britz brought Varoran's heart in his hand to observe carefully, he immediately noticed a slight change.

At the center of the crystal-clear diamond-shaped crystal, at some point, an extremely tiny colored light spot appeared.

Small colorful light spots, in the center of the transparent rhombus crystal, exude a faint but constant soft light.

Meditate and feel carefully, the faint breath of the soft colorful light in the crystal is exactly the same as the familiar and warm breath that Britz had previously felt in the arena hall.

At this moment, a line of colorful gleaming characters suddenly popped out of Britz's electronic eyes:

[Varoland Heart-Current Energy: 1/1000000].


It’s not that I deliberately updated and didn’t give much effort... It’s the plot that has progressed to this point. It’s really bothersome how to continue to unfold and write more exciting content... Otherwise, it’s easy to let the plot fall into a tedious loop and then rotten. The tail or the eunuch. Today, I have been struggling with the issue of the follow-up plot for a long time, and have been planning an outline. . . I just barely have a clue about ORZ now. In short, I hope you understand and continue to support it. . I will continue to codewords to see the second chapter that I can’t handle at night.

PS: Continue to ask for recommendations. PS2: Do you want to get a book friend group or something? . . .