My Name is Britz

Chapter 34: Fighting spirit [seeking collection and recommendation! ]


【Varoland Heart—Current Energy: 1/1000000】

Colorful shimmering characters are reflected in the eyes, but the soft and kind female voice heard in the hall of the arena did not sound again to explain it. Britz stretched out his hand in confusion and shook it in front of his eyes. Akira, the row of colorful characters still floats in front of my eyes without dispersing.

Britz tried to take Varoran's heart in his hand away from some of his sight, and then he reacted. The line of colorful characters in his eyes dissipated into countless fragments of colored light.

And when it brought Valoran's heart closer again, the colorful characters appeared in front of them again.

At this moment, Britz was basically certain that the row of colorful characters floating in front of him was projected into his eyes in some way from the heart of Varoran in his hand.

Current energy... 1/1000000, this is... Valoran's heart... Is it the current state of...

Britz guessed in his heart that before crossing this world, in the abandoned small warehouse on the continent of Varoran, the whole body of Varoran's heart exuding brilliant colorful light, it should be that Varoran's heart is in The true form in the state of energy consummation. As for the reason for the depletion of energy, it should be the cost of transporting oneself from Valoran to this game world.

In this way, as long as the energy replenishment is restored to 100%, Valoran's heart can re-show the true form of the colorful light filled and dazzling, and it will once again be transmitted back to Valoran continent.

Britz who came to this conclusion in his heart was involuntarily rejoiced. Since the heart of Valoran came to this strange game world with it, it seemed to have become an ordinary transparent crystal. There was no movement at all, even if it wanted to reactivate it, there was no clue and no way to proceed.

But now, Valoran's Heart has been activated, and it is confirmed that Valoran's Heart can be recharged, and everything is different.

Britz still clearly remembered the words of the soft female voice that just sounded in the ears of the arena hall, which mentioned the content of "energy acquisition and absorption", and the system processing core in his head was analyzing and eliminating all kinds of After the possible reasons, the temporary conclusion is: For the situation where the Heart of Valoran absorbs energy and is activated, it should be that he and himself, Xiaoxue, and the others participated in a "matching match" battle in Summoner’s Canyon, and It's about winning.

Although it is still not completely certain, this should be the most reasonable and most likely answer at the moment.

And if it was really as Britz had guessed, the 1 point of energy gained by the Heart of Varoran came from the victory it had just won in the battle with the White Blade. So, if you want to replenish the energy of the Heart of Valoran from the current 1/1000000 to the full state, you still need...

Victory... 999,999 times.

The system processing core quickly gave the calculation answer, and the huge number made Britz feel a little dizzy.

Twenty-four hours a day, based on a 30-minute battle, 48 battles can be played at full play.

Even if you won all the victories without landing, you won 48 games every day and replenish 48 energy points for the Heart of Valoran. If you want to fill up the exhausted energy of the Heart of Valoran, you need...

20833.3125 days.

The system processing core completes calculations extremely efficiently and quickly.

Converted into years, it is—

Fifty-seven years.

Britz, who came up with such an amazing data, couldn't help but feel silly: For fifty-seven years, wait until it really gathers enough energy to restore Valoran's heart to its true form and teleport itself back to Valoran, the League of Legends companions should have long Even the bones are turned into ashes.

Just as the flame of hope was ignited, it was poured down by the cruel reality, and Britz couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

This is still the ideal state of winning every game, and the reality is definitely not going so smoothly. If every day's wins and losses are in half, then the fifty-seven years time will have to be doubled.

Britz sat down on the ground, staring blankly at the heart of Varoran in his hand. In the crystal body of the latter, that small colorful spot still radiated soft light constantly. .

Could it be that... I can only... give up...

Britz felt a little discouraged by the uncontrollable thoughts of depression in his heart.

At this moment, the heart of Varoran lying quietly in its hands seemed to feel Britz's low mood at the moment, and it shook slightly. The colorful light spot in the center of the crystal was like a dream. The color brilliance seems to be brighter.

In the next moment, an invisible wave radiated from the diamond-shaped crystal in the Heart of Valoran. Britz suddenly felt a faint warm current, flowing from the heart of Varoran in his hand, slowly injecting into its metal body.

It was the familiar and cordial breath that evoked the blood-connected touch in the deepest part of my heart.

Bathed in this invisible but familiar warm breath, feeling the faint warm current flowing in his body, Britz only felt lazily and extremely comfortable. I don't know if it is an illusion, but before its eyes, there are scenes of light and shadow like a slide show.

this is…

Britz couldn't help standing up.

League of Legends... friends...

Britz stared blankly at the alternate light and shadow scenes before his eyes, and murmured subconsciously.

Familiar figures one by one.

Bright and enthusiastic smiling faces.

The precious memories and images of the past are revived and awakened one by one from the deepest memories buried in the bottom of my heart at this moment.

Britz stretched out his hand cautiously, trying to touch the scenes of light and shadow in front of him, but he was half-stretched and froze a little hesitantly. He was worried that everything in front of him would be like a mirror, as long as he touched it, it would disappear. .

In the end, worrying overcame the desire to touch the light and shadow screens, Britz stood quietly on the spot, looking at the familiar and kind faces among the light and shadow screens... I looked a little silly.

These are... its most missed partners... its most cherished... the past...

I don't know when, the light and shadow scenes that appeared out of thin air without warning have disappeared silently as they came. But Britz closed his eyes quietly, and in his mind, the light and shadow scenes seemed to be still hovering for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, and finally, Britz slowly opened his eyes, and the whole person's momentum had undergone tremendous changes.

In that pair of round electronic eyes—

The light that symbolizes fighting spirit is shining.


PS: I was spurred by the editor today, and the motivation was greatly increased. There will be one more change in the evening; at least two more changes tomorrow. Never break your promise! ! !

PS2: Students who have not collected or registered users hope to collect this book.

PS3: I just opened a poll about whether to build a book friend group, let’s vote for it~