My Name is Britz

Chapter 4: Memories and... the beautiful woman dressed up by Ash


"Cough cough—"

Seeing his two companions behave like this, the "hands-to-hands" as the captain of their team suddenly felt a little bit of face, pretending to cough, and then sternly criticized the two companions:

"Pay attention to the image, don't lose the demeanor of our team in front of the robot brothers."

But the two players are obviously not very buying for their captain:

"Cut, you didn't do the same just now—"

"Lao Bai is obviously the first one of you to strike up a conversation first, right?"

Going empty-handed and fought back, feeling a little embarrassed into anger:

"Damn, what do you mean, tear down my station?"

The pure little iron spear with the golden armor and golden helmet curled his lips after hearing this:

"Where do you have any table to dismantle? I would have collapsed by myself..."

A melancholy beet dressed in Xin Zhao concurred with approval:

"That's right, Lao Bai, what kind of captain do you have? The captain position was not obtained when you guessed the box and won..."

Going empty-handed and furious:

"Damn, if you win the guessing punch, it won't be considered a win? Why are you all starting to question the authority of the captain. Good luck, there is a kind of solo!

"Solo is solo, and I'm afraid of you—see me using the prince to abuse you to the point of calling you father!"

"Hum, brother, my Xin Zhao is not a vegetarian, Lao Bai, be careful of your chrysanthemums..."

Obviously, he came to speak to Britz, but the three tricky guys started to quarrel with each other inexplicably, each of them flew up and flew up, cross-brows cold-eyed and murderous, and the rivalry did not give in to each other.

Britz stared blankly at the three jewels in front of him and quarreled with each other in a grudge:

They... What... They just... quarreled...

However, looking at such a scene, Britz felt a familiar and cordial feeling in his heart.

It recognizes the costumes of the three people in front of them: the "blank and empty-handed" model who clamored to single out solo to give his companions a bit of color is Galen, and the "pure little iron spear" with golden armor and golden helmet is Prince Demacia. · Jarvan IV, the "Melancholy Beet" with a spear is Xin Zhao.

In a daze, the images of the three quarrelsome people in front of him... gradually overlapped with the three companions in his memory.

In Britz's hometown, Valoran is too far away to find his way home. The relationship between the three people is just like the three in front of them. They are intimate and often cause inexplicable and dumbfounding disputes because of trivial matters.

Britz clearly remembers the first encounter with Galen, Jarvan, and Xin Zhao.

Those are all... Now when I think about it, I will have extremely warm memories.

That was when Britz left Zu'an and first arrived in Varoran.

It was a clear morning, and the sky was clean and clear without a trace of clouds, blue and blue.

Britz wandered around in Summoner Canyon. Unlike Zuan, who was distorted and polluted by abused technology and magic, the green grasses and towering rocky walls of Summoner Canyon all exude vitality. The pure breath of vitality and nature made Britz feel extremely fresh and joyful, excitedly shaking a round iron head looking around, not seeing enough.

And when it passed the bottom road of Summoner Canyon, it suddenly noticed that the tall grass in front seemed to be shaking slightly, and there was a rustling sound.

With curiosity in its heart, it took a step forward, swayed unsuspectingly, and walked towards the front.

When it walked to a place no more than six or seven hundred yards away from the grass ahead...

With a piercing whistling, a steel army flag exuding a cold air fell from the sky with an astonishing aura!

With a "ping" sound, the lower end of the military flag plunged firmly into the ground in front of it.


Britz stopped, staring blankly at the steel flag flying from somewhere in front of him, and a question mark rose in his mind.

How is this going

However, the sense of responsibility that he cultivated in the past for a long time living and working in a city full of waste and rubbish like Zu'an quickly replaced Britz's confusion with a sense of anxiety:

Everywhere... Littering... will affect... the ecology... the environment...

Britz, who is deeply in love with the beautiful and moving natural scenery of the Valoran continent, cannot allow this lush and vibrant pure land to fall into a harsh environment like Zu'an.

So, while muttering indignantly in its heart, it stepped forward and prepared to raise the steel flag that had been pierced into the soil.

At this moment, sudden changes occurred.

Britz, who was lowering his head intently preparing to raise the battle flag, suddenly felt that the sky above his head suddenly darkened.

It subconsciously raised its head blankly, and what it saw in its eyes was the tall figure of the Three Paths leaping high from the grass, as if covering the sky and the sun.


"Take me a shot!!"

"Look at my sky falling apart!!"

The Sandao sounded a little energetic and angry shouts overlapped, and the three stalwart figures like the gods of war held the Britz on the ground firmly in the high altitude with the shocking weather, and then fell heavily towards the target!


Three stalwart figures fell to the ground, shaking the earth.

At the same moment, a lap of rugged mountains and rocks with a height of several feet rose suddenly to the ground with a rumbling sound!

It is like taking people to the abyss of despair and purgatory, enclosing everyone in it—

Britz stood outside the crater rock blankly, still holding the half-drawn steel flag in his hand, and didn't understand what was going on.

Then it only heard two angry and frustrated voices from within the towering thick crater:

"I'm relying on Jarvan, you two? Do you still get a haircut if you put us in the circle?"

"We squatted in the grass for most of the day, and finally squatted until I was pissed off by you again!"

Then a voice with a slight guilty conscience sounded:

"Ahem, brothers are so embarrassed... I was so excited that I didn't aim..."

"Cang Tian, I, Galen I, was wise. I didn't expect to fall into the hands of the enemy, but was pitted by my own brother..."

"Hey, Galen, I'm not happy when you say that, brother... How come I am also a prince, you say it is not suitable for me to pit..."

"You are a pit!"

"Damn, say it again, be careful that I use the German flag to plant you to death!"

"Hit pit pit pit, you come to insert me—"

"Two brothers, stop arguing, let's think of a way to get out from here... I feel a little mad..."

Britz was brought back to reality from his memory by a beautiful but angry female voice.

"Have you three idiots been arguing enough!?"

Britz subconsciously followed the prestige. The owner of the voice had a delicate and beautiful face, fair skin, a delicate nose, a small cherry mouth, a pair of black and bright eyes, and a head like a waterfall. She had long snow-white hair scattered behind her shoulders; behind her back was an icy blue longbow exuding a faint cold air, and under a cloak with a hidden blue gold rim, a slender, graceful, exquisite body was looming.

This is... the outfit of the ice archer Ashe.

Britz silently compared Ashe and the beautiful girl in front of him, and concluded that the looks and temperament of the two are surprisingly similar.

At this moment, the beautiful girl dressed up by Ash is looking at the three people in front of her with her hands on her hips:

"You three big men, who are not elementary school students, can still quarrel in the street-are you embarrassed!?"

"Don't you feel ashamed! I blush for you!"

"Still yelling more vigorously on the street, I can hear your quarreling voices across the street!

The melancholy beet raised his hand with a righteous expression:

"The loudest voice must be Lao Bai!"

"That's it!"

Chunliang Little Iron Spear actively seconded.

"It's up to you to be ashamed to say me—"

Going empty-handed and furious again.

"Shut up all!"

The beautiful girl dressed up by Ash has a frosty face, with murderous eyes in her eyes, and circulates coldly on the faces of the three of them.

The three life treasures immediately shut up and silenced.

No, this character... should still be more like Katerina...

Britz, who was on the sidelines, silently revised his previous conclusion in his heart.


As of now, one of my two favorite episodes is the episode where the Pygmy Policewoman Caitlin speaks to Britz, and the other is the memory part of this chapter. One is to move myself, the other is to make myself laugh while writing. By the way, the plot of the failure of the three brothers in the bush is borrowed from the content of the first episode of "La La La De Marcia", because it is really interesting~ I hope everyone will like it. If you have any thoughts, please send it to the book review section, I will read and reply to it~