My Name is Britz

Chapter 40: Calculate


Britz saw that the female gun on the opposite side stopped attacking the minion and walked a few steps closer to him before retreating from the minion pile. For it, who has fought side by side with the real bounty hunter Sarah countless times, the attack range of this charming companion with two guns in his hands is naturally too familiar.

Therefore, as soon as the purple female gun player on the opposite side leaned forward, it retreated accordingly, keeping a safe distance from the opponent.

With this kind of combat awareness and familiarity with the characteristics of enemy heroes, looking at the tens of millions of players in the entire "League of Legends Holographic Real Edition" game, perhaps only one in a thousand or even one in ten thousand can achieve this. .

It's just that, just now, Britz's flamboyant operation of pinching the range of the female gun and avoiding the level of A consumption, the other three players on both sides of the blue and purple on the road did not take this seriously.

"Hey, this robot runs so fast, I want to click him twice—" The purple female gun player complained to his teammates regretfully.

"It's okay, when my E skill CD is over, I will spit him out and slow down by hail, and then he will not run fast, then you will hit him again." Just successfully used a "hail" to consume Britz a little The snowman Nunu, who had enough blood and ran back safe and sound, gained confidence, slapped his chest and said vows.

On the blue side, I couldn’t help but feel dissatisfied with seeing Britz’s ice archer, who turned and ran back, hiding his bow: "Hey, what are you doing, the robot, continue to help me fight the soldiers—"

"Their... Nunu... and bounty... Both can... Remote... Consume... Just now if... Don't return... I will be... beaten as... Residual blood..."

Britz explained patiently to his teammates.

Niao Jin Gong Zang did not listen to the explanation and rolled his eyes directly: "Then you don't play minions, and you don't use skills to hook people, so what else do you play, let me hit two?"


Britz was dumbfounded for a long time to speak, unable to communicate successfully with his teammates. It could only silently turn around and walk back to the two teams of soldiers fighting in front to start a helpless close battle.

But this time, its position became more careful, and when standing in the small pile, it also tried to maintain a right angle with the opposite bounty hunter and snowman Nunu, trying to keep the distance between them as far as possible. As soon as Nunu was ready to use the E skill to consume it, or the bounty wanted to get closer to it, Britz hurriedly stopped his attack on the creeps, turned and ran away without hesitation.

After going back and forth several times like this, the two players of the purple side's bounty and Nunu can't even touch the corners of Britz, and it simply fades away the thought of consuming its blood and taking advantage of ranged attacks. From the ground up a small soldier.

The two sides continued to make up the knife in peace, and it was more than a minute. During the Britz period, although he always paid attention to the position and kept the distance from the opponent's two heroes in the minion pile, he was still inevitably caught by the purple female gun. The player used the Q skill "two birds with one stone" to bounce twice.

At this time, the four heroes on both sides of the bot lane have all been promoted to level 3. Britz points the two skill points brought by the upgrade to the W skill "Overdrive" and the E skill "Energy Fist". .

A tie A hit a purple melee soldier, knocking the latter's health to only a trace, and Britz subconsciously turned his head to look at his ADC teammate, waiting for the opponent to open the bow with just an arrow. Can take away this residual blood soldier to make up for a knife.

But the ice archer who was hiding in the bow of the bird unrelentingly released an arrow towards the other purple soldier, allowing the residual blood soldier in front of Britz to be taken away by his own melee soldier with a hammer.


For a while, Britz couldn't help but call up the virtual match panel and took a look at the situation of the ADCs on the bottom lane.

Purple Bounty Hunter: $14.

Blue Fang Hanbing Archer: 4 knives.

It can be seen from the compensation data that the opposing bounty hunter is actually a novice. The amount of time for 5 or 6 minutes is only 14 compensations, which is far worse than the ice and snow in the previous match. go. But what was even worse was that his teammate, the ice shooter, could only reach 4 fills, and all the other minions were missed by him carelessly.

In less than five minutes, the teammate's ice shooter already had 10 fewer fills than the opposite bounty hunter, and the economy was nearly 200 yuan. In addition, his teammates were completely indifferent to the replenishment. Ci can foresee that the two sides will continue to make up for a while, and they will each go back to release their equipment. When they come out again, they will be completely suppressed by the opposite side.

This way... Go on... The situation... Not so good... Ah...

Britz thought silently, at this moment it had already risen to level 3, and his mind began to become active.

They will suffer from a steady play, so they play proactive and offensive.

As long as the two opposing people are beaten into remnants of blood, afraid to go out of the tower, or simply go home directly, then their situation will improve a lot.


Britz cast his gaze on the purple female gun player not far away, thinking silently in his heart:

The equipment of the opponent's ADC is a bit better than the ice shooter of the teammate, and, in the same level 3 situation, the two stand against A, the ice shooter is definitely not the opponent of the female gun.

Therefore, it is necessary to use the skill to control the female gun first, and cooperate with the ice shooter of the teammate, and the output of the two people can hit the female gun at the same time, so that it should be able to at least beat the female gun into residual blood. , Even under the deceleration effect of the Frost Shooter Q skill "Frost Shot", it is still possible to directly kill the female gun.

Just... do it!

After making up his mind, Britz's position started to become more active again. On the one hand, he avoided walking too close to be hit by the opponent's two heroes with A or skills, and on the other hand, he was constantly looking for suitable opportunities to make the hook. The female gun in the distance pulled over.

After ten seconds passed, Britz noticed that there was only a small portion of the blue bar under the green health bar above the purple snowman Nunu's head. Speaking of which, this snowman Nunu player is indeed not very good at playing. Novice, he has never used the W skill "Blood Boil" once to improve his movement and attack speed for himself and his ADC companions from the beginning of the lane line to the present. It seems that all three skill points are added to the Q skill. Swallow" and E skill "Hail" on.

Use E skill again, Snowman Nunu will be completely empty.

With such a judgment in his mind, Britz didn't seem to show any strangeness on the surface, but in his hand he consciously beat the soldier in front of him with a flat A, leaving only a trace of blood.

Then, it pretended to accidentally walk forward two steps, and suddenly pulled closer to the opposite snowman knight Nunu.

The purple Fangnunu player who tried to attack Britz with his skills just a few times to no avail, when he saw the opposing robot, he took the initiative to approach him and didn’t think of anything else, he just rushed forward to illuminate the cloth. Ritz’s front face was sprayed with a hail exuding a chill.


The skill hit the target, and Britz's figure was immediately slowed down.

"Haha, Nunugan is beautiful!" The robot on the opposite side was dangling not far away, but he couldn't reach the range. The bounty hunter, who had already been so upset, saw his teammate succeed. Overjoyed, I turned on the W skill "Black Gun Shooting" and ran towards Britz, ready to take advantage of the opponent's robot to turn around and run away A to make two or three hits to relieve the previously accumulated hatred.

But this time, Britz didn't seem to plan to escape.

Seeing the bounty hunter running up excitedly with two guns in hand, it raised its metal right fist and hit the purple melee soldier in front of it with a flat A.

The soldier who had been beaten with only a trace of blood was hit by this blow and was directly killed in a straightforward manner.

As the purple melee soldier was resolved, at this short moment, there was suddenly no obstacle between Britz and the purple female gunner, and a narrow but unobstructed path was formed.

It's... this... time!

Seizing the opportunity, Britz immediately took the hook without hesitation, and the rusty iron claws flew out like lightning with the steel cord entangled with electric lights, and hit the target directly.

Before the female gun player realized that there was an extra iron claw in front of her, she felt an irresistible force that pulled him directly and flew forward.


Guess what will happen next

PS: Thank you. Taki, Angel at home and students from the elementary school sect for the rewards, as well as the update votes from xxcxjktk classmates and the evaluation votes from Angels at home~ By the way, the two chapters update tickets yesterday seemed to be out of reach.