My Name is Britz

Chapter 41: congratulations


An unexpected Q skill "Mechanical Flying Claw" directly drew the purple female gun player who was only planning to take advantage of the A robot by two strikes, directly in front of Britz.

A Q succeeded. Knowing that the bounty hunter had no displacement skills, Britz was not in a hurry to hand over the E skill "Energy Fist", but first swung the big metal fist of the casserole pot and pulled back in front of the ejected mechanical flying claw. The female gun player of slammed A, and then immediately followed by swinging an "energy iron fist" with flashing electric lights, blasting the latter heavily into the air.

Britz’s E skill "Energy Fist", in addition to the control effect that can knock the target into mid-air, can also cause double damage to the target of Britz’s own attack power-this skill attribute is in At the beginning of the battle when the hero level is low, the power effect cannot be underestimated.

In the blink of an eye, he ate Britz's small combo of Q, A, and E, and the purple female gun player, who had a low total HP, lost nearly one-third of his HP. And Britz, who had used the E skill to offset the attack speed interval of the flat A, once again hit the flat A punch when the female gun player landed, and once again caused more than 40 points of damage to the target.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! I was hooked by the robot!!" The female gun player who was pulled away by the robot Q and was hurt by a set of skills screamed in panic, and subconsciously turned around and escaped.

"Don't be afraid—I'll save you!" The teammate Snowman Nunu just vomited Britz with a hail and turned around and ran away righteously. When he saw that his teammate was in trouble, he suddenly made a very loyal cry. Drink, turn around and hurried over to the teammate.

As soon as he ran into the pile of small soldiers, the Nunu player just saw his teammate’s female gun being hit by the blue robot’s "Energy Fist" hammer to the ground and then added an A, and immediately rushed up to control it without hesitation. The snowman under him slammed a vicious punch at the robot in front of him.

A tie with A, only caused less than forty points of damage to Britz, which is not worth mentioning for it, which has reached the third level and has more than 600 points of health.

It's not that Nunu players don't want to use skills, it's really that he wants to use them and can't use them—the E skill "Hail" just now has completely squeezed his original blue bar into an empty blue state. .

However, the female gun player who was about to run saw his teammates feel that his courage suddenly became stronger: "Grandma's, damn robot, actually plotting against me-come to Nunu and we will kill him!" Then he stopped directly. Standing still, taking advantage of the "black gun shooting" effect of the W skill, there are still two or three seconds left, raising the two guns and aiming at Britz in person.

Britz, who fell into the siege of the two purple heroes on the bottom lane, was rather happy. Since the hatred of the opponents was concentrated on it, the teammate Ice shooter can safely output without pressure, instead of using it. Worrying about being at a disadvantage with the opponent's ADC head-on.

After all, the two sides are fighting against each other, and the main output must fall on the ADC players on both sides of blue and purple. If the opponent's snowman Nunu and the bounty hunter focused on Britz, and it and teammate the ice shooter would attack together. The opponent's ADC female gun, then the worst result is just to exchange its life for the opponent's ADC life. In the next lane, only the ice shooter of the teammate and Nunu, the snowman who is blue on the opposite side, are left. It will be easy to press the opponent when the time comes.

Moreover, at the moment, the opponent’s female gun player has been knocked out by it first, nearly one-third of the blood volume, and he has the passive skill "mana barrier" that can be used to save his life, there is at least a 60% chance that it will not be The other party changes to death—that way, it's a real big profit.

Britz, who was calculating quickly in his heart, immediately strengthened his conviction, and stood abruptly in the pile of soldiers carrying the purple female gun, the attack damage of the two Nunu players, and the W skill "overload operation" was turned on to increase the attack. Suddenly, continue to punch the female gun player with a punch, consuming the blood of the opposite ADC hero through this naked exchange of blood.

After the female gun player on the purple side had previously eaten Britz's set of skills and wanted to escape in a vain heart, at this time, there was a teammate by the side, and his confidence also swelled up. Seeing that the robot continued to swing its metal fists and attacked itself, the female gun player was also angry:

Grandma's, you are alone, facing the two of us, dare to be so arrogant, so I am afraid of you

Most of the players in this rookie field have no sense of "walking and hacking" combat. The purple female gun player who was angered and angry even stood in place and flinched at Britz. It was a burst of crackling. point. Since the previous first-level regiment received a head and released a long sword when they were on the road in ambush, it was quite painful for the female gun to level A at the moment, and Nunu, who had no blue on the side, also kept leveling. A attack, even though Britz had more than 600 health points, he also lost nearly one-third of his health bars within a few seconds.

But at this time, Britz began to feel something was wrong.

What... Ice... Sagittarius... Not yet... Keep up

After hurriedly slamming a flat A and hitting the female gun, Britz turned his head and looked behind him with anxiety and doubt.

The sight immediately made Britz just feel black in front of him.

The teammate Frost Archer "Bird's Bow Hidden", who had stayed behind him and was constantly using his skills to clear his soldiers, had run away from the battle circle at some unknown time, and stayed alone under one of his defense towers. , The blue ** circle lighted up at his feet directly revealed his move to return to the city.

It's no wonder that the two heroes on the opposite side of the purple side faced Britz with a burst of joy and pain. It turned out that Britz was fighting alone from beginning to end!

Britz, who is almost full of flavors in his heart, has no time to think about why his teammates will return to the city inexplicably. If he continues to entangle with the female gun and Nunu on the opposite side for a while, then his life is really small. I'm going to explain here.

At the moment, giving up the idea of continuing to attack without hesitation, Britz quickly and decisively turned around and ran away—

The purple female gun player, who was fighting red eyes, saw the robot on the opposite side suddenly swept away the imposing appearance, turned and ran away, and was overjoyed: "Haha, this guy can't do us, I'm sorry! Nunu, you spit it out. An ice cube slows him down!"

The Nunu players, who had also increased their fighting spirit, were leaping for a piece of "hail", but suddenly realized that their blue volume had not recovered: "Damn, I have no magic, I can't use skills."

"It's okay, then just chase it—" The female gun player raised her gun vigorously and pointed forward, and then pursued it towards Britz who was fleeing.

Just now, it was the two sides that you came and I didn't make each other's fight, but suddenly it turned into a big pursuit by the two purple party against Britz, and the situation suddenly changed.

Fortunately, the blue of the Nunu player on the purple side is not enough to use the E skill "Hail" to slow down, and the Britz with the W skill "overload operation" turned on is moving fast enough to hit the female gun's two flat A and one Q skills. After "two birds with one arrow", he finally ran out of the opponent's range and returned to the tower with residual blood.

At this time, the blue circle formation at the feet of the ice archer, who was hiding in the bow of his teammate, was ready, and a blue beam of light rose from under his feet. The next moment, the bird in the bow disappeared under the defensive tower and returned. In the spring water.


Britz, who was lucky enough to escape back to the tower, watched his teammates disappear in the beam of light and returned to the city, and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Finally, barely calming down the ups and downs, Britz asked his teammates in the voice channel of the team with immense depression and confusion:

"Hanbing... Sagittarius... You... When... Back to the city... What are you doing?"

From the team’s voice channel, the innocent voice of Niao Jian Gong Zang came: "Oh, my skills are too blue. Just now, the blue bar is empty. Go back to the city to replenish the status."

Britz was silly again when he heard it: "It's just... the blue bar... is empty... do you want to... return to town...?"

"Of course, otherwise, how can I fight the opponent if I don't have blue skills and can't release the skills?" Niao Jin Gong Zang continued to be confident.


Hearing this answer, Britz took a deep breath. It felt that the system processing core in its head began to show signs of fever...

"Just... I got the bait... The opposite... The bounty... If you... don't return to the city... We can... win..."

"Oh yeah, did you hit someone?" An unexpected voice came from the team's voice channel: "I just looked at the middle road from the perspective of the tower and didn't pay attention to the bottom road, but I still congratulate you. !"

Congratulations? ?

Britz only felt that his eyes were dark again, and the system processing core in his brain directly declared that it was in a state of overheating and crashing.


Hahahaha No one guessed that poor Britz was cheated by his teammates like this~ but this is actually a real thing...

PS: There should be another chapter tonight~ The time will probably be a little later...

PS2: In order to speed up the pace, this battle should end in three to four chapters.

PS3: The next chapter is called "Brits Attack" Hehehehe...

PS4: Finally, I finally built a book friend group ~ the group number is 293985102, and everyone is enthusiastic to join. I will yell in the group whenever I update every day~