My Name is Britz

Chapter 46: Middle road gank


Summoner's Canyon, Central.

The peerless big bald head controlled the wandering mage Ryze to cast an energy light chain with a level A, and accurately shot it on the body of a residual blood soldier in the purple side to kill him, successfully completing a mending knife.

And at this moment, another purple melee soldier not far away has been beaten by his own blue soldier to become only a trace of blood. The peerless big bald head is about to quickly catch up with a Q skill "overload." "Take it away, but suddenly the corner of his eyes caught a dark magic ball not far away, emitting a faint black glow, and flying towards the position where he was about to take a step forward.

Fallen Angel Morgana's Q skill-"Darkness Imprisonment".

If the peerless big bald head takes a step forward, it will inevitably hit this dark magic ball, and the opponent will be placed in place by a set of skills and lose a lot of blood. So he had to stop his steps hastily and then backed away, making the dark magic ball that exudes a deep and secluded breath worthy of passing in front of him.

The peerless big bald head who escaped this "dark imprisonment" was about to rush forward again, but when he looked up, he found that because of such a momentary delay, the purple soldier with residual blood had already been taken by his own soldier. He smashed it bravely and brutally.

"Grass, miss another—"

Unable to curse in a low voice, the peerless big bald head looked at the purple side Morgana player behind a bunch of minions not far away, and fiercely compared his middle finger to the opponent.

The Morgana player, who successfully blocked the opponent Ryze's patching knife, pretended to have nothing to do with him, and had a leisurely and calm expression.

Peerless big bald head opened the match interface and looked at it. The game time went to about 8 or 9 minutes, and his own compensation was only 37 dollars, while the purple Fang Morgana player against him reached 48 dollars.

Originally, he used Ryze's level of replenishment is quite good. Under normal circumstances, he should be able to reach 55-60 reimbursements in 10 minutes, but the current data is nearly 20 dollars less than his normal performance level. , It is an abnormal gain that can no longer be abnormal.

All this is due to the constant interference of Morgana on the other side.

Damn Morgana!

Peerless big bald head cursed his opponent viciously in his heart.

The Morgana player on the opposite side of the purple side may have only average laning and make-up skills, but his style of play is a wretched interference flow that makes his opponent extremely troublesome:

I know I can't make up soldiers, so I'm sorry, buddy, don't want to make up...

Therefore, whenever the peerless and bald-headed Ryze wants to come forward to fill a minion, either a dark magic ball flies across the sky from a distance, or a sudden extra on the ground in front of him The foul-smelly muddy purple-black swamp. In short, it is constantly interfering and restricting his position to prevent him from filling up troops normally.

Can't it go on like this...

It was once again that Morgana on the opposite side interfered with a remnant blood soldier, and the brows of the peerless big bald wrinkled tightly.

The Barbarian King and Galen on the road were crushed too badly, and the defensive towers were worn out by nearly half their health.

Down the road...

Looking at the level of the teammate's ice shooter in the match panel and the make-up, the peerless big bald head only felt a twitch at the corner of his mouth:

Damn, level 3, 4 fills, is this Hanbing just graduated from kindergarten...

The only consolation is that the robot operation level of his own seems to be quite good. One person under the tower actually killed the other two female guns, Ganunu. The head-to-head ratio on the field was pulled back from 0:2 to 2:2.

But... letting a hero like a robot get two heads will not have a big impact on the whole situation on the scene...

Just as the peerless big bald head kept turning various thoughts in his mind, suddenly, an electronically synthesized voice rang in his ear:

"Ryze... I'll... help you... prepare... and we... together... kill the opposite... Morgana...!"

This is the voice of the teammate robot

The peerless big bald head subconsciously glanced around, and then his gaze immediately fell on the vertical river grass on the right side of the middle road not far away.

A rusty Britz did not know when he had hibernated quietly among the tall grass.

This robot is here to help me gank

Unexpectedly, the peerless big bald head was amazed in his heart, but when he noticed the number marked with the hero level in front of the blood bar on Britz's head, the surprise in his heart was replaced by surprise:

Depend on! The level of this robot is rising so fast!

As a mid-lane mage, the peerless big bald head, it took more than nine minutes to rise to the sixth level not long after, and there was nearly half of the experience bar to go from the seventh level. It stands to reason that the top and bottom lanes are all 2V2 lineups. The eight heroes of the blue and purple sides should be only in the early 4th level, but the Britz, who is seen by the peerless big bald head, has already risen to the 5th level.

Such a rapid escalation speed is inevitably attributed to the experience of the ice archer who had been hiding in the bow before dropping Britz and returning to the city alone, allowing it to eat a large wave of soldiers alone. In addition, the two heroes of the purple side were killed under the tower, and Britz's level suddenly jumped to the third-ranked position among the ten heroes in the audience.

The thoughts in the mind of the peerless big bald head flew:

If you only want to help gank at level four, then no matter whether it is damage or blood volume, it is not enough. The opponent has also been promoted to Level 6 with a full set of skills of Morgana, plus a summoner skill [Ignite], how can he properly kill the robot, he may not be able to hand over the head.

However, when the robot reached level five, the situation was a little different. The blood volume increased by nearly a hundred points, and the survivability improved a lot. A level 6 self, plus a level 5 robot, to do a level 6 Morgana, there is indeed a chance...

At this time, he subconsciously checked the equipment on the teammate's robot.

A lightsaber exuding shining blue light came into my eyes.

My day... Shine!

The peerless big bald head almost didn't stare out his eyes.

In just a few minutes, such violent equipment was directly released

This robot just wants it!

I couldn't help but exclaimed in my heart, and at the same time, the grasp in the heart of the peerless big bald head grew stronger.

The output of the robot that puts out the glorious light in this time period is absolutely high and scary!

Now, as long as you don't make any major operational errors and kill the damn Morgana, it's a proper matter.

Thinking of this, the peerless big bald gaze couldn't help but glanced at the Morgana player not far from the other side, with a hey smile in his heart:

Damn, make you wretched, let you interfere, this time if you don’t believe it, it won’t kill you...

As for Britz, who was lying in ambush in the grass, he naturally didn't know what his teammate Ryze was thinking at this moment. Watching the purple side of Morgana on the opposite side move along with the advancement of the line of troops, slowly moving away from the defense tower of his side, it sent a signal to teammates in the voice channel of the team:

"You first... go up... hold him down, I will... from the side... outflank."

"Okay, you are ready, I'm on it!"

Succinctly replied in the voice channel of the team, and spotted the action of the opposite Morgana player who took a step forward in order to make up a small soldier. The peerless big bald head had already been squeezed in the process of laning. Turn on the "Power of Despair" skill of the R skill, and the movement speed instantly increased, and she rushed towards Morgana in the small army not far away in large strides!


Finally, the code is thicker==I have a rough meal first, and there is a watch in the evening. I found that my codeword efficiency is much higher if I spell words with other authors. .

In addition, Sahua celebrated that Luo Beitao became the first deacon in the book~ There are also rewards from Tianfeng Liuhan, the elementary school sect, and the uncle Hao Meng. NS..)

By the way, I am planning to design some new maps in the future plot, such as a thousand people chaos and so on. . Do you have any ideas