My Name is Britz

Chapter 58: War books


"Professional God? What a big breath—"

A sneer came from behind the three Yang Ren, with a somewhat obvious sarcasm in his tone.


The enthusiasm that had just risen in high spirits was poured cold water maliciously. Yang Ren and the trio all turned their heads a little displeased and followed their reputations, but they saw a tall, thin, handsome man but with a few on his face. The gloomy boys, with a finished dinner plate in their hands, stood carelessly behind them, with three companions next to them.

"Fang Liang—"

After seeing the visitor clearly, Yang Ren's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Oh, it's Yang Ren, Lin Kai and Ouyang—" The boy named Fang Liang seemed to recognize the three of them. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said with a smile: "I just looked at the back Recognizing it, what a coincidence, brother three are also coming to eat?"

"Coincidentally, you're a woolen thread, you don't want to wrap it up," Ouyang Ming unceremoniously interrupted Fang Liang's words, and asked in a bad tone: "How did your kid just talk?"

"Me? What did I just say?" Fang Liang spread his hands out with a dazed and innocent expression, and then he suddenly realized as if he remembered something: "Oh yes, I mean some people want to become a professional god with no effort, you say Say, it's not very ridiculous, hahahaha—" He laughed unscrupulously in front of the three Yang Ren.

"Grass—" The enraged Ouyang Ming slammed the table and stood up suddenly. Lin Kai on the side quickly grabbed him to prevent him from doing anything. At the same moment, the fellow boys behind Fang Liang also walked two steps forward and stood beside him, casting unkind eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit gunpowder. Yang Ren supported the table top with both hands and slowly stood up from the seat. A pair of sharp gazes directed at the provocateur directly opposite, and said coldly: "Fang Liang, our three brothers I chat and say a few words casually. What is it that is hindering you? As for the special pidian pidian ran over to find the ballast?"

"Finding the ballast? Where am I looking for the ballast," Fang Liang shrugged: "It's just that it's funny to hear some rookies speak big words." The contemptuous meaning in the tone jumped out.

"Uncle Cao, who do you TM say is a rookie!?" Ouyang Ming, who had just been pressed by Lin Kai, was furious when he heard that, and was struggling to stand up again.

"Why, you are not convinced by the rookie?" Fang Liang squinted at Ouyang Ming, with a mocking look on his face: "At your level, it is estimated that you haven't even played a rookie field yet-a word of advice, or just beating the elementary school students honestly. Well, professional gods or something, don't let your imagination run wild."

"Damn, did you talk like that? You eat shit in your mouth, let's spray it out—" Now, even Lin Kai, who has a more calm personality, was agitated.

Yang Ren also fought back with sharp words: "I also advise you, if you have this skill, you should go back and practice your own LOL skills. Don't just talk about it. The actual level is so bad that it is even a primary school student. Can't beat it."

"Tsk Tsk Blade is right, who knows how this guy's mouth skills are trained..." Ouyang Ming added viciously from the side.

Unexpectedly, Yang Ren's trio of savage teeth and poisonous mouths, Fang Liang's ridicule was unreasonable, and his face turned blue and white by this series of counterattacks. The already gloomy complexion now became more gloomy, and at the same time his tone turned cold and stern: " What's the point of being profitable? Since you have such a big tone, dare you to win a game with me?"

But his mouth was noisy, Fang Liang finally sacrificed his true purpose.

"Choose and pick, are you afraid that you will not be able to produce goods that can only make a living?" Ouyang Ming countered with a sneer without hesitation.

"Yes, do you really think you are a great god?" Lin Kai is also true.

Fang Liang sneered twice when he heard the two respond, and turned his eyes to Yang Ren: "Yang Ren, what do you say?"

Everyone has directly challenged them, so there is no reason for them to fail. Yang Ren also received the bright war script incomparably altogether:

"Okay, if you want to fight, then fight!"

"Okay!" Fang Liang's sullen gaze swept across the bodies of the three of Yang Ren: "The time is set at 7 o'clock tomorrow night, Friday night. I have enough people on my side, and you have five people together—not enough. If you want to find foreign aid, it’s okay. The location is selected on the match server. By that time, the battle room will be built and it will be better."

"However," Fang Liang paused, and continued to sneer: "This battle alone is too monotonous. Let's add a lottery-both sides put 2,000 yuan each as a bet. Do you dare to accept it?"

Fang Liang's purpose of setting such a heavy focus was clearly to put more pressure on the three of Yang Ren.

2000 yuan, put on ordinary college students in 2030, is also at least one and a half months of living expenses.

Although Yang Ren's family conditions are not bad, a game game costs 2,000 yuan. For the three of them who are just college students with no source of income, it is a lot of money.

However, the words have already been said for this purpose, and there is no room for retreat.

Looking at each other, Yang Ren represented the three of them in a deep voice:

"Okay, we picked it up!"

"Okay, courageous—" Fang Liang, who succeeded in his goal, gave Yang Ren a thumbs-up, "Then we will see you tomorrow night."

After speaking, he stopped staying and turned away with several of his companions.

Ouyang Ming raised his middle finger at the back of Fang Liang's departure, and said viciously: "Grandma's, arrogant, I usually see him not pleasing to my eyes, tomorrow I will see how I turn this kid."

It turned out that Fang Liang, who had just been in the battle with the three of them, knew each other with Yang Ren. Several of them are students majoring in journalism and communication in the School of Humanities, Zhonghai University of Finance and Economics, except that Yang Ren and the three are from Xinchuan Class 1, and Fang Liang is a student in Class 2.

It stands to reason that students who are both in the same major will not have any conflicts even if they don’t have much friendship with each other. At the beginning, the three Yang Ren and Fang Liang had nothing to do with each other, and they could nod their heads to say hello when they met. But one time when he was playing on the basketball court, the three of Yang Ren and Fang Liang belonged to two teams. During this time, Yang Ren accidentally fouled Fang Liang and caused him to fall and scratch a little. Although he immediately apologized. But the latter still yelled at him reluctantly, and later found a counselor, and he just let Yang Ren pay 200 yuan for medical expenses before giving up.

200 yuan is not a big deal, but this kind of fussy and careful character attitude annoys the three of Yang Ren, Lin Kai and Ouyang Ming, and Fang Liang also hates the three of them. Since then, there have been frictions and disputes between the two sides because of various trivial matters, and this beam has been gradually settled down.

Today's LOL challenge in the cafeteria will be a new battle between the two sides.

Listening to Ouyang Ming's ruthless words, Lin Kai frowned and said a little worried: "I heard that Fang Liang was very good at playing various competitive games before. He entered the League of Legends earlier than us. Quite a lot, and we have played a lot more games than us. It seems that we have already reached level 16 and 7 in the trial field. It is estimated to be a bit of a real level. The outcome of tomorrow’s battle may be really hard to say..."

"Everyone has handed the battle book to us. If you don't accept it, you can't justify it," Yang Ren shook his head, and then cheered up his two companions: "Even if they have some strength, what about this League of Legends is a team battle game." We have been working together for so long, and we may not be afraid of him."


As Yang Ren paused for a while, a meaningful smile appeared on his face: "Don't forget, we have a new Abu in our team..."



Both Lin Kai and Ouyang Ming's eyes lit up suddenly.

Immediately the three of them silenced together with great understanding, and looked at each other, each of them flashed with the joy of trickery, and there was a treacherous laugh...


Fang Liang, who had just walked out of the canteen, suddenly couldn't help but sneezed.


Keke, the update is late. Thank you all for your birthday wishes~ In addition, after finishing the preparation, the perspective will finally return to Abu in the game world~

PS: Thank you for being lazy over there, じ☆yi☆, elementary school sect, Tianfeng Liuhan, uncle so cute, dark night broken soul, Li guess I guess, の☆night, scholar buying books, taking one step, counting one step, A reward from Dada's dream classmate~