My Name is Britz

Chapter 59: Another happiness with 11 energy points


The game world of League of Legends is divided into night and day.

As time slowly entered the night, the gorgeous sunset in the sky of No. 012 novice town was replaced by twinkling bright stars, and a round of bright moon hung above the night sky, sprinkling the cold silver brilliance on the sky. On the streets of the small city, the whole small city was covered with a silvery hazy veil, which seemed to have a somewhat quiet beauty.

It’s late at night, and there are obviously fewer players on the streets of the small city. Most of the people are fighting hard in the Summoner Canyon in the arena in the center of the small city in order to upgrade or save game coins; there are also some players, maybe Because I was tired from playing, or perhaps attracted by the beauty of the starry sky above my head, I sat in twos and threes on the bluestone ground on both sides of the street, resting, or chatting.

Between small talks, perhaps for amusement and a little more entertaining atmosphere, among the crowd were players dressed up as Vengeful Flame Soul Brand, shaking the blazing fireball in their hands and throwing them towards the open space surrounded by the players. At the next moment, a bright yellow flame suddenly appeared on the empty bluestone ground, and a flaming pillar of fire rose from it. It was the effect of Huo Man's W skill "Pillar of Flame".

On the streets of the small city in the non-combat zone, the player heroes use skills and will not cause any harm to other people. The players sitting on the ground were first startled by the dazzling flame pillars released by the fire man, and then they clapped excitedly. Blew the whistle to booze.

With the first person taking the lead, a second and third follower immediately appeared.

The blazing bright yellow pillar of fire just turned into countless sparks and dissipated in the wind, and immediately heard a rumbling sound. A huge frost pillar exuding a deep cold swelled from the ground, and a huge movement was sitting on it. The few players who had to be closer to the front shook their bodies involuntarily and leaned back and fell into embarrassment.

And a Troll King player who was the initiator was smiling happily and waved his big stick triumphantly.

One of the Xiang warrior Zac players who was knocked to the ground struggled to regain his human form from the mud that was thrown into the ground. Annoyed, he leaned forward and pressed his hands on the ground to accumulate energy, and then screamed towards The player rushed towards the king of trolls.

"Zach is great! Give the troll some color!"

"Use your Xiangxun to kill him!"

The scene suddenly became more chaotic and joyous.

The other players were also mobilized. They showed off their skills one by one and played around. An extremely fierce and brilliant girl player sister directly found the bright and bright moon hanging on the night sky, and was full of interest. Aiming at the moon in the sky, preparing to release a big move, the ultimate flash. I want to try if I can blast the moon down...

The joyful laughter filled the moonlit bluestone streets between the small cities, creating a harmonious atmosphere different from the fierce battle and competition in Summoner's Canyon.

After all, in this holographic simulation of the real League of Legends game, there is more than just matching and fighting to be happy.

In front of a black competitive stone platform in the arena hall, as a colorful light flashed, Britz's rusty metal body reappeared.

Shaking his round metal head, Britz was a little frustrated with the battle he had just lost.

Naturally, it is not that there is a problem with its strength, it is really... The teammates are too bad.

Too... Too... Too... pitted!

Thinking of the battle just now in Summoner's Canyon and the performance of his teammates, even if his character was as simple as Britz, he couldn't help but want to complain in grief and angrily.

In the match game just now, it was assigned to the purple side. At the beginning, the selection was calm, with Galenga Xin Zhao on the road, Fireman in the middle-Flame Soul of Vengeance, and the ADC on the lower road-the Cannon-Mai Lin Gunner.

But when the game started, a group of people urged to lay ambush in the bottom lane to make a first-level group. The ADC ice shooter on the opposite side was successfully captured by Britz, and he was given a set of five-person skill set. Blood. But then its four teammates still refused to give up, and continued to hunt down another sword saint with remnants of blood.

The Juggernaut player on the blue side activated the Summoner skill "Ghost Quick Walk" and ran all the way down the tower, and his four teammates screamed excitedly and chased them wildly behind them.

After chasing, they chased into the range of the blue defensive tower.

The game time has not yet reached 1 minute and 30 seconds, and both heroes are only level 1. Each of them is less than four or five hundred points of health, and how many energy light bombs can be hit by the defensive tower

The first small cannon player on the top tower was the first to be shot to the ground by the defense tower three times.

The remaining three people with red eyes were still catching the sword saint under the tower and chasing them endlessly, while the blue sword saint player immersed his head in a circle around the thick and thick defensive tower, and he avoided the melee Zhao Xinhe among the three. Galen's pinged A several times.

The second one that was overturned by the defensive tower was Huo Nan's Revenge Flame Soul.

Then, Galen and Xin Zhao also fell under the defensive tower with unwilling expressions.

Since the blue juggernaut player used the Q skill "Alpha Raid" when he first ran away, he caused some damage to Britz's four teammates. Therefore, of the four heads they sent under the tower, one of them did not fall to the ground and was taken into the bag of the Juggernaut—

At level 1, I want to rush to the tower to kill, how big is my heart...

At the beginning, the first-level group played 4 for 1, and still rushed to the opponent's tower to give the Juggernaut a "four kill". At that time, Britz had already begun to have a deep ominous premonition for the strength of several of its teammates...

Facts have proved its premonition is correct.

In the first 10 minutes, the fire man in the middle was single-killed four times by the opponent Ryze.

Galen and Xin Zhao, who were on the road, started to play at a fairly steady rhythm, but when the game progressed to about 4 minutes, because they occupied a little online advantage, they chased and killed the opposite Remnant Blood Barbarian until the tower came down-the result was that they both sent out the head again. Then he collapsed all the way to the end to feed the barbarian king and prince who were on the road opposite the blue side.

Bottom road... Facing the opponent's ice shooter and the Promise Swordmaster who took the four kills, Britz originally suggested that his teammate's small cannon should replenish the wretched soldiers under the tower, but the Merlin gunner player who became the Yordle was not tall. But the heart is very big. When he was bullying the ice player on the opposite side when he made up his troops, he kept mad at others. I felt that the time was about to come. I didn’t even say hello to Britz and opened the W skill "Rocket Jump", which was extremely brave. He jumped out and prepared to brutally kill the half-blooded Frost Archer.

But when Britz drove his "overload operation" violently to catch up, the poor little artillery had been hit by the ice on the opposite side. A and a W skill, "A Thousand Arrows", and then suffered the previous response. Out of the city, the Juggernaut with a full 4 Dolan swords on his equipment hit the A two or three times, and he fell to the ground in a tragedy and died. As soon as he arrived at Britz, he could only silently mourn the corpse of the small cannon on the ground and then turned and ran back.

As for the next thing... Britz doesn't want to recall the sadness anymore...

From more than five o’clock in the evening to the time close to 11 o’clock in the evening, Britz has matched a total of 11 battles, including 9 wins and 2 losses. The reason for the other loss is roughly the same as that same.

However, through the two lost battles, Britz also confirmed his previous guess-it is true that only a victory in the battle can replenish the energy points for the Heart of Valoran, and there is no energy income for the lost match match.

Now... there is already... 11 o'clock... Energy point...

Also... Keep going!

Britz shook his head and was about to put his palm on the competitive stone platform to start a new matchmaking battle again, and at this moment, the sound of "didi" suddenly sounded in his ear.


There is a chapter in the late morning, but it is recommended to read it the next day after waking up~

PS: Sahua celebrates Cao Dian’s becoming the second rudder master~ Also thanks~ Forgotten Dreams, Little Monk Zhizhang, Liu Lan Wu, Saipkwo, Li Guess I Guess, Meng Jinghuo, Elementary School Sect, Scholars Buying Books, The uncle is so cute, the dance of the hunting blade, the promise is not worth it, no ☆ night, Tianfeng Liuhan, ME Qingxin, Dark Night Broken Soul classmates rewards ~ rewards are really more and more ~ happy~

Finally, as for the day of the week this week, I'm not sure. . . Anyway, everyone recommends the votes, Sanjiang votes, and vote for all kinds of votes~