My Name is Britz

Chapter 66: Credit to Glacier Armor


"Fuck me—get another one!?"

The evil little mage Meteor Nebula, who just received his head, was about to enthusiastically chase down the four escape heroes of the blue side. In a blink of an eye, he saw his robot teammates unexpectedly and powerfully rewarded that the opponent was about to run into the tower. The Golden Hunter pulled out abruptly from under the tower, and was overjoyed, waving his small and medium staff and throwing a Q skill "Dark Sacrifice" energy ball towards the female gun player.

"I'm relying on this person's head to be mine, don't grab anyone from me—" Captain Xiaoqiang yelled excitedly, spinning and waving the big sword in his hand to turn on the E skill "Judgment" and then turned to the woman who was pulled back into the grass. The gun player turned around.

"Fart—this head is mine!"

The Royal Bank of the Fire Man was upset that the first blood was snatched by the little mage of the Meteorite Nebula. At this time, when he heard that even Galen was going to grab the second blood, he furiously retorted, and at the same time let out the action without any slowness. A ray of bright yellow flame shot towards the purple female gun player—

He just turned over all his skills in order to kill the blasting ghost on the opposite side. Right now, the Q skill "Flame Brand" with the shortest CD time is still cooling down, so he can only use Ping A to greet him first.

After being hit by a few skills and a few rounds of flat A, the female gun player who had only 700 points of blood volume lost nearly one-third of the blood on the head, and he was so scared that he couldn't even take a counterattack. Turn around and run.

At this time, the female gun bounty hunter has a disadvantage compared to other adc heroes-she does not have displacement or escape skills.

In battle, the role played by ADC heroes is often an important core of the team and the main output position. Therefore, in team battles, the advancing heroes of both sides will always find ways to break through the opponent’s front-row meat shield, bully the opponent’s ADC hero and kill it first, or at least control it so that the opponent does not have one too. Have a comfortable output environment.

Correspondingly, as an ADC hero, the most important task in the battle is not to start attacking with full firepower from the beginning, but to take the lead in ensuring the safety of his own survival. In a team battle, a good ADC can always live to the end-to live to the end also means the start of the harvesting rhythm.

Therefore, in order to ensure their own safety, most ADC heroes have displacement and life-saving skills.

Night Hunter Vayne’s Q skill "Dodge Assault", can dodge some directional skills (skills that need to predict the position) by rolling a short distance, and if it is in the state of the ultimate move "Ultimate Moment" turned on Using "Dodge Assault", you can make yourself invisible for 1 second, which is extremely practical for escape.

Extrajudicial madman Graves’ E skill "Quick Spear" can also help him move a certain distance—some thin walls in the battle map or terrain-restricting skills such as the prince’s ultimate move, "Split the Earth". Male guns can also walk through E easily.

Not to mention the Merlin gunner Tristana and the heroic bombardier Kuqi, known as the "aircraft". The former not only has the W skill "Rocket Jump" that can move long distances, and the ultimate "Destroy Shot" reloading. The huge cannon shells can also knock the target and surrounding units back hundreds or even a thousand yards. The W skill "Valkyrie Dive" of Airplane Coolkey can also hula and drive away directly when the plane is not good, leaving behind a burning road of destruction and death, leaving the enemy helpless.

Even though Verus, the arrow of punishment, has no displacement skills, the group control and restraint effect of his ultimate "corrupt chain" is also extremely useful for the purpose of escape.

Only the female gun bounty hunter has no escape skills that can move. The "barrage time" of the ultimate is purely for team battle output. The only E skill "gun forest rain" can slow down the target's speed a bit, but The role in the crisis of escape is basically small.

In addition, when the female gun player with the blue ID named Domineering went out, he was extremely domineering and learned the two-level Q skill "two birds with one stone" and the first-level W skill "black gun shooting" with 3 skill points. At this moment, even the only deceleration skill cannot be used.

Without escape skills, what can we do now? Bury your head and run desperately—

The female gun players who bought the level 2 speed shoes are not slow. The skills of the little mage Meteorite Nebula and the Fireman Royal Bank on the purple side are still cooling down. For a while, except for Behind the female gun butt, there is no good way to stop her except for the first and two pings.

As for Britz, who just pulled the female gun player back to the grass with a beautiful hook, the E skill "Energy Fist" at this moment has not been cooled, but its movement speed is the slightest when the W skill "overload operation" is turned on. Not slower than the female gun player with two-speed shoes, followed by continuously waving a metal fist at the female gun player in front of him to level the consumption.

"I'm relying on you to save me—" The female gun player ran away from the grass in three or two steps and ran under her own defense tower while crying out to her teammates for help.

"I'll help you control the robot!" The Ryze player with the ID name "Wangduantianya" spoke very loyally and stepped forward and walked a few steps toward the tower. The energy light chain in his hand flashed with a thunderous burst of light, skill W "Runic Imprisonment" was released, and Britz, who was the target of the release, was immediately trapped in place by a mask composed of countless energy light chains.

But at the same moment, the CD of its E skill "Energy Fist" has also been cooled, and a powerful current surges into the rusty metal right fist, and then hits the female gun player who has just walked away with a heavy back. Swipe away.


The tragic scene that just happened to the blasting ghost of the sky descended on the cannon, this moment was once again staged on the female gun player.

At this time, the skill CDs of Meteorite Nebula and Royal Bank have also cooled down. Seeing that the female gun that was about to successfully escape back to the tower was blown by Britz, under the overjoyed, they all took one without mercy. A skill was thrown out to greet the female gun player with residual blood.

In the latter, only two-thirds of the blood bar left immediately bottomed out.

The last blow was a Frost Arrow Hei A from the Frost Archer of Bing Lingxue that triggered a passive critical strike.

"The player'Ice Lingxue' killed'Domineering'."

The reminder of the female voice of the system sounded dutifully.

"I'm going! The head is not mine..." Royal Bank wailed, but then noticed that the beautiful girl Hanbing took the head, and immediately turned to flatter: "Oh, it turns out that the head is taken by the girl Hanbing. Yes... I said, good ones! ADCs that won't grab the heads are not good ADCs!..."

The Meteorite Nebula and Captain Xiaoqiang affectionately thumped Britz’s shoulder and praised: "Robot cow, I just squatted down one by one at the beginning, the rhythm of carrying the audience—"

"By the way, the robot brother, your skills cool down so fast... The energy iron fist was used on the Bomberman just now, and it can be used so quickly for the second time. Otherwise, the female gun would really have to escape just now—"

Britz scratched his hair and made a silly smile of "ha...ha...ha". The original Level 1 "Energy Fist" had a CD time of 9 seconds. It had just used the first iron fist when it faced the blasting ghost in the blue square until just now, but only about 8 seconds passed in the middle. The one second cooling time saved out of thin air is all due to the 10% cooling reduction of its [Glacier Armor] when it goes out.

Sure enough... Buying glaciers... Armor... That's right...

Britz, who received two assists, also praised himself happily.


I slept with the code last night... I had a terrible headache in the morning, and now I ate painkillers in the code word... Today, it is more normal, around 8:30 in the first chapter, and before 1 o'clock in the second chapter.

PS: Thanks to the manic heart and hot love, Buster’s 殇, the uncle so cute, the elementary school sect, Luo Shenglong, Midnight Xuanyuan Qin, の☆夜つ and Yu’s fairy tale 1 students for their rewards.