My Name is Britz

Chapter 68: Passive dilemma


Since several heroes on the opposite side of the blue side are standing on the other side far away from the bushes, separated by at least 1,000 yards, and a bunch of small soldiers in the middle block, Britz, who is squatting in the bushes, has no choice. Instead of being pulled by the hook, the bomber on the opposite side hides behind the minions and threw the Q-skill "bouncing bombs" several times, losing a small amount of blood.

The bushy shady man's hook plan was temporarily invalidated, so it got out of the bushes again, and walked to the other side of the lava road, looking for opportunities.

But it had just shifted its position, and the blue people on the opposite side turned back to the side close to the grass.

Britz walked back to the end of the bush unbelief.

The opposing force once again moved strategically in a tacit understanding.

The two sides are like eagles catching chickens and go around with the small soldiers on the line. The few people in the blue side are very persistent and always maintain a position at a 45-degree angle to Britz, ensuring that the distance between the two parties is far enough. So as not to be pulled away by a hook.

After repeating this several times, Britz also wanted to try to find an opportunity to make a hook when he moved on the opposite side. However, because the position of the blue small soldier in the middle was too much to hinder, he didn't leave it at all. Its mechanical flying claws have enough clearance.

The only time it saw a chance that it could barely get out of the hook, but because the distance was too extreme, it left the target female gun player enough reaction time, plus the latter would have used most of their minds. Beware of Britz's hook, when he heard the "swish" sound from its mechanical flying claws, it turned around and ran back like a frightened bird without making up for it.

In the end, its mechanical flying claw ran out of the length of the steel rope when it was able to fly in front of the female gun player due to the lack of range after difficultly passing through the gap between the two minions. It won.

When the five people on the opposite side of the blue party saw that Britz’s "Mechanical Flying Claw" skill had been used, they immediately became courageous. They swept the previous posture cautiously on thin ice, and directly rushed forward aggressively to face one another. Time is running out, the robot big demon king who can't flutter his wings beats around to relieve his hatred.

The steam robot without the hook is at best a thicker, bigger melee soldier. Facing the five blue square five men who are overwhelming and wanting revenge, Britz wisely chooses to turn on the W skill "overload operation". "Turn around and run.

Although the goal of revenge for the group fight robot was not achieved, the mood of the five blue people who successfully scared Britz back was also a certain amount of comfort.

The so-called poor comrades do not chase, the five people contentedly retreated back and began to clear the soldiers.

At this time, the advantages of the blue team's full APC and ADC violent output stream lineup are reflected.

Compared with the two AP mages of the Purple Team Britz, who only has one ice shooter Bing Lingxue, the Fireman of the Royal Bank, and the Little Mage of Meteorite Nebula, who can clear troops remotely, the five members of the Blue team can use their skills. Gapyeong A's clearing efficiency is obviously much higher.

In a short while, the purple side soldiers on the line were cleared, and the five blue soldiers led the soldiers line under the purple side tower.

Because there are a bunch of small soldiers in front of them as meat shields and barriers, the five heroes in the blue side are safe and bold to hide behind and point the defensive tower far away with a flat A, without worrying about which corner the robot on the opposite side will be unpredictable again. They pulled over.

The purple party Britz did not have a good solution for such a situation for a while-after all, once Galen and Britz in close combat went to help fight the minions, they would definitely be consumed by the opponents. Narez was fixed by a "rune imprisonment", and maybe he would be killed by direct fire, so he could only rely on the three long-range heroes of Ice Lingxue, Royal Bank and Meteorite Nebula to clear troops.

Britz tried to walk aside and bypass the pile of blue minions in front of the tower waiting for an opportunity to get out of the hook, but the five people on the opposite side guarded it like a wolf, and never left it any opportunity to take advantage of it.

Therefore, the five blue men desperately clicked the tower while the small soldiers were under the tower, and when the small soldiers were exhausted, they did not hesitate to withdraw and wait for a new wave of small soldiers to appear before clearing the lead line again.

Repeating this two or three times, Britz's purple defense tower's blood volume has been consumed to the point where only less than one-third is left.

And the five heroes in the blue side looked at the defense tower on the opposite side about to be demolished by themselves, and the five opponents looked helpless, and couldn't help but regain their old state, and proudly drove the public voice mode to the Britz under the tower. The five shouted:

"Hi—on the opposite side, one of your towers is about to be demolished, so hurry up and think about it?"

"It's not good to just give away a tower like this—"

"Robots and Galen, don't be idle, come out to help your teammates clear the soldiers~ I promise you will not be controlled by the Rune Imprisonment!"

Everyone on the purple side's eyes rolled a while, if there is a chance that you don't need to be imprisoned by runes, who will believe this? Captain Xiaoqiang, who is Galen, even more unceremoniously counterattacked with his voice:

"Don't look at who was kicked by the robot and jumped up and down? If you have the ability, don't hide behind the creeps—"

Several people in the blue side sternly refuted and corrected them: "Gallen, you fart. This is called a strategic shift. The fool will stand outside and wait for your robot to hook—if you have the ability, you can come out and practice with us—"

Both sides were slapped, but the five blue players should push the tower as usual, and the few people from the purple team can only continue to passively defend.

Another wave of blue soldiers under the tower was cleared, and the five people on the opposite side once again hulled and withdrew back neatly, leaving only less than one-fifth of the health of the purple defense tower.

"I can't go down like this..." The evil little mage Meteorite Nebula touched his chin, then raised his eyes and took a look at his own defense tower with less than 20% of the remaining health, and said: "This way the other side will lead troops into the line next time. Tower, our tower is going to be lost."

"Otherwise, let's just rush up and fight with them! I will take the lead and drive the'Deadly Strike' up!" Captain Galen Xiaoqiang, the fleshiest captain in the team, volunteered to take the initiative.

The fireman Royal Bank on the side shook his head and vetoed: "No, no, no one is equipped now, you Galen is not enough meat, take the lead and rush up to be held by Naritz on the opposite side. We can't fight even more."

Bing Lingxue pouted and complained: "The people on the other side are so cunning, they hide on the other side wherever Abu goes, there is no way to pull people out—"

The others nodded in sympathy. Captain Xiaoqiang said with emotion: "Hey, if the robot brother can pull one over, then everything will be easy to say."

All of them were frowning, and Britz on the side was also trying to think about ways.

"As long as I can pull it over, I can put the E skill'distorted space' and I can directly hold the person, and I will definitely not run—" After a pause, the little mage Meteorite Nebula waved his staff and said viciously.

Distorted... Space

Hearing this sentence, Britz's pair of round electronic eyes suddenly lit up.


The next chapter ends the entertainment map battle. Enter a slightly more reliable game~

PS: Thanks to book friends 130129000302226, ancient necromancers, fairy dragons, elementary school sects, manic heart and passion, bleak, の☆夜つ for rewarding, saying that there are only three classmates for rewarding today~TT