My Name is Britz

Chapter 78: Inside the Heart of Valoran


As the last bit of energy of the super battery in the body is about to be exhausted, the operation of the system processing core slowly comes to a halt, and Britz's consciousness also becomes blurred.

I slept in the abandoned warehouse for a long time, and then was taken by the Heart of Varoran to cross into the game world. Therefore, there was no spare battery beside Britz for recharging.

And in this game world, it is naturally impossible to provide power charging services on the menu as intimately as the Chivalrous Tender Tavern opened by Ezreal.

Here... enter... sleep mode... there will be... problems...

Britz had such an idea in his mind. It could even foresee what kind of trouble a player would pass through this alley and find himself sleeping in the game in the near future...

But although it was anxious and anxious in its heart, its consciousness had become increasingly blurred, and the picture in front of it had become a little illusory and erratic, and its vision was slowly dimming. In this state, after ten seconds, it will be forced to enter the deep sleep mode.

No... Anything else... Is there any way...

Britz thought vaguely.

In a trance, in the center of the fading field of vision, Britz seemed to see a colorful spot of light slowly illuminating.

It was an extremely small spot of light, and the colorful rays of light it emitted were also very weak, like a candle in the wind, which flickered as if it would go out at any time, but it was always shining with incomparable persistence.

But gradually, the tiny spot of light in the field of vision gleamed visibly, and the colorful light radiating from it became more and more dreamlike, gorgeous and soft.

The vision that was about to fall into darkness was re-illuminated, and while his consciousness was confused, Britz vaguely saw that the light spot was emerging from his chest.

Is it... Valoran... the heart

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, but Britz, who had almost stalled the processing core of the system, had no way to think about it.

The colorful light emitted from the light spots became brighter and brighter, and even later, even the entire metal body of Britz was wrapped in it.

Fortunately, the light was gathered inward as if it was spiritual, and it did not spread out. Otherwise, even in this remote and uninhabited alley, the colorful light emitted by that light spot will attract players on the street outside.

Surrounded by the soft and colorful light, Britz feels as if he is in the warm sea, light and warm, like a baby returning to the warm embrace of his mother's dependence and closeness.

Bathed in colorful light and in a daze, Britz seems to see his body, sitting on the ground, fade and disappear a little bit...

"The player'Brits' is exiting the game, and the data is being processed..."

"Successfully offline—"

At the last moment of confusion, it seemed to hear a system prompt sound in its ears.

"Absorbable energy is detected, and it is automatically absorbing energy-"

Britz was awakened from a deep sleep by the sound of the system processing core.

The dark and silent electronic eyes lit up again, and after a flash of white light, the scene in the field of vision became clear again.

And as soon as he opened his eyes, Britz was taken aback by the surrounding environment he was in now.

Here... Where is it

There is no solid slate floor under his feet, and no low house walls around him. At this time, Britz is floating in a chaotic space that seems to have no boundaries either up, down, left, or right.

The environment is a bit like the star void in the battle room in the game, but there is no beautiful glittering star embellishment in this chaotic space.

Looking around, there is nothing but emptiness.

The only thing different from this monotonous chaos is a colorful light spot floating in front of Britz.

At this moment, this colorful light spot is exuding a soft and brilliant light, splitting into a dreamlike colorful light belt, as if it is spiritual, extending towards the metal body of Britz, and then It was directly absorbed by its body.

Britz stretched out his hand curiously-it was delighted to find that his body in this chaotic space was once again at his disposal. Trying to carefully touch the beautiful light strips dancing in the air in front of you, and when its metal fingers touched the light strips, the colorful light strips quickly got into it as if suddenly came alive. His fingers disappeared.

At the same moment, Britz felt a stream of pure energy flow down his fingers into the super battery in his body.

These bands of light... turned out to be... absorbable... energy...

Britz understood, and then his gaze fell in front of him on this colorful spot of light floating quietly in mid-air, exuding a soft light. The system processing core in his brain was running fast, and he came up with a preliminary guess:

This colorful light spot should be the one in the center of Valoran's Heart Crystal.

And here, it should be the world inside Valoran's Heart.

Valoran... Heart... Inside... It turned out to be... like this...

Curiously looked around again for a while, but the empty and chaotic space above and below there was really no sight to appreciate, so Britz withdrew his gaze again with interest, and refocused his attention on the colorful light spots floating in front of him. superior.

Britz still remembered the "offline" system prompt that sounded in his ear at the last moment of his confusion.

This should mean that it should have exited and disappeared in the game world. It's just that unlike other players returning to the real world, it is drawn into the inner crystal world of Valoran Heart.

It turns out... Valoran... the heart... and... such... functions.

Britz was very happy. Another problem that plagued it before was that it had been transported to the game world by the Heart of Valoran, and it could only be trapped in the game forever, unlike other players that could go offline. It's okay in a short period of time, if it takes too long, Xiaoxue, Bai Ren and the others find out that they have never been offline, then it can't be explained.

The newly discovered function of the Heart of Valoran now helps it solve this concern very well. In this way, it doesn't need to worry about being discovered by others.

In addition, as long as the energy is exhausted, as long as you return to the inner world of the Heart of Valoran, you can get energy replenishment and recovery, and it will not be forced into a deep sleep state by the system processing core and directly fall under the public.

The only thing to worry about is that although the colorful light spot in front of you can actively replenish energy for it, Britz doesn't know how many energy points it has previously obtained through hard work will be consumed by this kind of backfeeding. If the super battery in its body is full of energy, and the 13 energy points of the Heart of Valoran that have been saved with great difficulty are also used up, then it is really going to cry without tears.

Looking seriously at the colorful light spots in front of him that continue to emit beautiful energy lights, Britz felt very worried.


Tomorrow should start a new battle~ Finally, I have to write a slightly more reliable game~ Abu will have a new play~ In addition, the "offline" pit is filled out like this, which is reasonable. . Can't really let Abu go to the real world to kill the Quartet... That's science fiction =. =

PS: Thank you book friend 130810084510294, Swift Wind Lingye, noble temperament poor people for their rewards, huh? Today’s rewards are a little bit less~ By the way, classmates like it!