My Name is Britz

Chapter 79: Official Forums


Britz tried to observe the colorful light spot floating in front of him with his wide round eyes, but it seemed that because he was inside the heart of Varoran, the electronic eyes did not show up as it hoped. The shimmering character of the current energy data of the Heart of Valoran.

Then it tried to break the absorption of the energy light band emitted by the colorful light spots in front of it. This time it was easy and successful. Although the colorful energy light bands are still flying gracefully in the air, they no longer Actively flow into its body.

It's just that the moment it cut off the absorption of the energy light band, the system processing core in the brain sounded a warning drop by drop:

"The remaining 1.3% of the power energy... is about to be exhausted... ready to enter... deep sleep mode..."

At the same time, its body began to become disobedient again, and the signs of confusion again appeared.

The shocked Britz hurriedly reopened the energy absorption mode. As the colorful light band began to infuse its metal body again and again, the system processing core warning ceased and the body resumed. control.

Phew... Ok, so risky...

Feeling his round iron head with lingering fears, Britz thought with joy.

After such a fright, Britz didn't dare to fool around with the colorful light spots in front of him. As for how to control the heart of Valoran and retransmit himself back to the game world, he also waited until his body was super. Let's talk about it after the battery's energy is restored to a safe level.

Settling down, Britz began to float in the chaotic space honestly, allowing the super battery in his body to eagerly absorb the surrounding colorful light bands full of pure energy, while staring at a pair of round electronic eyes. He stared at the colorful light spots floating in front of him, and the latter also gleamed slightly as if he had spirituality, as if to stare back at him very unceremoniously.

The scene of big eyes and small eyes stalemate for 10 minutes.

Eyes... so sour...

Britz stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes dejectedly, but in the end it was defeated-but if the electronic eye is sour, it should be because of rust...

Giving up to continue to "look at each other" with the colorful light spots, Britz began to try to cheer up and continue to look around.

There is no view in this empty chaotic space.

Giving up to continue to look at the surrounding scenery, Britz began to use his skills one by one for self-entertainment.

The mechanical flying claw swished towards the colorful light spot in front of him, grabbed the space directly, and after taking it back, the target still floated swayingly in place.

The overload operation is turned on, and it makes a full circle in the chaotic space.

The iron fist with sizzling electric energy swung fiercely towards the colorful light spot, and returned again without success.

Electrostatic force field-the energy of the super battery is insufficient and cannot be used temporarily.

After using up the skills, less than 5 minutes passed—a quarter and a half of the time was still used for running in circles... Britz once again fell into a boring state with nothing to do and could only choose to empty his mind. Started in a daze.

so boring…

If only... I could do a little... to kill the time... That would be great...

Britz thought boredly.

And this thought just popped up in his heart, as if he had heard its expectations, and a pure white glow lit up in front of Britz.

A holographic virtual light screen emerged in front of it.

A line of golden characters on the light screen is eye-catching:

"Welcome to the official forum of "League of Legends: Holographic Real Edition"."

Official Forums

A big question mark rose in his mind, and Britz, who had traveled to this world, once again encountered an unfamiliar term that was completely incomprehensible.

If at this moment, they are empty-handed, Bing Lingxue, or any player who sees this holographic virtual light screen, they will be surprised and will directly tell Britz what is going on.

According to the design of riot game company, when players exit the game or go offline, they will not directly return to the real world, but will first exit from the game and log in to the interface of this official forum.

In the official forum, it is divided into multiple sections such as [Looking Friends World], [Players Style], and [Friends in the same district], which are responsible for functions such as chat and irrigation, player video display, and search for people. The content is rich and diverse, exciting and interesting. .

The purpose of this design is also to allow players to enhance their sense of identity and interest in the game through such a vast communication and exchange platform.

Of course, these reasons are completely unknown to Britz at the moment.

As the golden welcome subtitles disappeared, sub-panels with various functions began to appear on the virtual light screen.

Britz stretched out his finger curiously and clicked on the section named [Liuyou World]. The picture on the light screen changed rapidly, and a whole page of dense posts instantly filled its vision:

"My day, this game is not restricted to 16 years old and above, why do I feel that there are so many elementary school students!" ? ".

"Hello everyone, I would like to ask how many replenishment of the ADC is qualified in ten minutes?" ".

"On the Feasibility of AP Galen."

"Leopard Javelin is too abnormal, let's weaken the sword girl! ".

"Thirteen kneelings in a row today, I feel tired of not loving it, come in and see the screenshot."

A series of bizarre and messy post titles directly made Britz look at it for a while, and he hurriedly reached out and clicked the "Return to Forum Main Interface" button in the upper left corner of the light screen to exit.

Then its gaze fell on the section called [Player Style].

This time I click into the page, and the content presented on the light screen after the screen changes looks neat and tidy. In the screen, the [Player Style] section is divided into [Commentary Video] and [Spontaneous Video]. Parts.

The videos in the column of [Commentary Videos] in the upper part are all video programs produced by well-known commentators in League of Legends games, or for teaching or entertainment, and are presented in the form of pictures and text, while the lower part is [spontaneous] The video column is the battle images recorded by ordinary players through the camera elves. The number is huge and displayed in a simple form of horizontal posts.

Looking at the dazzling picture and text in front of him, Britz scratched his head and stretched out his finger to start a video at random.

The light screen picture fluctuates, instead of the terrible "Greasy Senior Sister" and "Nine Dragons" advertisements more than 20 years ago, it quickly entered the video reading interface.

The title of the video came first to Britz’s eyes:

[Thirty-six Strategies-Take advantage of the fire].


Britz looked blank.

At the next moment, the screen lights up on the light screen and the video starts to play.

A pair of bamboo rolls slowly unfolded amid the elegant and quiet sound of the guzheng.

"Thirty-six Strategies-Take advantage of the fire: if the enemy's harm is great, take advantage of the situation, and be firm and decisive..."

Lines of scripture-like texts appeared in front of Britz's eyes, indicating that he couldn't fully understand it, shaking his dizzy head, and preparing to reach out again to turn off the video.

And at this moment.

A dangling voice sounded in a joyous tone:

"The king called me~ come to patrol the mountain~ oh, oh, oh, oh—"


Well, these two chapters are not mixed with water, but are filling the hole and paving the way for some great plots next, please don't complain. Another-guarantee at least 6,000 words tomorrow! Character guarantee! Break your promises!

PS: Thank you for selling, Yan Fen Mania, Yuan Yin Yue Ha Ruthless, Murong √ Murong", Xian Jian Shi Ming, Uncle So Meng, 752063385 classmates for their rewards.