My Name is Britz

Chapter 80: video


Along with the cheerful and lively tune, a familiar figure of Huang Cancan came into Britz's eyes.

this is…

Britz's eyes widened.

In the video picture on the virtual light screen, a robot that looked exactly like it appeared suddenly!

After being transported to this game world by the Heart of Varoran, Britz once saw several of his own "kind" on the streets of the newbie town. The feeling like looking in a mirror is really strange.

However, perhaps it is because the steam robots, which are clumsy in appearance and mainly assisted, are not in line with the pursuit of most rookie players in the small towns of novices for madness and coolness. In addition, non-directional skills such as mechanical flying claws are not compatible. It's not very useful, so most players will choose to buy easy-to-operate and easy-to-handle heroes such as the ice shooter Ashe and Demacia Galen after they have accumulated enough game coins.

In the nearly 20 previous battles, not only did Britz’s teammates matched by no one compete with it, but even the opponent’s lineup did not appear in the shadow of a robot.

Right now, he found that his "similar" figure appeared in the video, and immediately became interested and curious, Britz retracted his finger that was about to press to close the video, and began to watch it earnestly.

"As a support, I have always been unwilling, because the people in the crew usually have chicken legs, let alone boxed lunches..."

The third angle of view used in the video screen, accompanied by a burst of confession, the blue robot player in the video swings the metal fist of the casserole from side to side, swaying through the wild area of his own F4 grass, and rushing to the river. past.

Dragon Set... Chicken Drumstick... Bento

Hearing confused, Britz said he felt extremely distressed by the large number of unfamiliar words in this world.

At this time, the robot in the picture had already followed the river all the way down to Xiaolong Fjord, looked at the purple square blue buff wild area above, and then went back to Xiaolong Fjord to plug in. Got an eye.

Britz nodded as he watched-vision was the most important thing. Just like the cheerful commentator in the video who has been babbling, "God’s right hand... Everything is premised on sufficient vision. If you don’t have vision, you don’t know if you will squat in the grass. "...

"What if you are blind again?"

As the robot player's crow's mouth-like efficacious words fell, a man dressed as an ascetic monk with a red cloth tied around his eyes and naked upper body in the anti-L grass above the river was shocked.

Li... Li Qing!

Britz couldn't help his eyes widening again, with surprise in his heart. The figure of the blind monk Li Qing in the League of Legends of Valoran mainland has not appeared in its nearly 20 battles today.

In the video, the emotion of the robot player who encountered the blind monk is obviously more shocked, and the W skill "overload operation" is turned on, which triggers the "cursive blade" effect of the equipment, and the double fists are enveloped by the red light group, and then The previous "Energy Fist" slammed the blind monk who met in a narrow river way into the air—

Then, taking advantage of the latter's lack of land, he ran without turning around.

Fu Dadi escaped the opponent’s Q skill "Echo Wave". The robot in the screen still ran a full circle, making sure that the blind monk had given up chasing after he was under the red buff in his wild area. Stopped at the crossroads.

Run... beautiful!

Britz expressed his gratification and praise.

If you can't beat it, you have to run, whether on the battlefield or in the Summoner Canyon, it is a truth that can't be beaten properly.

Originally, it was not a robot that was good at head-to-head combat. Against a hero like Li Qing, a blind monk, whose melee ability was so high in the early stage, the end of the battle must be torn into a pile of scrap.

Britz still remembers the conversation one day when Galen, Xin Zhao, and Jarvan walked into the tavern with a frustrated expression on the Varoran Road:

"I believe it, didn't you focus on the jungle for 30 years? How come your grandma's was killed by the opposite Li Qing in less than three minutes..."

"I was single-killed 4 times in the next 10 minutes. I believe you are too emotional... In the end, I can be beaten by his jungler when I am a top laner..."

"I, what can I do? Li Qing is a monster who always cultivates in addition to cultivation. My jungler is just a hobby to cultivate my sentiment. How can I beat him? Otherwise, Jiawen will try it for you next time..."

"Forget it... This kind of cultivation monster, let's stay away from now on. Grandma's doesn't know how Ezreal's guy invited such a perverted helper..."

Thinking back to the present, Britz's eyes fell on the video screen again.

With a dazzling effort, the robot player in the video has made a new move. It turned out that the blind monk's movement was detected by the eye position just inserted in front of the Xiaolong Fjord.

Ah actually beating Xiaolong!

"My teammates are not cold, how can I be so cowardly—"

"Life is a rare fight!"

After a heartbroken self-reflection, accompanied by a passionate declaration, the robot player turned on the "overload operation" and aggressively killed towards the Xiaolong Fjord in a forward-looking posture, seeing the white glow flashing and boiling blood in the eyes of Britz Electronics. .

This... robot... also... real... warrior!

Is he going to... and Li Qing... to fight head-on!

Britz watched the robot's actions in the video screen nervously, and kept guessing in his heart.

The robot walked through the cross.

Through the grass in front of the red buff.

Follow the wall surrounding the red buff monster all the way up.

Britz held his breath—

The next moment, the robot player in the video screen tiptoed to the stone wall close to the outside of Xiaolong Fjord.

Stand still.

What, why... Stop moving...

Britz, who was full of expectation, was dumbfounded.

At the same moment, the babbling voice of the robot player resounded in the video:

"Okay, I'm going to grab the dragon, this blind man, please, don't blame me, I'm just a helper for a while, don't hate me..."

It turns out... Is it to... grab the dragon...

Britz, who understood it, only felt that there were three black lines hanging on his head.

However, this way of grabbing the dragon is not infeasible.

As a steam robot, Britz’s "Mechanical Flying Claw" can fly over a distance of nearly a thousand yards. Although it cannot be brought to the front of wild BOSS such as Xiaolong and Baron, the magical damage attached to the skill will be real. It actually acts on the target.

Under the instigation of Caitlin's mischievous psychology, Britz once used his mechanical flying claw to successfully snatch the result of killing the dragon with a hook from Jarvin, who had worked so hard to beat the dragon for a long time.

In the picture, the blind monk on the purple side didn’t know that his dragon-fighting actions had completely fallen into the eyes of his opponents, and he didn’t even notice that someone was trying to get a chance to grab the dragon, and he was still struggling to fight the dragon. write.

As the dragon's blood volume became less and less, the blood bar on the top of his head dropped to a dead blood line. With a burst of laughter, the robot outside the fjord immediately made a flying claw and entered through the wall!


Flying claws hit the target, fastened, and suddenly pulled back!

Then I saw a blind man soaring into the air without his control, and being pulled towards the robot by the hook.


This, this... Robot... Level... Not enough...

Britz commented with embarrassment.

"Oh, I wipe it!"

In the video, there was a scream from the robot player, and the blind monk who was hitting the dragon to the key point was inexplicably pulled up, full of anger and direct vent on the robot in front of him.

Did not use the E skill "Ten Lei Breaking" plus two stages of "Destroy Tendons and Broken Bone" to slow down, and did not use the Q skill "Sky Sound Wave" to shoot at the target, the blind monk player directly lifted his foot and made a big move "Raptor's tail ", kicked viciously on the hateful robot in front of him!

The huge amount of damage directly knocked out the passive skill mana barrier on the robot player, and at the same time, the latter was kicked through the wall and fell into the Xiaolong Fjord.

The robot player with blood on his head screamed in panic, and ran out of Xiaolong Fjord in a panic.

Encountered a small dead-blooded dragon who was returning to his nest from outside the river.

"Eh, you're not dead yet, the little fluttering moth? I accept it~"

The robot player was surprised. The "electrostatic force field" burst out of dense electric cobwebs, and the empty-blooded dragon was directly caught in seconds, and 190+25 yuan was easily paid to the account.


Britz was dumbfounded again, and it took him a long time to give his evaluation:

This... Li Qing's... level... not... too much...

After watching a video, Britz, who felt quite amused, went on to watch other videos with great interest.

The types of videos in the light screen are rich and varied, such as some funny videos such as "Epic Shots of the Week", "Top 10 Epic Shots of the Week", or instructional videos of some special heroes. Britz unprovocatively clicked and watched one by one. From time to time, he was amused and gave out a smirk of "ha...ha...ha", and occasionally nodded in agreement with the content of some interpretive instructional videos.

Three or four hours passed unconsciously. When Britz closed the video titled "Ten Tragic Heroes" that he had just watched, his eyes were drawn to the video title again:

"The World's No. 1 Robot—crazyrobot".


Everyone is going to see the latest notice in the work-related content on the catalog page, and the details that will be updated desperately are written there! Then I continue to codewords! Chapter 2 Before 12 o'clock!

PS: Thanks to the elementary school denominations and book friends 130223222359632 for their rewards