My Name is Britz

Chapter 91: A hook flew slowly from the partition wall


The spectator groups of the two classes were not far apart, so the uproar from the second squad of Xinzhuan naturally fell into the ears of everyone on the first squad of Xinzhuan.

"What? The robot leads the punishment jungler?"

Just now, confused about how the prince followed Han Bing to the road, Zhen Wei, who made Xin Zhao a single person on the order, with an expression of disbelief, his eyes fell on the column that recorded the information of the steam robot in the match panel:

Summoner skills: [Healing], [Disciplinary].

Equipment bar: [Hunter's Broadblade Knife], [Life Potion*2], [Reconnaissance Guard].

"Damn, I also brought a jungler when I went out. Is this robot really going to be a jungler?"

Zhen Wei was dumbfounded.

A hum of whispers began to be heard among the two groups of people watching the battle, both discussing the feasibility of robot jungle.

"Zhen Wei, Zhen Wei!" Ye Xiaoru on the side called Zhen Wei twice. The latter was still looking at the confrontation panel in the holographic virtual screen and didn't react until she reached out to Zhen Wei in annoyance. After a heavy pat on the shoulder, the latter screamed in pain and recovered. While grinning, he rubbed the patted part and said bitterly:

"My squad leader, didn't I just pit you with a robot last time? As for making you angry like this and putting such a heavy hand..."

"What's the mess?" Ye Xiaoru was said to have a blushing face, and then snorted: "Who told you not to talk to me for a long time, just like a stone man."

"I was stunned by the robots on the edge of them, right?" Zhen Wei explained with a grimace.

"Oh, yes, I'm about to ask you—" Ye Xiaoru remembered his original intention of calling Zhen Wei: "In our class, it seems that you have played a lot of games. The robot knows the hero better. Tell me, can this hero really be a jungler? Why have I never heard of..."

"I have only played with this robot as an auxiliary, and I haven't tried it in other positions."

Zhen Wei shook his head honestly, then he pondered for a while, and continued: "However, from my experience with robots with more than ten or twenty games, this hero is not suitable for junglers."

"Huh? Why—" Ye Xiaoru was puzzled.

"Although I don't know the jungle position very well, I still know some of the most basic elements—"

Zhen Wei patiently explained: "The jungler needs to be efficient in clearing monsters, and has little loss. Like the purple jungler on the opposite side is the prince, his skill'German Banner' can improve himself after inserting a flag. In addition, there is a "Golden Divine Shield" that can support a shield to reduce blood consumption, so the jungle is very powerful."

"As for the robot, the efficiency of clearing the wild is relatively low, and there is no defensive skill that can recover blood or can resist damage, plus the skill is very mana. When there is no equipment in the initial stage, basically clear the health bar of the wild monster several times. There won’t be much left. If you don’t go home to replenish it once, there is no way to go online to support the gank."

"And if you often return to the city after you finish the field, the rhythm will be slow, and the frequency of supporting gank will be very low, then the real role of the jungle position will not be able to play out."

Ye Xiaoru frowned when she heard it: "According to you, isn't it that the robot jungler has no more play..."

Zhen Wei scratched his head and comforted the worried squad leader: "That's not enough. Although the robot is relatively difficult to mix in the wild at the beginning. However, the ability to support gank on the line is still quite strong, as long as the level of the hook is not too high. Water, after you get one, and then give a set of control skills, the hero on the opposite side basically can't run away."

"The first buff in the early period. With a teammate to help fight a few times and carry the damage, there shouldn't be much loss..."

As he was talking, his gaze accidentally glanced at the viewing screen on the holographic virtual screen, and suddenly his eyes widened:

"My day, how come the prince and Han Bing who got off the road went directly online?"

"Blade Anne is gone too!?"

"No one helps the robot buff red?"

Ye Xiaoru looked a little confused and didn't react. He just heard Zhen Wei's shocked tone, so he hurriedly asked:

"How about no one to help?"

"If there is no one to help—" Zhen Wei let out a long sigh, his eyes tangled, and his tone hurt: "This robot is very likely to be killed by the red buff monster..."

"Ah—" Ye Xiaoru was also dumbfounded.

Not only the two of them, but the remaining 30-odd classmates of the two new classes who were watching the game also had many players who knew jungle knowledge. Seeing the blue square robot walking into the wild area alone on the screen, they were all There was an uproar.

It's just that the voices and comments made by the crowd in Xin Chuan 2 clearly carry a bit of gloating emotion.

As for the new biography of Class 1, there is a sigh and gloom:

"Why don't the middle and bottom lanes come to help the robot hit the first buff? Isn't this basic common sense..."

"Hey, waiting for the jungler to be killed by the monster will be embarrassing..."

"It feels like this game has collapsed..."

"When I saw Blade took out the robot to play wild, I already felt it was going to be useless..."

The upper right corner of the screen on the spectator screen shows that the game time has come to 1 minute and 35 seconds.

The purple side's mid-lane fireman and upper-lane promise have all appeared in front of their own line tower; the prince, EZ and Qinnv are three gathered in front of their own blue buff wild area waiting for the ancient golem to be brushed out.

On the blue side, the top laner Xin Zhao, mid laner Annie, and the bottom lane prince plus ice duo all came to their respective lines. There is only one jungler dangling around in the wild area on the right side of the house...

You said that the red buff is about to be refreshed, so can't you be serious about it

Really heartless and not afraid of being beaten to death by wild monsters

Almost everyone in the watching room had such a complaint in their hearts.

For 1 minute and 40 seconds, the robot in the picture dangled around its own F4 wild area and walked towards the river.

What does this robot want to do

Everyone was confused.

Zhen Wei's eyes moved slightly, as if thinking of something.

For 1 minute and 45 seconds, the robot walked across the river, staggered into the anti-L-shaped grass clinging to the thick rock wall above the river, and then stayed quietly in the grass motionless.

At this moment, there is only a wall between it in the grass and the three princes gathered in front of the blue buff wild area.

A bright light flashed in his mind, and Zhen Wei's pupils suddenly shrank, and she said in shock:

"Damn, this robot wants to steal blue!!!"

Other people in the spectator room reacted as if they were awakened from a dream by Zhen Wei's exclamation, and their shocked and unbelievable gazes were cast toward the robot in the giant holographic virtual screen.

This robot is actually making such an insidious calculation!

Summoner's Canyon.

Britzian squatted quietly in the anti-L-shaped grass, motionless, staring at the towering thick wall in front of him, and a pair of round electronic eyes flickered.

The line of sight was blocked by this stone wall, and the field of vision of the blue buff on the opposite side was in darkness.

However, according to the information obtained on the minimap, the purple side's mid laner and top laner have already appeared in front of their own tower. Then, on the opposite side of the wall, there should be the prince, EZ and Qinnu.

There was a scout guard in his equipment bay, and Britz was not in a hurry to insert it through the wall.

The game time came to 1 minute and 55 seconds, and the wild monsters in the red and blue buff area refreshed in the canyon.

The purple prince began to play blue with the help of two teammates.

In 2 minutes, the blood of the ancient golem was consumed by one third.

Britz still didn't interrupt his eyes, squatting quietly in the grass, his eyes flashed with white light, and the system processing core in his brain was running at high speed and kept calculating.

At 2 minutes and 5 seconds, the ancient golem's blood volume was knocked out by two-thirds, watching the Qin Girl and EZ who had been able to help almost turn around and leave.

Everyone in the spectator room held their breath, the atmosphere dared not take a breath and stared at the picture on the screen.

At 2 minutes and seven seconds, Britz moved his eyes through the wall.

The purple prince, who was hitting the ancient golem to the complete blood with an iron spear, suddenly saw a blue scout guard popping up in front of him, and he couldn't help but stunned for a while.

In the next moment, behind the tall and burly body of the ancient golem, a rusty hook flew slowly over the wall—


Well, the estimated time is half an hour late. . Then the next chapter may fluctuate for half an hour at 12 o'clock. .

PS: Thanks to the cursed holy light, Xu Hawen, and pbugs for their rewards