My Name is Britz

Chapter 92: What does this robot want to do?


With the help of his teammates, the purple jungler prince consumed nearly half of his health, and finally hit the blue buff monster ancient golem health bar in front of him to the point where there were only a few threads left.

Waving the iron spear in his hand, another ping A was smashed out, and the ancient golem's blood volume was only more than 100 points left. Seeing that the blue buff can be received on itself in two or three more strokes, but at this moment, The jungle prince player suddenly found a small pillar with a pair of small wings on the ground in front of him, with one eye at the top looking back and forth in the bright green light.

Where did this eye pop out

The player's brain of the jungle prince hasn't reacted yet, but his hand still subconsciously made another A against the ancient golem.

The latter's blood volume fell below one hundred points.

At the same time that this flat cut A came out, a soft "swish" came into the ears of the prince.

The jungle prince player who was in the state of attack interval stunned to follow his reputation, and saw a rusty mechanical flying claw flying from the partition wall, and the target was an ancient golem that had fallen to the bloodline.


The flying claws lock and fasten the target.

The next moment, with another "swish", the mechanical flying claws were pulled out of the thick circular wall along with the huge ancient golem.

Until then, the prince player who finally reacted saw the empty blue buff field in front of him, and his eyes were almost split:

"My day, robot, you return my blue buff!!!"

On the other end of the circular stone wall, Britz, who was squatting in the "L"-shaped grass, looked up at the ancient golem who was pulled through the wall by his own hook. There were only a few blood lines on the head of the ancient golem. He was quite surprised. .

At the beginning, Britz considered that if the eye partition was inserted earlier, then the opponent's hero would be prepared, and his plan to steal the blue would be difficult to implement.

Therefore, it can only estimate the rough time required to play the blue buff on the opposite side through rough calculations, insert its eyes at the safest and safest moment to brighten its vision, and pull out the target's ancient golem partition wall.

But without vision, it’s not clear how much damage the opposing helper’s EZ and Qinnu have output, so the calculation is not accurate enough, so it had already done a good job of pulling out the ancient golem and directly used the [Punishment] skill to collect it. Plan to fall.

But unexpectedly, luck was so good. When it inserted its eyes and hit the target, the jungle prince on the opposite side just hit the ancient golem to the bloodline.

The ancient golem, which already had little health left, suffered another "Mechanical Flying Claw" magic damage from Britz at this moment, and suddenly only 20 or 30 health points were left. Britz easily drew A with a punch. He solved the dying ancient golem, and while accepting the purple square blue buff, he also saved a punishment.

It's a profit.

In the observation room outside the game, both the newcomers from Class 1 and Class 2 were in an uproar and exclaimed:

"My day, this is all right?"

"A hook and a flat A will directly take away the prince's battle results?"

"I'm dizzy, and I've consumed nearly half of my blood. Blue is not his own, and I can't get any experience. This prince is about to cry to death..."

And Zhen Wei, who was not optimistic about the robot jungler, was even more stunned, muttering to himself:

"Damn, level 1 robots don't learn'overload operation' and they should be honestly playing wild, learn a'mechanical flying claw' to steal blue... It's too cheap!"

Although he mumbled "too cheap", his eyes flashed with a clear light of worship. It is estimated that he has already planned to use a robot to do such a vote next time...

Ye Xiaoru on the side raised his whole heart at the moment when Britz came in and prepared to take the hook in the screen just now. It was even more so when the latter successfully hooked the ancient golem and took a flat A and lightly received the blue buff. Covering her small mouth with her hand, she almost yelled out in surprise. There were many colors in her eyes, and what little sister Xiaoxue said was true. This robot played really hard.

In the Summoner Canyon.

After taking advantage of the bargain on the opposite side, Britz got out of the grass and ran towards his wild area. The mid laner on the opposite side and the bot lane that had just walked away two heroes wanted to come over and kill the blue. But it was too late, and could only watch the hateful robot on the opposite side disappear into the wilderness.

"Abu stole beautifully!"

An empty-handed Zhengtai version of Annie, although she was throwing a small fire ball on the line to make up the knife, but her mind was always on the body of Britz in the wild area. From time to time, she switched the third perspective to look at it. Seeing that his own Abu actually succeeded in taking away the blue buff on the opposite side without spending a little bit of blood, and without even paying the punishment, he was naturally overjoyed.

"What's the situation?"

The melancholy beets on the upper and lower lanes and Chunliang Little Iron Spear didn’t see the wonderful scene of Britz stealing the blue just now, and the surprise compliments they heard were all on the team’s voice channel. Asked. After learning the reason, it was naturally a surprise to praise Britz.

On the purple side, the prince player who was robbed of blue naturally looked ugly and looked like he had lost his wife. Fang Liang's angry reprimand from the team's voice channel also came from the single Vengeance Flame Soul:

"I'm relying on the prince to make trouble, can you lose Lan with a punishment in your hand?"

"I don't know that the robot is so bold, and the time is so accurate. It just so happens that I can take away the blue buff with two ties..." The prince player said that he was very annoyed.

"Forget it, if you lose a blue, throw a blue. The opposing robot should go back and hit them red. Later, you will collect your red buff, and then cooperate with the fire man to squat with the opposing blue buff, and you will definitely be able to find the place. return."

The female assistant piano player on the road uttered comfort and persuasion, and at the same time gave an extremely reliable and insidious strategy.

Indeed, according to the movement of the blue robot, after stealing the blue buff, he returned to the wild area on his right. It must be F4 first, then the red buff, and then rushed to the wild area on the left of his house to pay him back. Remove the remaining blue buff, so that you can have a start with a three-buff monster.

As long as the jungle prince and the fire man in the middle cooperate well, and seize the opportunity to squat in the blue buff grass on the opposite side and lie in an ambush in advance, there is a high possibility that the opposite robot will be taken away.

"Okay, just do what the piano girl said." The prince player agreed.

"Well, I will rush over in a while." Fang Liang, who is a mid-single man, also made a promise.

As a result, the purple prince player who lost the blue buff turned around and fought his own three wolves and started fighting again.

And on this end, Britz, who turned and ran back to the wild area on his right, came to the F4 wild monster, and directly handed the punishment to the F4 blue monster Jerry Yan, instantly cutting off most of the target's health, and then lightly. Easily accepted the gang of four, smoothly promoted to level 2.

Pointing the second skill obtained by the upgrade to the W skill "overload operation", Britz directly turned on the skill, and after increasing the movement speed, he hurried to his next goal violently.

Outside the game, in the viewing room.

Seeing the blue robot ran back from the opposite wild area and began to clean up his own F4 monsters, Zhen Wei continued to analyze for the squad leader on the side:

"Now the robot has stolen a blue buff from the opposite side and returned to its own wild area. After collecting F4, it can be upgraded to level two. The next step is to fight the red buff lizardman elder. It is estimated that it will be almost level three, and then you can consider gank directly. Support the middle and bottom lanes, or go and take away the other blue buff in your own wild area..."

"In short, the advantage is already there, it depends on how he chooses."

Ye Xiaoru on the side nodded slightly, but then suddenly stretched out a slender white jade finger to point at the holographic virtual screen and said: "No, look at this robot. After receiving F4, I didn't go to red buff—"


Zhen Wei was dumbfounded, and looked at the direction of Ye Xiaoru's fingers. He was also dumbfounded:

"Damn, what does this robot want to do?"


Boys, the book will be on the shelves in the early morning of September 1, and subscription is the most important performance indicator! ! As I said, if you have a subscription base of 500 or more, you will add another chapter for every additional 100, and every additional 30-month pass will add another chapter. I will try my best to update it. Please do your best! !

PS: Thank you for the deadline and Jinlai for your reward