My Name is Britz

Chapter 93: Frozen robot


(On the shelf is like the test paper has been handed in. After this morning, it is time for me to wait for everyone to correct and give the score.)

On the huge holographic virtual screen in the viewing room, in the picture projected, the blue robot with a special skin of "rusty spots", after playing his own F4 monsters, is not as big as the room. Most people took off their red buff as expected, but turned around and drove the W skill "overload operation" through the grass under F4 hurriedly, and left the wild area on the right side of their home without attachment. .

"Huh? Zhen Wei, why don't you speak anymore, quickly analyze what this robot is going to do—"

Originally only playing adc, Ye Xiaoru, who had no knowledge of jungler, pushed Zhen Wei on the side and urged.

The latter has played a lot of games with the hero of the robot, and is considered to be a good level among all the friends in the first class of the new biography.

But at the beginning of the game, Zhen Wei, who was completely shocked by the robot’s learning of "mechanical flying claws" by stealing blue from the wall at the beginning of the game, was already afraid to use the little common sense and fur that he knew. Infer the intention of the robot in the screen:

"I'm not very clear. According to common sense, after stealing the blue, it should be to collect the red..."

Seeing the robot walking out of the wild area on the right side of the screen to the middle road between the first and second towers, Zhen Wei guessed with some uncertainty:

"Are you going to grab a wave of mid lanes directly?"

Many of the spectators in the two classes held the same guesses as Zhen Wei.

Although the robot that stole the blue and took away the F4 is only at level 2, the new skill is "overload operation" instead of the "energy iron fist" that can control people, but as long as you can seize the opportunity, let the middle road Annie’s stunned passively, seduce the fire man in the purple side a little, and then directly stunned the latter, and then the robot drove the "overload operation" to accelerate and rush out directly from the back of a tower, as long as it can be hooked. The middle target, indeed, has a great certainty to kill him and take FirstBlood.

Put it this way... Is this robot really going to be caught

But the next moment, the thoughts that had just arisen in the minds of everyone in the watching room were directly broken.

The robot in the screen showed no intention of stopping after passing the middle road, and hurriedly ran into the wild area on the left of his house.

"That is to fight the three wolves to continue to develop? Unscientific—"

Zhen Wei stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples vigorously. He only felt a little headache. He didn't want to understand: "If you want to grow up, you obviously need to get the red buff after collecting the Gang of Four. This way, the route is the most reasonable, and it can be faster. Reaching level three..."

"It shouldn't be to fight the Three Wolves, is it just going to get your own blue?"

On the other side, a boy among the spectators in Class 2 of the new biography put forward his own point of view.

Zhen Wei's eyes lit up:

"It makes sense. I just stole the blue from the opposite side, and then took away his own blue buff. The jungle prince on the opposite side should have just finished collecting his red at this time. When he wants to come to the blue side wild area, You will find that the other blue buff is gone."

"By doing this, it completely eliminates the possibility that the opposite jungler will come to grab the blue, or even the jungle and the middle road will come together to squat in the grass and turn against the wild. Then the robot can turn back and collect its own red buff." The boy added. .

"Although it takes more time and effort, it is obviously safer." Zhen Wei nodded at hearing, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt reasonable. He couldn't help but admired: "This robot is really a master, careful and bold, playing wild. It's not a normal slip-" Then he cast an admiring look at the boy who was speculating with him in the 2nd class watching group not far away:

"My buddy is very insightful! Admire and admire—"

"You're not bad either—" the latter replied politely.

Just as the two of you came and me touted each other, the robot in the holographic virtual screen really passed by the three wolves and hurried towards the blue buff wild area above.

Sure enough.

The eyes of the two intersect in the air, with a sense of sympathy, and then they turned their gazes to continue watching the robot movements on the screen intently.

In the screen, the robot walked into the grass in front of its blue buff, and then appeared. The huge body was surrounded by the ancient golem surrounded by blue yingying buff and the two younger brothers beside him came into the field of vision.

After a meal, the robot turned its head and glanced at the tall ancient golem in front of it.

Accompanied by the sound of steam launching, the skill "Overload Operation" is turned on again.

The next moment, it once again dropped its blue buff monster without looking back, and continued to run non-stop towards the river.


There was silence in the viewing room.

Just now, Zhen Wei, who thought he had inferred the robot's intention plan and was contented, collapsed:

"Why, why didn't my blue buff be hit anymore?"

The boy who cherished Zhen Wei among the crowd watching the battle in Class 2 also looked dull-eyed:

"This is unscientific... Did the robot run too far..."

No red, no hits, no three wolves, no blues. Drove the "overload operation" for a long lap without doing anything.

What does this robot want to do? ?

Almost everyone in the viewing room at this moment can't wait to grab the robot running around in Summoner's Canyon in the screen picture, take apart its iron head, and see what's inside!

At this moment, the robot that had run more than half of the map distance in the screen had left the wild area on the left of its house and entered the river above.

"Is this going to gank on the road?"

"It's better to catch the middle, why do you go around such a big circle..."

"Shang Lunuo went out with an eye in the mouth of the river. I guess I can't catch it—"

Everyone was talking, and suddenly a weak voice sounded:

"Will the robot go to the opposite jungle again to steal red?"

Stealing red again

Almost everyone subconsciously wants to shake their heads to deny this speculation. They just stole the blue from the opposite side at the beginning of the game. This robot shouldn't be so frantic...

But at the next moment, the scene on the screen made everyone's eyes frozen.

The robot that stormed into the river turned right, and ran towards the wild purple area.

The appearance of the game and everyone in the room opened their mouths involuntarily, and their eyes stared out a little bit—

Once again entering the purple square wild area, the robot stood at the intersection in front of the Gang of Four wild monsters, looking around for a while, and then sneaking into the grass under the purple square red buff ring rock wall.

Squat quietly, motionless.

real. of. again. Yes. Enter. wild. Area. allow. Prepared. Negative. people. NS! ! !

At this moment, whether it was the new class 1 cheering for Yang Ren and their blue side, or the new class 2 cheering for the purple team, the more than 30 classmates in the viewing room were completely Spartan:

This robot is really so frantic! —

And just two or three seconds after the robot squatted into the grass, the bleak figure of the purple jungle prince finally appeared in front of his own F4 jungle.


Well, after it’s on the shelves, I should try to over 3K per chapter~ In addition, someone must say how the jungle prince moves so slowly before he brushes F4. I will mention it in the next chapter, and it is mainly to enhance the drama conflict. If the calculation is not reasonable, don't go into it carefully~ The high-end game will be more precise in the future.

PS: Thank you Huaxin*Painting Heart, Yan Fen Fanatic, Xu Hawen, Elementary School Sect, ahl854, Titicaca Xiong, and book friends 130623200421725 for their rewards.