My Name is Britz

Chapter 96: Bottom road gank [Where is the monthly pass~]


Since I just used the [Retribution] when grabbing the prince’s red buff in the purple wild area, Britz turned around and played blue in his own wild area when the summoner skills were still cooling down, and received the second blue buff. After that, its blood volume has dropped to about one-third, but fortunately, the passive skill "Mana Barrier" has not been hit.

Seeing that the blood bottles on his body were exhausted, and his economy was almost enough to go home to purchase new equipment and supplies, Britz returned to the city on the spot in front of the blue buff wild area.

Going back to his spring water, opening the equipment store, Britz first glanced at the specific amount of gold coins on his body.

Counting the two blue and one red buff monsters and one F4 that were just collected, and the blood of the purple jungler prince, plus the more than 200 yuan that has been naturally increased in the game for more than 6 minutes. Gold coins, at this time it already has an economy of nearly a thousand gold coins.

Britz first spent 400 gold coins to upgrade the jungle knives [Hunter's Broadblade Knife] into [Mered's Claws] commonly known as "Red Claws".

The original equipment passive skill "Butcher" [damage to wild monsters increased by 10%] disappeared, and the effect of "Splitting"—normal attacks will cause 10 additional magic damage to wild monsters, which has been increased to 60 points.

When the game time is less than six minutes, the red claws can be made. For junglers, the efficiency of clearing monsters is really improved.

In addition, the 25-point armor value provided by the Red Claw also made Britz's metal body hard enough to carry more damage in the early stages of the game.

For the second piece of equipment, Britz chose a pair of straw sandals for 325 yuan, and used his own "overload operation" when chasing... or escaping. At this time, the five heroes on the opposite side of the purple side were basically empty. It can be faster than it.

For the remaining two hundred gold coins, Britz continued to buy a scout guard, and 3 red and 1 blue supplies.

The former is used to place the opponent's red and blue buffs in the wild area according to the situation to detect the movement of the opponent's jungle prince, or to place it in key places such as rivers to light up the field of vision and help teammates beware of the opposite jungler's gank.

The latter's supplies are naturally a necessity during the jungle, ensuring that Britz will be in a good state when he goes to various lines to support the gank after clearing the wild monsters.

After buying the equipment, Britz, who was wearing straw shoes and driving the "overload operation", slammed out again.

After rushing out of his high ground, Britz turned right and entered the wild area on the right-he was just busy rushing to squat the purple prince to make a red, but his red buff has not yet been collected.

When I met with the lizard elder in front of the red buff zone, Britz directly [retribution] was to throw it on the former head and cut off his health first. In fact, according to the safe play method, it would choose Save the punishment until the end and use it to directly collect the red buff, or pull the lizard elder into the grass and start the fight again. This can well prevent the opposite jungler from stealing the buff.

However, in the current situation, there is no need to do this at all. The poor prince had just been sent home with an iron fist, and now he is still a level 2 hardship. If he dared not even brush his own monsters, he would run straight for a tooth for a tooth...

Nabritz would be happy to take another head.

After playing the lizard elder, he successfully upgraded to level 4. Britz learned the newly acquired skill points and learned the level 2 "overload operation"-this skill not only improves the movement speed, facilitates gank support, but also increases the attack speed, which is convenient for scavenge. , Naturally became its main skill at the moment.

Now that the red buff is in hand, Britz's body is back to the best state of having both buffs. This is the best time to find an opportunity to gank online.

Switch to the third angle of view to observe the situation on the three routes in Summoner's Canyon. The purple Fangnuo who was on the road was previously gank by Britz, and survived by luck and fate, and then he played cautiously. Get up, no longer continue to press the line of troops, but control it close to the position of his defensive tower.

Right now he was using his skills to quickly clear a wave of soldiers, choosing to return to the city under the tower.

In this way, there is no chance of gank on the road for the time being.

As for the middle road—

Britz cast his gaze over.

The two sides in the middle lane are the empty-handed Zhengtai version of Anne and Fang Liang’s fireman Brand. The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and the AP wizards used by both sides are seconds with a set of skills and high burst damage. Human-shaped heroes flies fiercely online:

If you throw me a "flame brand", I will spray your face with "burning", and you actually used a flame pillar to explode my chrysanthemum! ? Damn Lao Tzu... Lao Tzu... The grass is out of blue—

The hero who used the most hand-to-hand on weekdays was Demacia Galen, followed by Juggernaut. After all, AP mages like Annie didn't play too many times. Even though he had already practiced several sets in the afternoon, he and Fang Liang, who had already played no less than two hundred sets with AP heroes and had a Summoner level of 15 or above, were clearly at a disadvantage. .

Just look at the moment, after fighting the fire man a few times, he didn’t grasp his blue consumption and the white blade was empty-handed, and was about to throw another ball of "fragmenting fire" to consume the opponent, but dumbfounded to find himself unknowingly. Already empty blue.

Seeing Fang Liang sneered on the opposite side, a bright yellow flame rose up in his hand, he could hardly take care of his heroic spirit even when he entered the empty-handed spirit, turned around and ran down his own tower in a hurry.

However, because his movements were a little slower, he was still scalded by a small amount of blood from the pillar of flame that rose up from his feet abruptly roaring.

The middle road... is not suitable either.

Britz shook his head, giving up support for the center.

The opponent's Fireman is in a very good state. He has close to three-quarters of his health, and his blue is about half, while White Blade's health is only half left. What's more deadly is that he has no mana to cast skills.

The AP mage who has no blue, let alone compare with the super soldier, it is a bit reluctant to say that he is a gun cart.

In this case, if it rushes to the middle to gank, maybe the opponent's fire man didn't kill it, on the contrary, it might cost him his own life.

Then become a gank teammate.

If you can't hit the middle of the road, there is only one choice left.

When Britz turned his perspective to the down road, he found that the ice of Bing Lingxue and the prince of the pure little iron spear were about to face the purple side of the EZ and Qin Girl duo in the middle of the line. You can find that the two of Hanbing and the prince are slightly at a disadvantage on the opposite line.

In fact, it stands to reason that the blue side is the prince’s support. In the early stage, it can support the shield to resist damage and can firstly advance and control the output. On the line, it should be able to suppress the purple side’s EZ and the piano girl. The current online situation is the other way around, which is really unreasonable.

Just as Britz was a little confused, EZ, who was on the line Zhengping A's replenishment, suddenly threw a Q-skill "Secret Shot" light bullet and shot it, hitting the side with great precision, just about to get in. The prince of the pure little iron spear in the bushes.

The blood bar on the top of the latter's head has been knocked out for dozens of points, which has dropped to less than half.

It turned out... it was shooting with... Secret Art... Has it been... wasting...

Britz nodded in understanding. The real Izeril he knew did so often, and the accuracy could be maintained at a terrifying figure of almost 100%.

"Abu see it, this is the real technology~"

Once, after receiving a complaint from a customer, using secret shooting to successfully kill 23 disturbing flies that were flying back and forth in the tavern with precision, the owner of Ezreal clapped his hands and faced with pride. Britz said.

Nidalee, who was sitting alone in front of the bar and pouring herself a drink, exuding a wild aura from all over her body, chuckled slightly.

Thinking back to the present, watching the bottom road gradually be brought into the rhythm of the purple square, Britz issued a prompt on the team's voice channel:

"Xiaoxue... Amao, get ready... a moment... I'm here..."