My One And Only Love

Chapter 101: The child's father (2)


"It's no use sitting like this. It's getting dark and we need to have dinner. Are you waiting for someone to pick you up?"

The man doesn't speak.

"Wouldn't it be boring for you to wait alone? I can talk to you."

The man closed his eyes and remained silent.

"Do you think this is cool?"

Sang Wuyan had been talking to herself for a long time, but he didn't express his opinion at all. She couldn't help but feel unconvinced, "Hey - why don't you say something."

"I seem to have the right not to speak." Su Nianqin spoke leisurely, then closed her mouth and never said another word.

Su Nianqin was originally going to sit there and wait for her to leave first, and then call someone to pick her up. Unexpectedly, Sang Wuyan would just waste time with him.

Although it doesn't snow in City A in winter, it is still very cold to stay outdoors motionless for a long time.

The welfare home is not far from A University. Next to this street is the snack street at the north gate of A University. There are many students coming and going. Occasionally, young people of the opposite sex passing by will look back from a distance at Su Nianqin who is sitting here, and then at Sang Wuyan.

There were many couples on Valentine's Day evening, but they looked like lovers having a quarrel.

Sang Wuyan sat there and soon felt cold. She took off her gloves, raised her hands, blew out several balls of hot air, rubbed them vigorously, and looked at Su Nianqin. He was not wearing gloves, and his hands holding the cane had turned purple and blue due to the cold, but he still stubbornly did not move. Sang Wuyan could not help but frowned. She had no doubt that he would not give up even if he froze to death here.

"Aren't you cold?" she asked.

Su Nianqin said nothing and changed the cane to another hand. If you don't pay attention to the cane, you can hardly tell that he is a blind man when he sits like this. He is so handsome, with his head slightly raised, his expression arrogant, and a kind of indifference in his bones.

Sang Wuyan felt a little reluctant and took off her scarf hesitantly, wanting to wrap up his almost frozen hands before leaving. However, she was afraid that her kindness would be taken as an insult. What if he didn't appreciate it and threw the scarf on the ground and stomped his feet a few times, she would lose face.

While she was hesitating, she heard someone calling her, "Sang Wuyan!"

The enemies met on a narrow road, and the ones who came were Xu Qian and Wei Hao.

After Xu Qian called her, she pulled Wei Hao closer and looked at her condescendingly.

"You guys?" Wei Hao had never seen Su Nianqin next to him.

Sang Wuyan raised his chin, slipped his hand through the gap between Su Nianqin's arms, leaned over to hug him, and said in a pretentious manner, "Date."

Hearing this, Xu Qian looked at Su Nianqin.

Sang Wuyan smiled unwillingly. In fact, she was silently praying to Su Nianqin in her heart: Teacher Su, Lord Su, God Su, please be kind, even if you are a hero saving a beautiful girl, please don't expose me.

She held a faint hope, praying that this man had a sharp tongue but a soft heart, and had a bodhisattva's heart to save people from danger.

Just as three pairs of eyes were looking at Su Nianqin with their own thoughts, Su Nianqin gentlemanly pushed away Sang Wuyan's hand, increased the distance between them, and then slowly uttered words that were enough to send Sang Wuyan to hell on the spot.

"Miss Sang, please respect yourself."

After he finished speaking, he stood up, leaned on his cane, and walked slowly along the blind path. He was wearing a medium-length dark gray coat, which matched his slender and thin figure. His back was perfect. But at this moment, Sang Wuyan had no time to appreciate it. He just wanted to chop this intoxicating back into meat paste immediately.

After Su Nianqin disappeared around the corner, Xu Qian and Wei Hao retracted their gazes and looked at Sang Wuyan together. In Sang Wuyan's opinion, the couple looked like they were enjoying a good show. She was angry and annoyed, but pretended to be indifferent and said with a specious argument: "This person... must have lost his mind." Then she fled in the direction where Su Nianqin disappeared.


The couple must be laughing hysterically after seeing her joke.

She started running, holding the scarf in her hand. The cold evening wind bit her face painfully, and when it blew into her eyes, she felt her eye sockets begin to moisten.

She just wanted to save face.

After turning a corner, Sang Wuyan saw Su Nianqin in front of him. He was so angry that he shouted, "Su Nianqin!"

The man turned a deaf ear.

"Su Nianqin! Stop right there!"

The man continued walking forward at his own pace.

"Stop!" Sang Wuyan walked faster than him and grabbed his arm.

This series of actions made passers-by start to look at him sideways.

Because Sang Wuyan was tugging at her coat, Su Nianqin had no choice but to turn around. Her dark eyes were unfocused, and she said indifferently, "Please let go of your hand."

"I won't let go!"

Su Nianqin raised his arm, trying to force her to let go, but he was a man after all, so he didn't dare to use force.

"You can let me go, but you have to come back with me and explain it to them first."

"Didn't I just say the truth?" he asked coldly.

"You!" Sang Wuyan was at a loss for words and his face turned red, but he still didn't let go.

In the few years after Huang Xiaoyan's death, she went from junior high school to high school and then to college. Her personality gradually became more outgoing and cheerful. In addition, she was a good student and looked sweet. Although she was not the class belle, school belle, or a heartthrob, she had never met anyone of the opposite sex like Su Nianqin who always spoke ill of her.

Once her stubborn temper came up, she couldn't control it.

So, one of them was rude and the other was embarrassed, and it was inevitable that people would be curious to see a young couple arguing on the street on Valentine's Day. Some people slowed down their pace, and a person on the non-motorized lane actually got off his bicycle and stopped to look at them.

Sang Wuyan said angrily: "How can you be such a person?"

Su Nianqin asked back: "What kind of person am I?"

Sang Wuyan glanced at the people next to her. She knew what Su Nianqin was most afraid of. Just now, he dared to embarrass her, and now she would not let him off easily either.

After making up her mind, Sang Wuyan gritted her teeth, pouted her lips, and twisted her thigh with her other hand. She was in so much pain that she suddenly pretended to cry and said, "How can you be that kind of person? I have been with you for so many years, and I had a falling out with my family. I came here with you, all alone and helpless. Now I am pregnant with your child, why did you just leave like that to go on a date with that woman? I haven't had dinner yet, and the child and I are hungry. How can you be so cruel and go out and flirt with that wild woman?"

When she said this, the people watching nearby immediately changed their expressions to "see what's going on". Although Su Nianqin couldn't see it, he could clearly hear the whispering accusations.

"You have been good to me since childhood, but now you are with another woman. If it were anyone else, I could still tolerate it, but she happens to be my best friend. How could you lie to me like this?" Sang Wuyan was originally pretending to cry, but as she spoke, she didn't know why, she mistook Su Nianqin for Wei Hao, and she became really sad. She continued to pull Su Nianqin's clothes and squatted on the ground, crying sadly, and her fake crying turned into real crying.

People nearby kept shaking their heads in dismay, and the voices of accusation were getting louder and louder.

"He was still having affairs even though his wife was pregnant."

"You're so young, you really can't tell."

"It's hard for a man who looks like this not to be unfaithful."

"… "

"… "

There was also a middle-aged lady carrying a vegetable basket, who gritted her teeth and squeezed out a word towards Su Nianqin: "Scumbag!"

Su Nianqin's face turned even darker, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Sang Wuyan, get up quickly!"

"I don't!"

Su Nianqin's face was dark blue, but he didn't get angry. He took a deep breath and said, "You can do whatever you want. Can you please get up first?" He suppressed his anger and uttered these words one by one in a soft voice, almost hurting himself internally.

"Do you keep your word?" Sang Wuyan wiped away her tears.


When two fight, the brave one wins.

When brave men fight, the wisest prevail.

When wise men fight, the scoundrel wins...

The result of Su Nianqin's compromise was that the two of them found a nearby KFC to sit down and eat. At this moment, it was past the peak time for eating, but the lively atmosphere in the store was completely incompatible with Su Nianqin's image. He had never been to such a place before, and was a little uncomfortable. The cheerful but noisy music and the children's playful sounds squeezed into his ears, and he couldn't help but frowned.

"Wei Hao and I have known each other since we were in the womb." Sang Wuyan said as he took a big bite of the hamburger. He didn't care whether Su Nianqin across from him was in the mood to listen or not, and he talked about the relationship between the three of them.

Su Nianqin touched the watch on her left hand, feeling a little helpless.

"We were born in the same hospital and grew up in the same yard. He was only two months older than me, but I still called him brother. Where was Xu Qian at that time? But what right did she have to say that I was the third party? Why?" There was a mist in Sang Wuyan's eyes.

"Before, she was prettier and sweeter than me. Her grades were exactly the same as mine, but the teacher liked her. When I joined the student union, she wanted to join as well. When I joined the radio station, she joined the radio station. They said they were good friends and would stick with me through thick and thin. He and I were admitted to the same A university, and Xu Qian also applied to A university, but she was actually hiding her desire to date him from me. They treated me like a fool and kept it a secret from me."

Sang Wuyan swallowed the chicken in her mouth with big mouthfuls while wiping her tears with the tissue on the table, "Wei Hao likes her, I know he likes her. He was with me later, but I forced him to be with me." She took a breath and continued to sob, "They loved each other, and I broke them up before. I also know that. But I was angry and pretended that I knew nothing. I didn't allow them to be together and I had to break them up."

She looked pitiful, crying like a tearful child, and her spoiled and overbearing words made people feel that she was both hateful and lovable.

If this happened to an ordinary person, anyone who heard it would be in a dilemma.

Sang Wuyan and Wei Hao's father were classmates in their school days. After graduation, they were assigned to the same unit and lived in the same tube building. Sang Wuyan and Wei Hao grew up together until the second grade of elementary school.

Later, because his parents divorced, Wei Hao was awarded to his mother and moved to another place.

Children have short memories, so everything about Wei Hao left almost no seeds of remembrance in Sang Wuyan's memory.

In the blink of an eye, many years have passed.

Sang Wuyan and Xu Qian got to know each other in the second year of junior high school. In order to strengthen the learning atmosphere of the whole class, the head teacher arranged all the seats according to the final grades of the first semester. Xu Qian and Sang Wuyan were ranked third and fourth respectively, so they just happened to be deskmates. In the past, Sang Wuyan basically had no intersection with Xu Qian. Xu Qian was tall, white-skinned, beautiful, and proud. She was completely different from Sang Wuyan.

When two people sit at the same table, it is easy to tell who is taller and who is shorter. So after sitting together for half a month, Sang Wuyan and Xu Qian have almost no communication except for words like "The teacher is calling you" and "What's your math homework today?"

Sang Wuyan was okay in science, but very bad at history and music. Especially in music, not to mention the tadpole-like five-line musical notation, even if the simplified musical notation was placed in front of her, she would have to count on seven fingers to sort out the "Do Re Mi Fa So La Xi".

After several practices, Sang Wuyan learned his lesson. He marked "Do Re Mi" on the music score in the music book in advance and then sang according to the markings.

Unfortunately, the music class in the fall semester of the second year of junior high school had an oral test, and the teacher gave out the test sheet after drawing lots. Because there were many people in the class, the teacher conducted a random check. As a result, Sang Wuyan was unfortunately called, holding the music sheet, standing on the podium, his legs trembled a few times, and he hesitated for a long time before he could make a "duo" sound, and then he could no longer continue.

After a few seconds of silence, Sang Wuyan's face turned bright red. "Mr. Nan Guo" was finally showing his true colors.

At this moment, my deskmate Xu Qian suddenly raised her hand and said, "Teacher, Sang Wuyan's voice is hoarse and she can't speak. Let me sing for her."

Sang Wuyan turned around in surprise and saw Xu Qian winking at him quietly.

Xu Qian is usually the favorite student of all music teachers. Not long ago, she was the school's lead singer in the "December 9th" singing competition for primary and secondary schools in the city. Generally speaking, in front of the music teacher, Xu Qian's words are final.

"Then Sang Wuyan will take the exam next time." The music teacher nodded and motioned for her to sit down.

This was the initial stage of their friendship, and it was when Huang Xiaoyan passed away. The appearance of Xu Qian suddenly gave Sang Wuyan the oxygen that could save his life.

Sang Wuyan suddenly realized that the stories on TV about actresses with good grades and good looks who loved to bully their classmates were not entirely true.

However, Xu Qian's image really came alive in Sang Wuyan's mind one afternoon after school.

That day, the weather was very cold. As soon as Sang Wuyan got home, her mother asked her to go downstairs to buy soy sauce. Next to the clothing store downstairs was a rental bookstore. Because of her family education, at that time, in Sang Wuyan's young outlook on life, extracurricular reading only included two types - the Four Great Classics and foreign classics.