My One And Only Love

Chapter 102: The child's father (3)


So when the girls in her class were reading romance novels, she had secretly glanced at them and immediately felt ashamed. In addition, Sang's mother had always warned her that those books were not for children to read. Therefore, Sang Wuyan always felt that "rental bookstores" were almost equivalent to "banned bookstores."

Just as Sang Wuyan was walking leisurely past the rental bookstore with her hands in her pockets, she saw Xu Qian inside, standing in front of a row of romance novels, holding a book and reading it intently.

"Xu Qian?" Sang Wuyan called her.

Xu Qian raised her head from the study and the moment she saw Sang Wuyan, she couldn't hide her embarrassment.

An excellent student with small weaknesses is the real one, this is the truth that Sang Wuyan suddenly realized. From that day on, she and Xu Qian began to open their hearts to each other.

It turns out that Xu Qian's family background is not as glamorous as her clothes make it look. Xu's mother was an educated youth who went to the countryside. When she arrived in the countryside, she met Xu's father, who had been a widower for many years and had a son. Xu's mother's family were all intellectuals, but Xu's father's family had been farmers for generations, and he was an honest and rough man. However, under that situation, the two of them actually got married. Later, Xu Qian's family moved back to the city, and her mother worked as a worker in a textile factory. Many years later, Xu Qian was born.

I don't know if it was because she had placed her unfulfilled wishes on Xu Qian, but Xu's mother was very strict with Xu Qian, and she wanted her to do her best in everything. Now, Xu's mother has been laid off, and Xu's father is working as a bicycle repairman outside, and their income is not very rich. But she has always taken Xu Qian to learn piano, and even bought a piano.

When it came time to apply for high school entrance exam, Sang Wuyan finally witnessed the tyranny of Xu's mother.

At that time, the high school entrance exam in City B was not a unified exam, but was independently set by each high school. Candidates had to go to the school they wanted to take the exam for, and the best candidates were admitted. Of course, in order to be foolproof, parents would cast a wide net. Anyway, the exam times were staggered, so it was not wrong to have more opportunities, and at most they would lose some registration fees.

Father Sang had no requirements for his daughter's life, just peace and happiness, whether she went to a famous school or an ordinary school, as long as she had books to study and had food to eat, he never put pressure on his daughter. Although mother Sang was also strict, she could see the situation clearly, so Sang Wuyan also applied for all the schools she could apply for.

But Xu Qian is different. She doesn't expect anything else except to be admitted to No. 7 Middle School.

"What if it breaks?" Sang Wuyan asked.

"My mother said that if I can't go to No. 7 Middle School, I should go back to my hometown to farm, and my father's share of the land will be left to me." Xu Qian replied. Although Xu Qian's tone was very calm, Sang Wuyan saw the mist in her eyes for the first time.

At that moment, she felt that she seemed to be much luckier than Xu Qian. In the next two months, the two of them worked together to prepare for the high school entrance examination. When the results of the seventh middle school were announced in the summer vacation, everyone was happy and they became classmates again.

On the first day of school, we had to introduce ourselves for three consecutive classes. When it was the turn of a tall boy in the last row, he slowly stood up and said, "My name is Wei Hao, and I graduated from..."

When Sang Wuyan heard the name Wei Hao, he suddenly felt it sounded familiar.

After school, Wei Hao walked to Sang Wuyan's desk and said with a smile: "Sang Wuyan, why don't you recognize me?"

Sang Wuyan looked up at him from top to bottom and then from bottom to top twice before she dug out this person from her memory. It seemed that there was a person named Wei Hao who appeared in her childhood life.

He blinked again and seemed to remember something.

He was only two months older than her, and she called him "Little Brother Haozi". She loved to pull on his clothes and run around the mountains and fields.

He once took her to the fields outside the tube building to pick snails, then washed them, cracked the shells, sprinkled some salt on them and grilled them to eat. When Sang Wuyan returned home, she had diarrhea for three days.

During the first month of the year, he called on everyone to roast sausages, and then Sang Wuyan stole all of his father's manuscripts to use as firewood.

So many embarrassing things came to his mind, which made Sang Wuyan laugh all of a sudden. He showed his canine teeth and laughed, "It's you."

Childhood sweetheart and childhood sweetheart met.

During the three years of high school, Sang Wuyan led the pure friendship of one boy and two girls, and they all got admitted to University A. Until the night when they received the admission letter, Xu Qian asked Sang Wuyan to come to the table tennis table at school and said, "Wuyan, I have been hiding something from you."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm in love."

"Really?" Sang Wuyan jumped up in surprise, "Who is it?"

Xu Qian smiled sweetly, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I know?"

Xu Qian nodded.

"From our class?" Sang Wuyan guessed.


"Wang Hao? Li Huijie? Wu Xiaopeng..."

After guessing for a while, Xu Qian just shook her head.

"Who is it?" Sang Wuyan was anxious.

"It's Wei Hao." Xu Qian smiled.

When Sang Wuyan heard the name, his face froze.

In the end, Sang Wuyan didn't know how he got home. He only remembered that he smiled at Xu Qian and said, "That's good." Then he went back to his room and covered himself with the quilt, and he felt that something was wrong with him.

She held her breath at first, but then she felt uncomfortable, and in the end she sobbed and wet her pillow.

In her freshman year, she pretended not to know that they were in love. She relied on Wei Hao's love for her to be a light bulb in everything. She formulated a series of plans to "destroy Xu Wei". When she tried to get Cheng Yin to join, Cheng Yin shook her head and said, "Are you sick, Sang Wuyan?"

"You are the one who is sick."

"You are a woman whose heart is even darker than Snow White's evil stepmother."

"Bah, bah, bah. Cheng Yin, stop being a traitor and stand on the wrong side."

"How did I become a traitor? I am clearly the loyal mirror beside you, stepmother. I only tell the truth and never lie."

But when one day, Wei Hao finally left Xu Qian and returned to her because he wanted to accommodate her, Sang Wuyan realized that this was not what she wanted.

She began to avoid Xu Qian's disgusted gaze and Wei Hao out of guilt. It was not until she saw Wei Hao kissing Xu Qian in a drunken state that she felt relieved instead of jealous.

After telling Su Nianqin all these things, she realized that she was actually such a person.

During the first two days of the Lantern Festival, Sang Wuyan went to the station.

After the Chinese New Year, there were some personnel adjustments. Sang Wuyan was assigned to the News Department, together with a female intern, and studied under a journalist teacher named Jiang.

She used to be a broadcaster at Radio Station A, but was suddenly assigned to the news department as an editor. Writing was not her strong point, so she was very nervous.

Because she arrived earlier than the intern girl, Teacher Jiang asked her to help the girl familiarize herself with the environment and procedures.

The girl has big eyes and her nickname is Yuanyuan.

Sang Wuyan pointed to the three offices on the right and said, "This is the program editing room, computer room and conference room. The one at the back is the program production room."

Yuanyuan hurriedly wrote it down in a small notebook.

"Teacher Jiang said that she will send us a copy of the program schedule in a while so that we can understand the program schedule."

Yuanyuan nodded and wrote it down.

"You haven't applied for an employee meal card, right? I'll treat you to lunch at noon."

Yuanyuan continued to remember her words.

“Hey, stop writing.” Sang Wuyan smiled, “You’re not interviewing me.”

While having lunch, I met Director Wang from my previous music column.

Director Wang smiled and said, "Xiao Sang, are you used to working at the news department?"

Sang Wuyan smiled apologetically and said, "It's OK. Thank you Director Wang for your concern."

After Director Wang left, Wu Wei, who was doing the editing, came behind him. As soon as Wu Wei sat down with his meal tray, he heard Sang Wuyan call out sweetly, "Hello, Brother Wu."

Wu Wei almost spit out a mouthful of soup before swallowing it, goose bumps all over the floor. He looked up and saw Sang Wuyan's eyes narrowed into slits due to her smile, and he couldn't help but feel a little cold and said, "Just tell me what you want to say. Xiao Sang, don't be like that, it looks scary."

"They said you have a copy of the program where Sister Xi interviewed Yi Jin. Can you make one for me later?" This matter has always been on her mind.

"Hey, just this one? No problem, I'll give it to you after get off work." Wu Wei said.

"Thank you, I'll treat you to dinner next time."

After a while, Wu Wei said again: "Are you also a crazy fan of that thing?"

"Yes." Sang Wuyan admitted bluntly, but did not forget to protest, "What the hell, I have a name!"

"You are so familiar with Sister Xi, and you interned with her before, so just ask her directly." Wu Wei said.

"We are no match for each other. Since you have it, why should I bother Sister Xi?"

In fact, she didn't go to Nie Xi for two reasons: first, since Yi Jin was willing to accept her interview for the first time, she must be on the same side with Yi Jin. Moreover, Sang Wuyan showed great interest in Yi Jin last time, so it was inevitable that Nie Xi would be suspicious and alert the enemy; second, Nie Xi was a big star in the station. Although he was usually very kind, he always made people feel a little respectful.

Coming out of the cafeteria and about to say goodbye to Wu Wei, Yuanyuan, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly said, "Teacher Wu...," she hesitated for a long time before using this more polite title, "Can you help me make a copy too?" The girl, who was originally very well-behaved, actually had her eyes shining when she said this.

"Okay, you two can come together to get it after get off work." Wu Wei agreed readily.

Sang Wuyan glanced at Yuanyuan. Could it be that there is a love rival here as well

It was already late when she left the radio station, so she took a taxi back. When she got to the Second Ring Road intersection, there was a bit of a traffic jam, and the cars kept stopping and starting, which really tested her patience. The taxi driver changed several channels but there was nothing interesting, so he went back to looking for CDs.

Sang Wuyan said, "Master, can you help me put this disc down?" Then he took out the interview disc from his handbag.

The master said, "Okay. What music?" He then put it on and pressed play.

After the opening credits, Nie Xi's voice can be heard.

The master said: "I like this host very much. She has a good voice and is said to be very beautiful."

Sang Wuyan smiled but didn't answer. She was concentrating on waiting for another voice to appear. After a pause of one or two seconds, Yijin spoke.

Listening to the unsmooth conversation between Nie Xi and Yi Jin, the master said, "Girl, you are from the radio station, right? Otherwise, how could you have this thing? If you are from the radio station, you must know who Yi Jin is, right?"

Sang Wuyan said happily: "Master, you also know Yi Jin?"

"My daughter nags me every day, how can I not know?"

Just as I said this, the road began to clear and the car accelerated.

She listened to the disc, looked out the window, and took a deep breath. She was certain after just hearing the man say three or two words in the CD.

Su Nianqin is Yi Jin.

The next day was the weekend, and Sang Wuyan rarely slept until noon.

She took out the address book of the school for the deaf and mute from the drawer. There was a phone number on the bottom line, which she had secretly copied down from Principal Pei.

She hesitated for a moment and pressed the number for a long time without dialing it out.

"Why hesitate? Ask him to meet and tell him you want hush money." Cheng Yin said, "If this kind of gossip is sold to a magazine, I don't know how much it would be worth. Now he gives you hush money, we make money, and he can continue to be mysterious. Do you know what this is called?"

"What's your name?"

"Win-win!" Cheng Yin said with a fist full of fighting spirit.

“…” Sang Wuyan rolled his eyes at her.

Because there had been so many foreshadowings before, Sang Wuyan was not as surprised as she expected when she found out that Su Nianqin was Yi Jin. However, she always felt that there was a strange and subtle change in their relationship.

Besides Su Nianqin, he is also Yi Jin, such a big celebrity. As soon as the name "Yi Jin" appeared, the distance between the two of them became distant.

But that’s not entirely true.

She knew his secret, and in another sense, this secret seemed to have strengthened their relationship.

She rubbed her forehead irritably, gritted her teeth and pressed the OK button.

"Hello—" The phone rang twice, and his voice came from the receiver.

"Uh, I'm Sang Wuyan."

"What's the matter?"

"Are you Yi Jin?" Sang Wuyan said.

She asked this question directly in order to catch her opponent off guard and give her an opportunity to take advantage of him in his panic.

After two seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, he said, "If you have nothing else to say, I'll hang up."

Just like last time, he neither admitted nor denied it.

"You really are Yi Jin." She murmured again, with some emotion, but facing Su Nianqin's silence, Sang Wuyan began to rack her brains to think of a topic, "By the way, thank you for listening to me complain last time."

"You're welcome. Goodbye!" The man ended the conversation without further ado.

“Hello, hello, hello.” Sang Wuyan tried to stop him, but it was too late. He heard a beep and the other party hung up the phone.

Sang Wuyan had never expected this to happen. She looked at the screen and saw the call time: 17 seconds. He gave her 17 seconds.

This frustration was like she had prepared lines for the entire play, but after saying just two lines the director called out "cut" and asked her to leave the stage. When she thought of this, her courage was drained and she became depressed.

This round proves that even a rogue cannot do anything to others through the phone.